February 22, 2015
I have stopped writing this report for the moment due to ongoing SKNF attacks. I will likely complete this report sometime before the end of this year when the SKNF threat has been nullified in compliance with orders from the Regional Commander.
The SKNF contaminant in local psyops, US security services etc are playing Take-All-Sides-Tricks in collusion with the FoM and other SKNF elements. The number of attacks have made it impossible to continue.
These attacks have not only included fraudulent alterations to this report but also to the written documents, the ones I have now being fraudulently forged. These fraudulently forged insertions and alterations are being used by the SKNF contaminant in the security services, especially the very privileged but treacherous psyops as tools for organizing the SKNF, tools for UN based SKNF subterfuge and hence a tool for attempting to take hostages and commit atrocities.
Also the Regional Commander and the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces (USA) has ordered my safety and safe return to Malaysia. The SKNF contaminant within the security services, especially psyops have disobeyed and are now secretly trying to torture me and kill me. The current attacks being trying to starve me, to make sure I am unable to attend to my hygiene requirements, deprive me of sleep, wet me with eczema pathogen, inject me with pathogen, beat me etc etc. All this being done with collusion of not only SKNF in psyops but at the shelters, within the Police, military, UN, etc etc.
The SKNF contaminant in psyops are offering to save me only if I become a member of the SKNF and support the SKNF. I have said that I hope Family/Lords use my example the only example as to what must be done in the event that there is a malevolent evil that wishes to attack them.
1.The ongoing attacks have resulted in this report being used by the local and foreign SKNF as a means for their propaganda.
2.The local SKNF are using my compliance to the Regional Commander's orders to provide a complete, comprehensive, clear and precise report on the SKNF conspiracy as a SKNF means to attack the Regional Commander.
3.The local SKNF in collusion with the SKNF elements elsewhere especially with SKNF-NZ and the Fruit of Manukau (SKNF psyops Counties-Manukau, New Zealand Police)
-a.Use this report as a propaganda tool by modifying the report as well as forging copies of the originating document
-b.Have used it as a SKNF organization and information tool to advise their second class SKNF citizens
-c.As a support tool for the SKNF elements within the UN for whatever new SKNF lie-du-jour is being bandied about
-d.As a means of hiding their complicity in the SKNF and SKNF conspiracy and threat by saying that they are unable to prevent the attacks using this report as example
3.The SKNF in psyops are using it as a means to subtract from the Regional Commander's authority by implying that their HOD's commands to allow the failure to follow orders take precedence over that of their Regional Commander
4.The SKNF in psyops are using this report to give themselves excuse for not complying with their Regional Commanders.
5.The SKNF in psyops are using this report to give themselves credibility as to the lie that they cannot stop the SKNF.
We have won the information war in this conflict with the SKNF by doing precisely the opposite of what feeds the SKNF. By being loud and telling everyone they at least know what this conflict is about and whose fault it is. However this lesson appears to be unlearnable by not only those wealthy, whose very sovereignty is on the very edge of falling but also by those that are victims of atrocity. I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone. and the world has lost its mind if it even had one at the beginning. Around me are the scions of Satan as well as those that are on our side. They Romney/Keys/Judith closes all find this humorous and when there is no one there, they are seen laughing at with [alongside] the evil. The others look as if it were a small joke, they act as if we are not about to lose the planet, as if the atrocities are a thing of humor. Meanwhile the only thing the wealthy appear to do is respond to the very lies that will consume them as if they were being given a truth of gospel. Millions have died in agony and this the outcome. Even my brothers seem to buy into this mode of behavior. They call us sheep without seeing themselves. In 6 days we will find out where the script [[January 09, 2015-MC] SKNF propaganda insertion to raise morale by saying spreading of unauthorized money to destroy the worlds economy will be a successful attack. The SKNF have taken my 3rd notebook, a lined paper pad and have used the secret service's amazing reproduction technologies to indistinguishably forge my notes] will take us. It looks like the SKNF will win. All their planning points towards this outcome. If we came through this, those responsible may pay penance..
-I think this note is a combination of notes, possibly from after the Mexican Standoff as well as some possible SKNF fraudulent insertions. -The note has been twisted somewhat. -I had written my frustration over the fact that it appeared that nothing was being done about the SKNF threat, especially by those most at risk and those who have already suffered under an SKNF atrocity.
When the people were being cut into pieces by the band-saw [buzz-saw], one could feel their bodies vibrate as the saw cut into them. Some were cut through their mouths; You could feel the saw go through your body knowing it and then it get to your brain and you die. They were lucky. Some were cut as small piece at a time, starting with their limbs. To increase the pain the SKNF slowed the saw down but it got stuck. They would laugh at this. At the school it was much the same. But to hear that many children crying and pleading for their dads, their moms or just crying for help. At one point they tried to ask us for help but we could only tell them that no help would come. Some realized that this tragedy was related to what they all had been hearing and had heard, to not go to school on that day. They knew they were to die. Some even told their parents not to come. Meanwhile the SKNF, seeking victims, kept telling the parents to go to that school [ The SKNF have mixed up what I had written about the school before the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre [SKNF have falsified date on Wiki. Date of massacre was before or during June 2012.] and that written about the atrocities in Perth. This only happened in Perth. I believe it was the FoM and possibly the psyops in Perth that told the parents to pick their kids up from the school. Those parents that went were tortured. I saw one woman who had her lower jaw, her chin, dismembered from her head with a band-saw. She tried to say "help us", this sentence made almost impossible. The SKNF psychosis evident in this "joke", it also being a sleight at my surname, Chin.]. When the child or adult is being tortured, the SKNF will attack their minds, feeding off their fear and pain. Telling them what is to happen to them, or some new class of serial killer torture, increasing their pain. While this was happening in the US, the SKNF heads [Nut-Lords] in NZ (Serial Killer John, Admiral Serial Killer etc) had become locked in their mine-field based homes. The SKNF were then ordered to get people, especially the young, as human minefield clearing devices. It is fortunate that they were prepared to run. The SKNF in NZ made a show of protecting the civilians there but I consider it luck that more people did not die. Like World War 2 the SKNF are made of the the top brass of the police and the military [SKNF dual duplicity trick whereas if I say that the SKNF inserted this then they would say it means that the SKNF have not contaminated the top brass as well. I may not have written this but may have written that the SKNF have contaminated the police and the military.]. The torture goes on for at least a day or more. When the physical ripping ends the victims are sometimes left to die of hunger. If they are lucky someone will execute them. The child whose head was squashed in the vice at that school [before the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre [SKNF have falsified date on Wiki. Date of massacre was before or during June 2012.]], her head began to deform and the pressure began to force her eyeballs out of their eye sockets. She was left this way for a while [I believe this was the child who a serial killing pervert had asked whether she was alright and the child answered in a toddler voice that she was. This is the way the SKNF like their laughs especially, as it appears to be an SKNF thesis on psychology, if they think it will bring some kind of mental rejection and horror to an observer.]. They would also use the air-gun(?) attached to the dentists instruments to blow on the wounds that they made in the children's faces, teeth etc to increase the child's pain. The bonds holding their mouths open were made so tight that the child would begin choking. But that would be only the beginning of their torture and agony. The SKNF seeks common tools to perform their atrocities as it fits into their insanity as the source of greatest horror. They love to see themselves cutting off the toes and gingers, noses and ears of children. They love using axes to chop off limbs and heads. The only time I thought this appropriate was when the SKNF were blown up by mines and sunk off Marsden Point. The SKNF are filled with the truly think and violent. Of the SKNF-USA that murdered the children of that school [before the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre [SKNF have falsified date on Wiki. Date of massacre was before or during June 2012.]], one of them was a tall bald pated man who seems to work in the usual SKNF [I think I wrote Police detective] of black slacks and white shirt. He has well trimmed hair, probably around mid-fifties, Caucasian. Hair appears to be dark but not black. The others I saw are young, in late 20's to 30's. May have had at least 1 female. All were dressed in US style police clothes with bullet proof jackets and automatic rifles, boots. All Caucasian. [I saw this broadcasted on television. May have just been a representation]. The older one [Probably SKNF dual duplicity. Ones describes above likely also SKNF. The one I saw was a dark haired medium to well built Caucasian, approximately 40, medium length hair, had usual inane serial killing pervert smile] took pleasure in torturing this young dark haired girl. He asked her if everything was OK in a nice voice. She answered in that little girl voice that it was. Then he led her to his torture chamber which was the dentist's room. He [intentionally so as to bring a serial killing pervert's sense of drama to a serial killing] passed the computer video camera, holding her right hand in his left, with a mad smile on his face. She looked frightened and was holding onto a doll in her right arm. He did this for my benefit. So I would know the torture that would befall her. In the evening after the SKNF had satiated themselves they began throwing grenades into the rooms where the children were held hostage [the children were held hostage in their classrooms, all of them bound with their hands behind their backs by cable ties and some of them bound mouth open with cable tie.]. So many died, so many were stunned. They then used incendiaries to burn the school down. Some of their victims were still alive. Some of the older kids managed to lock the classroom door of their prison. However the SKNF broke this down and I believe threw a few out the windows [The Police had formed a cordon around this school to allow the serial killing perverts to serial kill without interruption. They must have seen what was going on. I believe the victim's parents also knew what was going on, this based on my own observation.]. In all this time the Police were aware and provided a protection to the SKNF. The scene at the SKNF's heads [Nut-Lords] homes had been no different. This was where this serial killer feeding had begun culminating in the school event and a little later the final victims on the kidnapped school buses. [The SKNF have twisted my notes to confuse the dates. Most of this evil takes place in the serial killing at the school before the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre [SKNF have falsified date on Wiki. Date of massacre was before or during June 2012.]. This school is probably in the Mid-West somewhere. The taking of the school bus(es) refers to the school massacre after the Mexican Standoff. I had initially thought that the school may have not suffered by now believe that the school had also suffered atrocity. This school seemed to be in a town peopled by Caucasians as well as those of Mexican ancestry.]. About 2 days prior to the school atrocity, the SKNF-USA had battled with SKNF-NZ team in the Mexican Standoff. It is strange but the predominant characteristic of the older SKNF is a balding pated Caucasian with insanity. SKNF-NZ consisted of such a crew [Also SKNF dual duplicity. The older SKNF-NZ seem to suffer from balding pates, probably due to their huge cocaine consumption. Many varieties in younger ones ]. The usual slightly brown haired balding pated Caucasian (50's-60's) with white shirt, black slacks, leading a youngish (20-30's) crew of serial killers. All of those were killed in the ensuing battle. So were the heads of SKNF-USA [Nut-Lord01] that called SKNF-NZ. These heads appeared to be 1.Female: This, dark greying hair, American style good looking, thin faced, slightly brown skinned as if tanned, 60's-70's. 2.Male: American style good looking, slightly brown skinned, dark hair, trim rectangular faced, greying strands of hair on head, full head of hair. Both shot in the head as if SKNF-NZ could not have them (for their access to advanced tech), then neither could SKNF-USA. One will be sure that all the SKNF-Heads [Nut-Lords] are now as good as dead since their lieutenants have taken over, in Australia, in US and NZ and probably elsewhere. After the death of the SKNF-Heads [Nut-Lord01], the SKNF lieutenants began gorging themselves on their primary pleasure. It began with one of the staff at the ranch of one of the SKNF heads [Nut-Lords], now under the control of the serial killer monsters.
-I think this note is a combination of notes from before, during and after the Mexican Standoff as well as some possible SKNF fraudulent insertions. -The note has been twisted somewhat. -I had noted down my observations after obtaining my notebook-3 as I had run out of pages in notebook-2. The fact that these notes are found in notebook-2 in this report is probably indicative of the SKNF subterfuge and their fraudulent forging of my notebooks. This "catching up" appears to go on for 16 pages in notebook-3 but I remind the reader that all my notebooks are probably SKNF forgeries, at least notebook-1 and notebook-2 are. The reader may note that I am attempting to address the fraudulent insertions "on the spot". I will do so unless the changes are too tangled which I will then say and just write a note in the annotation describing what I think the original notes refer to.
The Mexican/Hispanic maid had wanted to take the garbage out as was tasked daily. SKNF computer psyops pushed the thought into her mind of running [I think it was the FoM that did this]. Actually they had no chance of running. The surrounding mine-field had been activated. This started the usual cascade of mental torture and the inevitable lead-up to atrocity. Serial killers want you to think it is your fault. They feed off their power, your fear and their hatred [I think I meant their psychotic need for evil]. She kept apologizing and yet they insisted she was beginning to escape. They then took her into the house and began dismembering her while she still lived, starting with her fingers. They use the computer camera to record their atrocities. One reason is so that their banks of nuts in their computer room can focus and project the atrocity. They of course projected it to the maid's children and family. Her young son suffered seeing the torture of his mother. As we all do, we sob. It fulfills that madness that feeds the minds of the SKNF for some reason. The staff were then rounded up and put into a room somewhere in the house. One of them must have thought about pretending not to have heard or was actually asleep in a room adjoining some kind of workshop. A large bald pated [I believe that he actually had a full head of hair of medium length. He was a tall, well built man and carried a knife that is on an internet search called a Khukuri], this he held hidden behind him in his right hand], serial killer nut40's-50's, Caucasian, dark haired, dressed in one of those new police uniforms, military cut, booted, with flak jacket went to his room. He had that mad smile on his face. One could almost imagine a comic book cross eyed look on his face as well. The long haired man in the bed got up and got a brick saying "don't come near me or I will use it [the brick]". The nutter began to approach him. In his right hand he carried a large curved knife -a military style knife perhaps, curving black blade, slightly hidden behind his back. The sleeper must have put down the brick and was taken by the nutter. He was then murdered and his head cut off, through the jaw, using a buzz saw. Now the feasting really began. The sleepers head was brought into the house and placed on the table for all the staff to see. I think it was then that they knew they were going to die. Each horror led to a new idea of another. If it wasn't the band saw, it would be the axe. Who could chop a limb or head off with one swing
was the game. Usually the miss or the axe would be blunt and partially cut off or cut and dismember. For a while their favorite would be to tie a victim to a post , wrap a chain around the victim's neck , then drive off with the chain connected to a car. One can feel the chain tightening around the neck and then the head being ripped off the body. Each victim was felled with a terror. One victim was an African-American male between 40's-early 50, balding pate. May have had a moustache. Another victim who was sawn bit by bit using the buzz saw opened his eyes to allow observers to at least see his murderer's face. His murderer wore a US Police dark blue uniform, flak jacket, boots, Caucasian, in his 40's-50's. May be balding pated [I believe that he actually had a full head of hair of medium length. He was a tall, well built man and carried a knife that is on an internet search called a Khukuri] nutter who killed sleeping victim. The SKNF then thought that the horrors they were perpetrating not sufficient. They decided to look for families and children especially. We tried to warn the surrounding neighbors and people. We told them not to send their children to school but they went shopping and it was business as usual [SKNF trying to confuse the dates of each serial killing event. The time I warned people not to send their children to school refers to the school before the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. SKNF have falsified date on Wiki. Date of massacre was before or during June 2012.]. The SKNF then began visiting the neighbors. One was a family that were doing some building work on their farm. They saw a car arrive and Police uniform individual emerge from the car. They had ignored our warning. They were all butchered with their parents last so that they could watch the horrors and the SKNF could feed. A young female, blond/brown haired child was forced to stand under a mechanical pile driver. The SKNF got off on using this new instrument of their torture. She was about 4-5 years old. As all young children this age do, she was extremely compliant, frightened, not understanding, possibly thinking if she did what the violence wanted, it would go away. They applied the weight, it crushed her skull, her right leg sprung forward, rigid, her left hand bent and she fell. Skull crushed but not completely. The SKNF then began to apply it to the others. If they were too tall it would be applied to their limbs. As any surviving parent will tell you, your knees fold and you begin to cry uncontrollably. This is what it must have been like for those parents. After this family, the SKNF wanted more children. They searched through the computer system and found that school nearby [SKNF trying to confuse the dates of each serial killing event. The time I warned people not to send their children to school refers to the school before the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. SKNF have falsified date on Wiki. Date of massacre was before or during June 2012.]. The horror of the school began after. The SKNF ordlets
[Nut-Lords] own cities and towns. If your city or town has suffered an atrocity then it is usually a fact that it is owned by the SKNF. These cells occur together and equally so, there will be surrounding areas controlled by the SKNF. One of these cities is Denver, Colorado, USA [May be or may be not. I had made this assumption based on my observations elsewhere namely Manukau and Perth]. I have attempted to obtain the name of other places but the robots fall to the command of their insane SKNF masters, regardless of the atrocities. What is wrong with them? Throughout these document I must remember to write descriptions of the SKNF wherever I can. I believe as things are I may have the only public document of the atrocity. A SKNF young lieutenant (a light - called by others a dork) that came forward once when I first discovered telepathy. Curly dark hair, muscular, Caucasian, handsome faced, nothing remarkable, full of hate [I think I described one of the FoM who had walked past me at Avenue K and strutted down the elevator, all the while speaking through his nose. Probable reason why the FoM continue to do so approximately 10 years after this incident. I think its ironic that the FoM, a constant bane throughout these 10 years, had sunk the SKNF fleet. There is karma after all!]. Another strange thing with the SKNF is how they group into age characteristics. The young males (20's-30's -> Early 40's perhaps), the ones I have seen, have curly hair, let their hair grow out a bit, are trendy, only talk about drugs and fucking. Nothing in head; all reliant on access to their advance technology as a crutch to their small-dick-syndrome ego. Older ones (50-60's) have had years to cover their small-dick-syndrome egos with another "mask-of-respectability". Usual Serial Killer John attitude of "wets", them being wolves, others sheep. All hiding a profound insanity. This leaks out in their all knowing smile, have odd sense of needing to win some kind of imaginary competition or battle of wills, for examples as now, as I consider the word meaning that they feel they are better then everybody else, they are strong, they do the unthinkable thus making themselves more knowing, aware, important, wolf among sheep etc, they prevent me from remembering this word via telepathy. For me it is like delving on the inside of a serial killer mind. There is no truth to the myth of the genius serial killer eg Hannibal the Cannibal. They are extremely thick. They would want you to believe otherwise and they will use all the usual tools to make you comply with this belief, long winded ignorant research papers to yelling loudly. And yet here is the empirical evidence. They could not foresee the Mexican Standoff and the inherent instability of their plan and control. Their young ones would cross a mine-field by foot or check out a mine-field by walking across one as they are told to obey all orders (this quickly came to an end as they began to be blown up). One wonders how their plan C will be affected considering the older ones are going to be using their younger ones for cannon-fodder in a war to gain wealth out of destruction. They impress the ignorant only and only orbit serial killer, all need for power, and someone to constantly suck their dick, proverbially and literally. The serial killer orgy slowed down and ground to a halt temporarily after the attack on the school [third school to be attacked. Likely to be in an area populated by both Caucasian and people of Mexican/Hispanic ancestry.]. There were still some hostages on the school buses, who after the school atrocity, were tortured slowly and then forced to run across the minefields. Usually this means that their young legs get blown off and they suffer and die from hunger over the following weeks as they are left to lie broken upon the field. No one comes to help. The pain increases exponentially after the initial shock. The SKNF then retreated to their respective positions. Their powers unabated, their access to the computer network that they had used in their attempt to destroy the world still there, their access to their stolen money via illegal "bank fees", access to their counterfeiting engine [actually turns out to be unauthorized money ie money printed in Government mint but not authorized by the rightful authorities], access to their drug trade engine, control over the legal system via their system of corrupt officials and serial killers in the machinery of Government still there, their transference of their ex-heads wealth to their lieutenants occurring, the building of their apocalypse machine in Australia still being built, their plans to take over Australia & NZ still in development and action, their plan to take over the administration of USA [I think I meant Executive], the Presidency, still about to come to fruition, Serial killer Paul Ryan to be the actual President, the plan to channel funds to the destruction of the world, full ahead.
The people in front of me know this truth but continue to feed the SKNF with secrecy, probably making a show of putting up a defense, finger crossing. In a few days we will know for sure. The SKNF's mind, if not reliving or experiencing a serial killing, being the "wolf" to a "wet", is about orbiting that which is perverse. In order that I am led to a place they control, they continue to entice me with seemingly beautiful women, empty headed drug empowered wannabes, with a tendency to self importance. If that does not work, they will attempt to make me feel shame or embarrassment. They have records on everyone, and in group they can make one perceive any emotion. Understanding this one just needs to let that sense go. One does not need friends that feed off these feelings if the source of ones embarrassment is continued by the same. Likewise the embarrassment if felt by oneself is an illusion of self and unreal. After the school atrocity the SKNF thought it hilarious to send a homeless woman carrying a child's arm, the stump hidden in her sweater sleeve so as to look like an extension of her own arm and her hand, pass me. This occurred as I was walking along 5th Street or thereabouts [This being the school before the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. SKNF have falsified date on Wiki. Date of massacre was before or during June 2012. Think about it! They obtained this arm, had it sent to San Francisco, kept it over-night, then had a homeless woman stick it in her jersey and walk pass me]. A constant prior to this temporary hiatus was the sounds of Satan, the replaying of the screams and tears of the victims. The SKNF play these like a new porn movie, when becoming weary of it a new series of serial killings and recording then occur. We hear these telepathically. The SKNF have this thing about telling us how high in the hierarchy they are. They look at you then crane their necks upwards. if only it were a rope around them. Hang them high! Paul Ryan, Republican nominee for Vice President, sent his brother to 5th St I think it was anyway. His brother has blond hair (may be dyed), triangular face, slight build, early 20's or younger perhaps. That night I hear this close serial killer order my family and myself, including my brothers and their family and children to be delivered to him to be tortured and murdered. Serial killers do not understand our feeling as to themselves or their cravings. To them their behavior is not only what they expect of their friends but to be enjoyed by everybody else. His little discussion with his father would seem as if they were discussing their next barbeque. My forebodings come not only from the empirical evidence of that which I see before me, but also from the finding of Insano and Super Secret Serial Killer. Insano brought what could only be described as surprise on the looks of those people that are supposedly in some kind of discussion - but likely a subterfuge, SSSK having personal access to the wealthy on our side. It is as if they are in a daze and the only advice they take is from those that wish to torture and kill them. The SKNF are wholly xenophobic. I began to first observe this when Serial Killer John went to a Police station in probably Otahuhu and finding a Polynesian employee there started eyeing him and behaving in that racist way that makes itself known. His penchant to call Asian countries a toilet and of course his private slaughterhouse known as Counties-Manukau. When I first arrived in the US, Admiral or General Serial Killer insinuated telepathically that a Maori person whose face was shown to me was in charge of the army.; a symptom that helped define his culpability in the crimes against humanity occurring in NZ and worldwide. One cannot help but notice the distinct racial uniformity in the SKNF of the USA, Australia, England & NZ. A trick to guide attention away from this is to hire subservient thugs from other races at times. There is much anger in the Maori and other Polynesian communities. It is no wonder. I have seen children with prosthetic noses whose nose the serial killer nut force has dismembered. They rape children, infants. I would know. I have seen my daughter's rape. They create an army of child slaves by terror and by feeding them with electronic games. Children that then become their drug couriers and agents of their cannon-fodder army. People they often turn around to serial kill. They brainwash them by telling them there is no law, no right, only them. My son was to be one of these child slaves. The SKNF puppets such as Romney share a common behavior. Their cause is personal wealth at the cost of the destruction of people, their countries and even themselves. It is doubtful if the SKNF have any need of non-technical such as politicians and lawyers. Speaking of lawyers, Fat-Fuck, also a serial killer, represented the SKNF cause in the USA when Serial Killer John brought it against Harrahs. A case that went to the US Supreme Court and which was won again and again by us] I think this could not be because the first Supreme Court case was won in approximately November-December 2012. At the US Supreme Court they had to expand the presiding judges past 7 due to the number of Serial Killer Judges May or may not be true. Attorney Fat-Fuck is a balding pated male between 50-60 years old, about 5' 10" tall (1.75 m), oblong head, shiny pate, recall a turd rolled by a dung beetle, gleaming. Dark eyebrows. I first saw him as I was heading back to 525, 5th St and he walked past with someone else and snapped his fingers at me as if to say we are too big to fall [I think I said as if to say that they would win easily]. Children are also attacked psychically by the SKNF. I have seen this numerous times with children and infants of other families as well as my own.
-I think this note is a combination of notes, possibly from before, during and after the Mexican Standoff as well as some possible SKNF fraudulent insertions. -This note appears mostly original but for some SKNF twisting and propaganda. -I had written a summary of what had gone on before hand when I obtained the notepad for my third notebook. This notepad has travelled with me for approximately 2 years now and is looking worse for wear. The front cover has fallen off, the pad is bent in two, there are water stains. However this is not the original notebook-3 but an almost indistinguishable forgery made by some very competent specialists using some very specialized equipment. This puts the lie that the requirement that some countries have in using hand-written documents ensures document originality.
<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Section 4.00 Circumstances of my involvement has now become invisible <<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Section 3.00 Problems and other particulars in compiling report has also now become invisible <<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Section 2.00. Report Structure has become invisible 5 minutes after complaining that Section 3 had become invisible <<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. 1.00. SKNF Conspiracy Summary - San Francisco, California, USA has become invisible 5 minutes after complaining that Section 3 had become invisible 28/10/2012
Various notes on politicians in US.
-I was looking at USA politicians to see if I could find a simple way to identify those in the SKNF. The idea was to see if I could find a consistent set of events or behavior that would point to someone being a serial killing pervert eg Manukau's extremely high rate of crime is probably indicative of the Lord of Manukau, Serial Killer and his family being a bunch of serial killing perverts. I could not find anything.
Jan 8, 2011. Attempted assassination of House of Representatives (Congress) representative Gabrielle Gifford in Tucson, Arizon, D-AR-08, Arizona, Tucson. Gunmen opened fire, killed 6, wounded 14 others. -H.RES 32: Bill presented by Rep Boehner, John A. -Jesse Kelly, opponent 2 years prior, former Marine Sargeant. ->Candidate SKNF wanted [This was an assumption and may be true or false]; AZ sounds dangerous.
-I discovered this fact when I was doing research into the SKNF contaminant within US political structures. Congressperson Gifford was shot by SKNF-USA.
Other politician names
-More research on US politicians to see if I could identify SKNF.
Various notes on politicians in US to see if could identify SKNF.
President Barrack Obama has won re-election. My faith in the wealthy is restored. I hope this means the start of the end of the SKNF. Paul Ryan 'strangely' [to be expected] won his congressional seat back, unusual considering he was running for VP.
-This note is a combination of notes, from after the Mexican Standoff as well as after the second term re-election of Barack Obama. -Paul Ryan is a member of the SKNF.
I write these notes as record of events dealing with the insanity that is the SKNF. I must remember to document this for posterity. The SKNF, probably at their ex-heads estates, had used and electric arc welder on some of their victims. This sends a pulsing electric shock through the body. The SKNF judges the rest of humanity as fools. Those that are not serial killers are deemed "wets", "weak", to be exploited. They consider themselves geniuses and like a sick parody of James Bond use all kinds of instrumental techniques and sentimentalities to manipulate their audience. These include the greying of their male puppet politician's side burns (one can imagine their committee of serial killer public relations people telling each other it makes us think them reliable eg John Keys, Mitt Romney), to sentimentalist bullshit about loving their children and bouncing them off their knees [The SKNF-USA's political campaign had lots of cynical baby kissing and other manipulative techniques. What is being observed is the serial killer mentality where the serial killing pervert considers itself a god-like intelligence compared to any other. Fortunately for us as it turns out.] at their epiphanies and moments of inspired thought. This coming form monsters that have been known to "plane" people using electric planes and rip limbs off children. Never believe a serial killer.
-This note is a combination of notes, from after the Mexican Standoff as well as probably before the second term re-election of Barack Obama. I am not going to unravel this note but will leave it as is. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Guest @ bed 329, MSC, person who put bed bugs in my clothes caught trying to take my jacket and riffle through my pockets at behest of SKNF nut squad. Made complaint to director/supervisor approx. 5:40 am
I am unsure of the date and think this is a combination of notes. I was attacked on many occasions. One common attack was for someone at the MSC to put parasitic insects in my clothes. Another was to put poisons on my skin. A young Chinese man, about mid 20's-early 30's, clean shaven most of the time, rectangular forehead but almost pyramidal shape of head, a SKNF agent would have the bed beside me, this the SKNF used as a threat. I would be attacked whenever he had a bed beside mine at the MSC. However the attacks could have come from anyone, these attacks normally occurring when I would be asleep. I would complain using the stated complaints procedure but the MSC would never do anything. I was to learn that the reason was because the MSC and all other shelters are actually SKNF controlled and SKNF weapons against the rightful lords and Family. -I am unsure about the veracity of the stated date of attack a the SKNF have replaced my notes with a forged notebook. Also I did not note every single time I was attacked as I would have run out of notebook paper. Likewise, I did not note every attack the SKNF did as their attacks were repetitive and I would have run out of notebook paper as well.
The psychological-operations-computer team (psyops) of the special (or branch, secret service etc) operations groups, what is commonly referred to a "black" teams ("men-in-black" etc) are usually a branch of the functionaries hired by our rulers. In this day they sit within, usually, specially constructed booths with at least a number of computers and at times a full sense-surround audio and visual equipment. Our rulers are the top 1/500000 th (<= .005%) of the hierarchy based on wealth and the world economy, wealth measured fundamentally by its basis in knowledge applications [My meaning is that wealth, amongst many things, is created by application of knowlege] and, as it was in the past, ownership or real property ie land. These psyops teams are usually used for telepathic spying and information gathering, as well as telepathic influencing and even at times "black-magic" ie sympathetic influence on other people by projecting ones own feelings, emotions, bodily reactions etc ie the other person feels what you feel. The SKNF are all serial killers in their clock-work like predictability express the psyops operations in an anti-form, perversion of the usual psyops operations. Where there is usually limitations in behavior towards the good and decent people and the meek (the children) ie they do not appear to harm them the SKNF makes this the cornerstone and foundation of their mentality and behavior [SKNF puerile humor]. They relish this and actively seek such people and feed their psychopathy with millions under thrall. I started observing their behaviors in a more detached way and have noticed that when this truth is presented to them , their minds will immediately reject it with a compensating reaction (belief) eg where their behavior is show to be pathological in comparison to their peers they will compensate with the thought that everybody elese is weaker than they are and a fantasy of themselves being some kind of super-soldier. (this coming from a group that are known to search mine-fields for mines by walking across it) or worse yet, their delusions or grandeur and superiority in battle where their victims tend to be the defenseless and the young. One can only imagine how this pathological mindset began. Probably in a family where violence to others and if not physically, to self, is one of the psychological foundations. One where every concept is seen as a lie, a wholly negative perspective on meaning and form of external information internalized. What they have rendered down from all of history, society and life is that it is about how many girls can suck their dicks. All their behavior is to put this into effect with the resultant loss of intellectual capacity [turns out to be a good thing]. Insanity. This mode of thinking appears to be from the top all the way to bottom of this seriously sick and depraved group. The more this is exhibited the greater ones chances of advancement within the group. Obviously for such a group to weild the power it does is a danger to all of humanity. The world's power structure as it is today is inherently unstable. The SKNF show us a proof of this and a counterpoint to our ruler's seeming belief in the current structure's stability. However history has proven innumerably that this belief is not only groundless but a danger to themselves, their sovereignty and their continuing endurance a the actual hierarchs (recent history) eg the creation of the United States of America, the fall of the United Kingdom as super-power, Rome and all other empires before hand. I believe that the source of this is their lack of respect for life and the source of this blinkering is actually the education system that they themselves created. They, like all of us, are susceptible to seeing the many, sometimes accidental, mistruths of their experiences as reality and truth ie being only a sum of their experiences as opposed to a multiplication of it, and not delving deeper into the reality therein. As usual this tends to result from not taking time out of the flow of life. In my life this was accidental but fruitful. It would appear that the insanity of the serial killer and its perseverance [persistence. The perseverance word refers to my family friends the Severe's whom the SKNF hate for being good people.] in the hierarchy (small %) is due to not experiencing anything that limits this behavior. The proportion of serial killers in the hierarchy are like "monster makers". It creates new sets of serial killers like themselves by empowering those like themselves eg SKNF Counties Manukau [FoM]and Serial Killer John. I believe we are seeing the original sin in its perverse form, that which caused the loss of the indigenous people of Australia, New Zealand and the Americas. A meme that has passed its time of extinction considering the fact that our tools can now destroy planets. Let us evolve. I think it is necessary to include in the education of the hierarchs a more balanced view of history [I think I actually said in all of our education ie the education system] then the usual preponderance on the military perspective, as well as showing the dangers of surrounding oneself with dangerous people. It is good that hold society and civilization together and hence continues the wealth.
-During the Mexican Standoff the SKNF even prepared to attack the Royal Family of Great Britain.
-Two female SKNF assassins attempted to take my life with camera gun. They made it appear that they were on a photo-shoot at Union Square. Both were in the 40's -middle to late, brown dark hair, tanned skin, Italian looking, buttocks showing same middle age spread, heavy makeup. Hair long enough to put into pony tails.
I am unsure of the date of this note and think this is a combination of notes. I was attacked on many occasions, a common one being the camera gun, the mobile phone gun, the shoe gun, the laser beam etc etc. I was saved on all occasions by electronic counter-measures. SKNF's most successful attack was when they had me living on the streets, their chemical laxative attacks and when they threw a skin virus on me. -This main parts of this note come from a time when there appeared to be no response to the SKNF threat and before the Mexican Standoff.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report
Further notes:
David Bainof Dunedin, NZ, incarcerated for murder of his family. Over a decade taken from his life, his family tortured and murdered as all families that the SKNF, in their insanity, are subjected to. David Bain's family were used as hostages by the SKNF as the SKNF thought to use the school children as hostages. One can understand this point of view only from that of the SKNF's side. [SKNF fraudulent insertions to try and use the sympathy sucking escape trick to escape their certain fate. As of January 12, 2015, even though they know they cannot win, the SKNF continues to commit atrocity, attempts to hold hostages and shows no sign of remorse, contrition of any kind whatsoever. They can prevent the horror occurring in Perth but do not do so and instead even attack the victims telepathically.]. They are mad.
Heidi Paakonen and her boyfriend Urban Hoglin were tortured and murdered by the SKNF in NZ. Heidi had spurned advances by one of the SKNF's nutjobs after he had used and endless horde of drugs to lure her into having sex with him. This occurred in Coromandel, NZ. The SKNF then went to the batch she and her boyfriend were living at, later that night, tortured and then murdered Urban and, after tarting Heidi up by making her put on garish makeup, took her to a batch owned by one of her rapists and gang raped her over the course of a few days. After raping her they murdered her and cremated her - that is why her body cannot be found. David Tamahaere was blamed for the atrocity and incarcerated for over a decade. David Tamahaere is innocent. The batch where Heidi Paakonen was raped is a single story building with sliding French doors/windows [Actually I meant sliding glass doors. I do not know what French doors are to be honest.], surrounded by flowers, possibly a bush whose leaves turn red and are flower like (?) and wooden [front] door. The nuclear bomb that Serial Killer John tried to detonate was placed at this batch.
Mr. Lee: Mr Lee is an aged gentleman of Chinese, possibly South East Asian Chinese origin. He has a triangular and thin face as well as being rather skinny [All SKNF puerile humor considering the atrocity done on Mr. Lee's family]. Speaks poor English. Mr. Lee's grandchildren, children and their family were tortured by the SKNF in Mr. Lee's home country. I saw picture of the grandchildren. It appeared that the atrocity performed on one of them was to have their fingers dismembered and a large fire-cracker forced into hos mouth where it subsequently exploded. The force of the explosion punctured the cheek of the child [SKNF puerile humor - by child they mean me], blowing the teeth inwards towards the opposite side of the mouth and leaving a large hole in the left side of the child's face. The child struggled to close his mouth [more SKNF puerile serial killing pervert humor] but the all powerful monstrous SKNF forced it open and stuck the explosive device in the child's left cheek. Try to do this yourself, sans the cracker [more serial killing pervert humor] and see how painful it is. The second child also suffered the same dismemberment as well as having his nose cut off and possibly being blinded. Mr. Lee while being harassed telepathically by the SKNF indicated the hell he and his family went through. All the children including the parents were on their knees, kowtowing to the SKNF monsters and begging for their lives. They were apologizing and saying "sorry" in the South East Asian way. "Sorry ahhh, Sorry ahhh, Sorry ahhh...", bowing and placing forehead on floor, child's voices doing the same in unison, begging for their lives, apologizing for no reason but to appease these motherfuckers. This had been going on for hours. Whatever fed the serial killer mentality that drives the SKNF being the next atrocity. The begging bringing their feelings of power, their monstrosities to even higher levels of perversity and sense of pleasure. The SKNF are one of many loose networks of groups and operated by the wealthiest people in the world, the top 1/1000 (.1%) of the world's population in terms of wealth and money. Of this lot the SKNF are born of their serial killer masters and reflect the worse of humanity [I said the SKNF is financed by very wealthy people but I did not say that all the wealthy are SKNF. SKNF propaganda and lie here. I also said that the SKNF are a loosely knit group.]. Their masters, after the Mexican Standoff are dead families whose family trees are now as good as finished, if it is not already so. However as these ex-lieutenants have transferred their ex-heads wealth to themselves, the monster maker still continues. Their power over the poor and mostly those that live within broken laws that feed their lives (those that live on the fringe, perform actions that are against these laws written by the wealthy for one reason or another) [SKNF making me look anti-wealthy again] is that the SKNF can incarcerate anyone, torture them when in these institutions and get away with it. Their own may be tried and sentenced, enter into these institutions one second but leave through the back door almost immediately. I saw such a person on the plane I was leaving Wellington and escaping to Australia and then the USA. He was a Police Officer that had been tried in Auckland for supposedly selling drugs. He had brown hair, appeared to be in late 30's, early 40's and a goatee. Don't believe anything the media provides you [Shows my inexperience as I saw the evidence of this man's sentencing on NZ television news not knowing how television tends to narrate a ton of bullshit probably all the time]. Mentality of SKNF: They urge each other on. Each atrocity that a sub-group does is recorded, played back, transmitted etc and the next atrocity by another sub-group repeats the actions as if to say to each other how great they are and how each do not have the usual resistance to atrocity as the "sheep" [Actually I think I wrote that the serial killing perverts try to outdo each other.].
I am unsure of the date and think this is a combination of notes as well as SKNF fraudulent insertions. Most of it may have been written slightly before or after the Mexican Standoff.
-Heidi Paakonen and Urban Hoglin are probably not the real names of these SKNF victims. The giveaway is the name Paakonen alluding to father and cone, as in Marijuana - a common SKNF excuse for their serial killing and atrocities, and Hoglin as in pig as in slang for police. The SKNF had driven up to the batch where Heidi and Urban were living very late at night. It was a clear night. They took them by car, tortured Urban before hand and had Heidi put on garish makeup where she was then made to wait by a wood-fire in the open. Some people then saw her and seemed surprised she wore makeup. It was the SKNF-NZ's attempt to destroy her emotionally by making her look like a "cheap whore", the serial killing pervert mind going psychotic after being snubbed. NZers have a thing about blonde women from Europe and guess this goes for the NZ serial killing pervert. Fortunately NZers also have a thing about "punching above our weight" and hence, in a moment of psychotic attention seeking, SKNF-NZ sunk the SKNF fleet. SKNF-NZ then took Heidi to one of their holiday homes and raped her repeatedly there over the course of a few days. Then then forced her to take a poison, either by cigarette or tablets, that killed her. Her body was then cremated. Heidi and Urban had been stalked by the serial killing perverts in Auckland-Manukau region psyops (Coromandel within the Counties-Manukau region), when they had first arrived in NZ. They were stalked continually and SKNF-NZ had finally decided to make their sexual moves on her during the New Year's celebrations that are normally held at the pub in Coromandel. The serial killing perverts went to the pub in group, isolated her and Urban and then started partying them with loads of drugs, including cocaine and Marijuana. They then isolated Heidi from Urban during the night and had tried to seduce her and to kiss her. She said no so the SKNF serial killing pervert grabbed her forcefully, this was when she made a scene and pushed the serial killing pervert away. Many people saw them and know what the serial killing perverts look like. Heidi and Urban then left the pub, returning to the batch that they had been loaned.
-David Bain's family suffered atrocity before they were murdered. It is probable that they murdered the youngest and probable that they raped at least one of the female members of his family. The SKNF lie was probably that this atrocity being a narcotic trade related crime against humanity. In reality, and as a survivor of such an atrocity, and on many occasions, there is no reason except that something clicks over in the serial killing pervert mind, that insanity, that psychosis. They had even burned down the Bain's home after David was incarcerated. They had forced David Bain to play the Queen song "Who wants to live forever" during the Bain family funeral, all this because of that particular serial killing pervert humor and because it made David Bain appear mad to those who attended the funeral.
Trial By Ambush, Joe Karam
Note on book about David Bain.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report: January 13, 2015 10:00am
Have contacted Bridget. Need to get out of San Francisco. SKNF issue has gone quiet but they are still threatening me with street people carrying (presumably) needles infected with HIV. Furthermore they appear to be trying to herd me into performing underworld activities such as selling their drugs, using illegal credit cards etc. I intend to resist them. The insanity that they can do as they wish as long as there is even the most insubstantial evidence of illegality seems endemic in all cultures [Serial killing pervert puerile humor as well as trying to use their sympathy sucking escape trick again.]. Does it not occur to the other wealth that this feeds the SKNF? Intend to get phone number for MSC to Bridget. Not sure if I will survive. No help is forthcoming as usual. The culture appears to be one predisposed to forcing people like me into their form of slavery. The cost to myself and kids is great [Serial killing pervert puerile humor as well as trying to use their sympathy sucking escape trick again.].
Note: Heidi Paakonen: Apparently she was observed slapping her serial killing murderer on the night she was abducted.
Note: Events after last entry in blog. At last entry I was incarcerated in KL Hospital psych unit at the orders of Serial Killer John. His intention was to drive me to the streets of Kuala Lumpur thereby feeding the serial killer nut in him.
-This note is a combination of notes, from after the Mexican Standoff as well as some SKNF fraudulent insertions. I am not going to unravel this note but will leave it as is as it is too tangled and twisted. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -I had contacted my Bridget who is my sister-in-law intended to ask for help but it appeared that she was still taking orders from psyops who when I spoke to her seemed SKNF. I had asked, Allejandro?, one of the staff at the MSC if he could help me call overseas or if he could allow me to use his phone to call the overseas operator. He appeared to try but in retrospect he was in a collusive trick with the SKNF to make it impossible for me to contact one of my family by phone. He later started performing a SKNF act with the intention of subterfuge to say that I was the source of identifying the SKNF by their actions and hence lords were wrong in their response to the SKNF's attack on them-the SKNF will use any lie as long as it buys them time as well as "getting-off" by trying to frustrate their opponents. This SKNF serial killing pervert behavior is repeated by many of the staff at the MSC. Last night, January 12, 2015, Richard the serial killer, a bespectacled male Caucasian staff member, thin build, approximately 60's-70's years of age, oval faced, attempted to throw me out of the MSC. A pack of serial killing perverts in Police uniform threatened to arrest me along 6th Street a night previous to that. The SKNF are becoming more erratic as they see their end approaching. They have yet to show any sign of remorse or reconciliation but are actually doing the precise opposite and are trying to do more atrocities and serial killings even though they know they have no chance of winning. They have their sounds of Satan playing in the background when they think no one else is looking. Sometimes its a new victim being tortured by electricity, oftentimes that have a child being tortured and its pain being transmitted to a child at the library where I write this, at present their most common one is the sounds from someone being crucified by being nailed to a wooden cross. One should see the psychotic happiness on the elderly, mid-aged adult and young SKNF at St. Anthony's, at the MSC and at the library when watching me for signs of disgust during one of these SKNF telepathic sound atrocity shows. Furthermore they seem insistent on trying to use the sympathy sucking trick on me for having reported some of their activities in this report with the intention of preventing me from reporting as everyone that knows or have information regarding the SKNF conspiracy have been ordered to do. -The SKNF contaminant within psyops had begun to be more aggressive and not hide themselves after the Mexican Standoff and when I was told, and repeated what I was told, that even psyops are SKNF contaminated. They threatened me with HIV and then made good on that threat on numerous occasions, even up till today, January 13,2015. I was saved by the non-SKNF secret service and advanced weapons people who had killed the HIV virus the SKNF had injected me with.
MSC South, 525 5th Street, San Francisco CA94107 415 597 7960
Note of MSC South's address and phone number
Amnesty International 350 Sansome St, San Francisco CA94104 415 288 1800
I went to Amnesty International in SF. This may have been the wrong address as the SKNF contaminant in the secret service were getting their psychotic fix by making me feel frustrated about being unable to leave SF. Anyway this turned out to be fruitless. The staff I met were aggressive and about as useful as an anal polyp.
From my last entry in my blog: I wrote that my family was OK and I believe that this last entry mentioned that this was all a book. A final thought that proved its worth in protecting myself from Serial Killer John. In retrospect Serial Killer John was attempting to herd me back to New Zealand so that he could perform his face stomping exercise on me. I finally left Malaysia in about September-October 2011 [SKNF have obviously read my section 4 of this report and had correspondingly changed my notebook for some unknown reason. I think they are trying to get one of those psychotic fixes they get when frustrating someone] and ended up staying with my brother Nick and his family. They were about to leave on holiday to Europe and after much discussion had allowed me to stay over the period he was away at his home in Karori, Wellington. I became aware only later that Serial Killer John had told Nick to allow this to happen. Serial Killer John's story, which appeared to me to be the accepted one was that I had lost my mind and was probably delving into the drug business in Msia. Nick appeared to believe much of this however this is hard to tell as there is custom with people today, especially ones that have telepathy, to be untruthful as to their actual thought. I believe that they are unaware of a group to read minds [SKNF subterfuge here. I think I wrote that people with telepathy hide what they are actually thinking. I am pretty sure everybody knew that it is possible to read minds.]
-This note is a combination of notes, from after the Mexican Standoff as well as some SKNF fraudulent insertions. I am not going to unravel this note but will leave it as is as it is too tangled and twisted. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -I had written a summary of what had happened to me since my last entry in my blog related the Malaysia-NZ investigation of Serial Killer's terrorist activities (as I was led to believe what I was experiencing was).
Almost all, if not all, of these atrocities have been recorded in some database. What has not been recorded are the concurrent telepathic attacks [The SKNF also attack their victims telepathically so they suffer greater pain] and the ongoing perversities like that inflicted on me and my family.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The SKNF attacks on their victims to harm them in everyway possible. The telepathic attacks are to make their victims suffer the inflicted pain, to have their victims be terrorized, have the victim's family see the victims suffering atrocity, have random children suffer the victim's pain and anything else the SKNF can think off that allows the SKNF vermin to have a psychotic ejaculatory climax of serial killing pervertness
I found a position with Printstop, a business owned by Lawrence Evans, where I worked as their company accountant. The prior accountant having taken maternity leave. My co-workers in the accounts department included a man called Ragu. It was only later that I discovered that Ragu was part of the legal case against the SKNF [I am not sure if I had thought up the word SKNF at this time. I think I wrote something else indicating that I thought Ragu was part of the case against Serial Killer]. He appeared to be a representative of possibly Malaysia. At first things went the usual way. My work would go well and my quality began to show. Nick of course would question me whether I could do the job at all [I discovered that this was Serial Killer's representatives talking through Nick]. As it was shown that what had been said about me had as much substance as that of David Bain and David Tamahaere, Serial Killer John then began to exert himself. First in small measures. It starts out, with clock-work like precision with a traducement of my character. They will say that you are a criminal of some kind, tell your employer that you can't be trusted. In group, with Serial Killer John, this took the character of a (telepathic method to make it difficult to write this and think of appropriate words at this point) trustworthy, older gentleman of wealth.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff as well as some SKNF fraudulent insertions. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
They tell me that the number of atrocities perpetrated by the SKNF globally is in the millions of people.
This note is from before the Mexican Standoff.
It later became known to me that Lawrence had actually been aware of me and Ragu. He let us stay on [SKNF vermin attempt at some kind of trickery or lie, however I am not sure what they are heading to]. One cannot express ones gratitude and my feelings for the Evan's family. Obviously one of the good guys and ones that think. The attack then began at that point. Lawrence's family were threatened with rape, atrocity and murder. And yet he persisted [SKNF vermin attempt at humor]. The SKNF then began attacking the staff telepathically. When this did not work the SKNF started sending members of their death squads around to the office. They would send their nuts to bodily take me under the excuse that I was some kind of drug addict. Note how this excuse is readily accepted-something wrong with current society [SKNF vermin attempt at humor and trying to damage my reputation]. At one point a man and a woman were sent. The man carried a little zip case that I was under the impression held a syringe with an immobilizing compound. The argument, all telepathic, was that this was for a drug test. They left me to decide whether I would take this "drug test".
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff as well as some SKNF fraudulent insertions. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report
Case of young girl horse riding, Manawatu? region NZ. Kirsa Jensen, raped, tortured, murdered by SKNF.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -Kirsa JensenWiki. -Kirsa Jensen Google search. SKNF serial killing perverts raped her as serial killing perverts do.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report: Have stuck in invisible HTML tags to yellow and italic all parts of report
The SKNF needs, for whatever reasons, some form of deniability to their insanity. I chose to say no [to the "drug test"] as to me the legal battle [I had thought it was a Msia-NZ investigation into Serial Killer's terrorism] had everything to do with the SKNF's crimes in Malaysia. I was later to learn that these crimes included using their electronics to take money from ATM machines, and other attacks on the banking system, counterfeiting [as well as producing unauthorized money], atrocities, property theft and practically every other major and minor imaginable. It appeared that if I had allowed the SKNF to inject me, I would have been taken away by them, put into another van with two large Maori goons and taken up to Counties Manukau for Serial Killer John's execution of myself [Serial Killer's favorite attack is to have them walk before them (the other serial killing perverts), whack their victim on the back of the neck and then proceed to stomp on them. One survivor said he wished he had died as he suffers continual pain from having every bone in his body fractured]. As it was, Serial Killer John did not manage to complete his lie, the Government nuts left and the staff applauded as I reentered the building. The next day Ngaire, one of my co-workers was taken away by another suited Government death squad member and had to be saved by Lawrence and Steve, his partner. The whole company were now in fear for their lives.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff as well as some SKNF fraudulent insertions. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report: Have stuck in invisible HTML tags to yellow and italic all parts of report
SKNF and serial killer mentality. Trying to cauterize my mind chemically or physically because they can't stand the fact that I know how to use my brain. SDS [Small Dick Syndrome]
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report: Have stuck in invisible HTML tags to yellow and italic all parts of report
The electronics began to be attacked [at Printstop]. Ragu was offered a bribe which consisted of a credit card with unlimited credit. A Faustian contract for once one has bought into the SKNF one is not only threatened with ones life but subject to their terror permanently
[Obviously from my more unaware days. The SKNF are all vermin and serial killing perverts. Don't let their sympathetic sucking tricks fool you.]. Things were becoming so dangerous that I made the decision to leave NZ and run with the idea that the further one is from the locus of terror the less likely Serial Killer John would be able to get one [SKNF attempt to make it seem SKNF-NZ is the SKNF in entirety to escape their eventual demise and also create reason to hold NZ hostage and commit atrocity. They had tried to use the UN for this purpose, John Keys the serial killing pervert Prime Minister of NZ, and whoever the Prime Minister of Australia was at that time, had signed a document for the UN to send troops to both these countries with the excuse of quelling the SKNF but with the real reason being to hold both these countries hostage with a bunch of serial killing perverts and commit atrocities as they are continuing to do in Perth.]. I was not aware of the greater context Serial Killer John existed in, a wealth owner/ruler within a loose network of other serial killer nuts owner/rulers with a coup ready set of lieutenants. I bought a plane ticket for Los Angeles, all that I could afford at the greatest distance from Serial Killer John. My intention was to meet up with my friend Patcharamon Aeksarun-WongYuen and have my brother David wire me money so I could stay with him in England. I resigned, received my final cheque on Friday, paid for my ticket, packed my backpacks and was ready to leave that Friday night.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -I had written a note on what had happened prior to my arrival in SF. My recording habits I developed sometime in Malaysia. Tended to be a good way to remember things. Unfortunately the SKNF have forged them.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report: Have stuck in invisible HTML tags to yellow and italic all parts of report
SKNF and serial killer insantiy. Infecting Xia, Joanna and myself with viral diseases because they can't stand the fact I have cured these diseases and know the cures to internal viral infections. The SKNF are smarmy fuckwit know nothings with Small Dick Syndrome.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Obviously touched a raw serial killer nerve. After writing the below yesterday had my cigars stolen from my pocket as I was sleeping. Like clockwork.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report: Have stuck in invisible HTML tags to yellow and italic all parts of report
At about 12am Saturday morning there was a knock on the door at the flat I was living at. A blonde woman with a number of young Police officers entered the home, arrested me for no reason, made a show of frisking me outside and then took me to Wellington Central Police station. My bags were left at Jeans (owner of the flat I was at). I was taken to an interrogation room and left there for a number of hours. Later on someone, a young Police psychologist called Alistair, came in an interviewed me. It appeared that he had sufficient integrity to not charge me as ordered by Serial Killer John. The SKNF the got an another, older, psychologist, who appeared to be a pawn, and to likely have made a Faustian contract with the SKNF. No matter what I said, I was to be prosecuted. They then called my brother Nick in as the tool of their plans. They provided him a type-written document, supposedly written by Nick, extolling the bullshit that Nick thought I had lost my mind for the reason that I was disturbed and fixated by serial killers. I was then charged by this bent psychiatrist/psychologist under the Mental Health Act in NZ for a 5 day stay for observation. Under the Mental Health Act (NZ) the complainant eg Nick, actually has to hand write the charging complaint. It was written and sent by SKNF-Counties-Manukau [FoM] and Nick, thinking he was saving his family, acted stupidly as their tool and signed the document, also acting as their mouth-piece, the tool of persecution. It provides humor to the SKNF to do this. If feeds their insanity. I told Nick and the psychologist/psychiatrist I was writing a fictional new form of blog book and I had not only not performed a crime but was being detained for illegal reasons. One of the SKNF nuts loudly proclaimed, like the Gestapo that this was "his job" [I could almost hear the nasal serial killing pervert twang]. I can now emphasize with the Jews and victims of the Holocaust. I was then bundled into a Police car and driven North. It would end up at a psych unit in Porirua, just North of Wellington, but at the time I thought it would be my last, a painful death by being stomped on by Serial Killer John.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -I had written a note on what had happened prior to my arrival in SF. My recording habits I developed sometime in Malaysia. It's a good way to remember things. Unfortunately the SKNF have forged them. -Don't be fooled by the Alistair-as-good-guy, bad-psychologist-and-the-poor-old-Police-just-doing-their- job-trick. In retrospect, it may or may not have been that Alistair was the only good guy there. I believe that the whole thing was an attempt to torture and kill me but hide the SKNF contaminant within a show of loyalty, but loyalty that is stressed by a strong opponent, to the Lord of Wellington. The security services have protocols and rules that determines the correct actions, rules that they failed to obey. The hospital also the same. They are not allowed to be part of a terrorist network, nor take part in a serial killing. The laws are very specific about this.-The idea of hand writing document may have been a good one in the past but it is now not so, all one has to do is look at my forged notes and notebook and compare them to my original notes and notebook. I cannot find any telltale signs that can mechanically tell me if my notes are a forgery, the forgery being that good. The only thing that makes it clear that my notes have been forged is the fact that the sequence of events are out of order as well as the SKNF leaving telltale clues. It could be possible for them to be even more careful and make the forgery almost undetectable.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report: Have stuck in invisible HTML tags to yellow and italic all parts of report
Must be some kind of high level adjudication going on. SKNF doing the usual bullshit about their activities being about information of free energy & space machines being released (as well as doing the telepathic mind shifting thing so we seem to believe it). Fact that this is retained as valid shows how deep the SKNF cancer is.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
I recall looking out the [Police] car window [on the way to Porirua] and thinking there being no moon to look at for the last time. Only a single and small star. I was interned at this psych ward for 4-5 days. During this time, each day, an ambulance or van would be there, with the staff being ordered to put me on it to take me up to Counties Manukau. Each day the orders being more strident. I was poisoned a number of times via cigarette and then provided the antidote. It appeared that Serial Killer John and the SKNF had sufficient opposition to prevent my murder through atrocity. At one point, the poison given to be was insufficient as the poisoner was caught between obeying orders from Serial Killer John and those helping me [Actually this was a SKNF-Malaysia subterfuge to maintain the cover and pretense that they were still obedient to the rightful lords]. This made Serial Killer John rabid. I was not provided an antidote straight away in this case, however the hospital had been monitoring me telepathically and attempted to create one after they had taken a blood test. It was not successful. I was however given the antidote a day after [I think I wrote soon after -maybe an hour or so after]. During my incarceration I was taken to a safe house near Johnsonville. Here Bridget, Nick's wife, brought me my back packs. I attempted to warn her and tell her to get away from Wellington. As said I was unaware of the greater context in which Serial Killer John and the SKNF were now operating in ie their planned annihilation of the human species for their takeover of power [SKNF weak attempt at insinuating the Lord of Wellington is SKNF. What I did do was warn her about Serial Killer and told her to beware of them]. During my first/second night at the psych ward in Porirua, Nick's home was attacked. They threw something through the bay windows at the front of the house, breaking them. The SKNF [FoM actually] turned off all of the power to the house and in mass attacked the kids and Nick and his family [SKNF puerile attempt to imply Nick is secret service and hence is the SKNF are allow to commit crimes against humanity as they wish. "Kids in serial killing pervert parlance is the subordinate, sometimes paramilitary or gang members that are owned by a SKNF serial killing pervert in the security services, mostly psyops/Police.], sitting on them as they call it, screaming at them and putting them in fear. They were so distraught that they wondered around with bent backs, fearful of even talking to each other, let alone their friends. Their minds were pushed and threatened with atrocity in any attempt they made to find solace from each other. They even got Francis to be one of their mouth-piece tools in the psych ward, the threat being that she would also be incarcerated. Francis and Miria are children [SKNF attempt to say that Francis and Miria are secret service or are owned and therefore the SKNF are allowed to perform their atrocities on them. ].
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report: January 14,2015, 1334
Other people who are acting on behalf of the 'good' guys being attacked telepathically currently with being leaned on. I think the good guys have to change their methods and support their people more. Difficult to have one support them when one may have a bullet put through one, or attacked economically. Shows how bad cancer of SKNF became [SKNF sympathy sucking escape trick attempt].
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -I recall writing something like this but now attribute it more to my naivety than truth. I had later on discovered that most of the people that were apparently being sat on and attacked by the SKNF are actually SKNF themselves. This SKNF uses this trick to win trust which they then use as a weapon. One way they used this was to try and use SKNF-diplonuts as a tool to hold hostages and commit atrocities.
This report has been ordered by the highest command there is in the USA. However the SKNF contaminant within the security services have this subterfuge going whereas they have terrorist such as Bestus Lieutenant, the FoM and so on that act as if complaining about this report, the SKNF contaminant in psyops then allows this report to be damaged while pretending they cannot do anything about it. The good news is that the SKNF seems to be getting a hefty dose of psychotic euphoria from what they believe will make me frustrated and angry, meanwhile openly showing the SKNF vermin within the security services. They would not have dared done this before the highest command had ordered the arrest of the SKNF. All indications are that the SKNF are becoming more erratic and psychotic. I have seen this before. They are looking to commit more atrocities before they depart.
By letting control of drugs fall to the SKNF and hence underworld activities has weakened wealth substantially. [This SKNF insertion comes from a newly forged notebook, I believe replacing the one I had yesterday January 15, 2015, which was also a fraudulent forgery. Family appear to be working towards resolving the SKNF threat. The SKNF let it leak that the lords are also looking at the national budget which is due about this time for many countries. The SKNF now wish to say that Family are taking over the underworld as if the SKNF conspiracy is some kind of underworld war, a lie that they have constantly wheeled out and to which the rest of the SKNF have tried to give credibility to, another of many attacks the SKNF are trying. One notes that there the SKNF shows no remorse regardless of the fact that they cannot win. The horrors in Perth continue unabated even though the security services can stop it anytime they choose. The FoM in lead for the SKNF, who are sitting behind, trying to suck whatever it is that they get from their psychotic evil, have got their victims sitting on me while they are being tortured. In the background they say to me why don't you tell everyone what you are witnessing, tank of SKNF serial killing pervert insanity in its need for a refill of horror they believe I will feed them with. I believe what I wrote was that the lords had let the SKNF create a slave army by not attending to the mechanisms that create this slave army]. Proof that SKNF has strength from cannon-fodder army enslaved permanently by being born on a lower socio-economic rung [Shows my inexperience. The truth is that there is a world of poor that are not serial killing perverts and have backed the rightful people. I say again, don't fall for the SKNF's sympathy sucking escape trick]. What is expected has turned out to be what is.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -I recall writing something like this but now attribute it more to my naivety than truth. However it is true that the lord must do everything to prevent another rise of the SKNF, this includes destroying the mechanisms of slavery.
All prior observed actions by the SKNF had proven to me that they are monsters. At this time I was not aware of their torture and murder of children, only of their telepathic attacks and the rape and kidnapping of my own children [I think this is a SKNF threat that they would torture more children as well as a SKNF deniable duplicity that the people they torture are secret-service hence are allowed to be tortured. It is actually a peek into the SKNF's psychosis]. I had to tell Nick and his family to help each other telepathically and ignore the SKNF's mental threats. This helped them somewhat. The school Francis and Miria attended must have tried to help them (Samuel Marsden Collegiate as the SKNF sent their death squad to the Rectors home late at night, riffled through it [The word riffled here tells me that this note comes from the latest fraudulent forgery of my notebooks, I believe the SKNF had done this last night - January 14,2015. I did not write riffled in my original notes, the only times I had used this word being when I was writing this report], threatened him and his family. Samuel Marsden Collegiate is a private, top level school run by the Church. I am exceedingly grateful to those Wellingtonians that helped save my life. That lady with the oxygen tank in the wheel-chair and whoever else they represent [I am a little wiser and not so trusting 2 years down the track from writing this. It may or may not be that this lady is a good person. If she is, I am grateful, if not, then otherwise]. On the 5th day I was released from the psych unit in Porirua. The doctors there retained their integrity, reported my normal and finally had an American born doctor release me. Americans are usually protected by their state or so I thought at the time [ Again I am a little wiser and not so trusting 2 years down the track from writing this. It may or may not be that they are good people. If they are, I am grateful, if not, then otherwise]. I managed to have my aeroplane ticket replaced in Johnsonville, bussed to the airport and stayed overnight, boarded my plane to Sydney, Australia and then Los Angeles. All through those last days in New Zealand, Serial Killer John was ordering staff to put me on a plane to Auckland, even forcing one of the aircraft at Wellington airport to sit late on the tarmac for hours. A person representing those that saved me allowing me to board the plane even though the electronic systems were denying my leaving [Basically all the alarms and buttons were set off in anyway possible so that the airport staff would disallow my boarding the aircraft.]. In flight to Australia the pilot was ordered to Auckland. Fortunately Serial Killer John was ignored. The serial killer mentality is an assortment of vile prejudices. Prior to my leaving Wellington it was suggested I run to Australia, or a less developed country, even China (to work with impoverished children etc) [The SKNF played little snippets of open country Australia and China on Jean's, the flat owner's, television set]. In Australia I saw a number of SKNF goons. I picked up the "Trial By Ambush" book by Joe Karam and read this on the way to Australia [I bought this book at Wellington Airport before leaving]. The description of the Bain atrocities, and the obvious electronic amendments to Joe Karam's book pointed directly to the SKNF and Serial Killer John's involvement [The puerile SKNF humor stemming from their psychotic personalities is like a thumbprint]. David Bain and likewise David Tamahaere have been persecuted for the crimes perpetrated by the SKNF. Not only did David Bain have to watch his family tortured and killed in front of him, but he spent 12 years in jail for it. It is clear to me what the sequence of events were. I have seen enough of the SKNF's behavior to piece it together. The Bain family were held hostage by Serial Killer John and the SKNF [I am unsure if I said it was Serial Killer John. I am pretty sure I said it was the SKNF-NZ or whatever term I had used for SKNF-NZ at the time of writing this part of the note]. Terror their only weapon as it is a reflection of their need to feed their serial killer insanity. The first to be tortured was David Bain's youngest sister. As she was deemed to be the prettiest one, she was shot in the face. She was likely dismembered [I think I also wrote she was likely raped]. All were on their knees. All silent and in great fear. The terror went on for hours. It could be one or both of his sisters were raped. Penetrated with objects fulfilling the SKNF perversities [SKNF psychos getting off on their puerile humor]. His younger brother probably next as he tried to fight back. They had adult men beat up and strangle a young teenaged child. Then his eldest sister, then his mother and finally his father was tortured and murdered. I told David I believed him on the flight out of New Zealand.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Threats against my life and herding me towards underworld comes everyday now. SKNF entirely predictable. If we win there is much to do to repair the situation and put barriers against this risk. Will the wealthy listen [SKNF sympathy sucking escape trick again].
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Unsubstantiated fictions by SKNF of reasons and excuses [SKNF sympathy sucking escape trick again. I think I wrote something along the lines of the SKNF are bullshitting again...] eg Their attempt to destroy 90% of the world because free energy and space technologies eg Everyone against them is a criminal hence SKNF should be allowed to kill eg They have not compromised and infiltrated wealthy (rulers) structure eg...
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
One can imagine [SKNF sympathy sucking escape trick again] how the SKNF force their thought and inclinations as the only truth. They get together in meta-mind, think through the possibilities, convince themselves of their fictions, then do the same to others. They have also compromised the judiciary so they get a hearing.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
The attack on my brother Nick's home was planned to be a Bain family style atrocity, with myself in place of David Bain. The story the Police were to tell was that Nick's mad brother Michael, so enraged by his elder brother's complicity in Michael's incarceration, came back and murdered Nick's family. Nick's family never suffered this planned atrocity as after I left NZ and even before, the Wellington Police protected them from it. At one point the street was filled with white Police cars holding off the SKNF [Yet the Police even in Wellington refused to arrest the SKNF. I believe that they were trying to maintain their cover at the time and did not wish to show the extent of the SKNF infection within the Wellington Police force.]. The SKNF torched the Bain home to hide the evidence. Their usual modus operandi. Having Nick persecute me is an evil that dwells in the SKNF mindset. It is humorous to them. Nick in trying to save his family performed the original sin, if not willingly, almost without prompting [SKNF taking a swing back at my family. For some reason the SKNF mentality, with respect to anything related to love, is a show of psychotic machismo and baboon like chest thumping, even the females. However the fact that they are a bunch of serial killing perverts speaks volumes about their families and their own psychological development. Take for example their need to pump out their egos with atrocity, to gain a sense of power from having people on their knees.]
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Culture of SKNF: Competitive between military based and Police based varieties with patronization by military based felt the strongest by Police based. A Police based tends to have more money, used (b4 Mexican Standoff) to be felt as insubstantiated by Police based. However after Mexican Standoff have Police based somewhat diminished. Current heads of SKNF-NZ more military based to chagrin of Counties Manukau SKNF [FoM].
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -This note has been made totally incoherent by SKNF. I think I wrote that the SKNF have Police based and military based serial killing perverts and that they are in competition with each other. I think I also wrote that the Police based ones may be a little diminished after the Mexican Standoff but I am unsure why I said it.
It is hard to feel betrayed yet as one looks of this retrospectively, in the context of one's emphasis on loving one's family before all else is exemplified [SKNF puerile incoherence]. Nick almost lost his own family in atrocity. He would have fallen to his knees in the deepest despair. I doubt I would have followed his example [In doing as the nut-force had asked Nick to do. I did try to appease them while in Malaysia and learnt then that they are really only interested in their psychotic needs for evil]. One must bring ones own experience and become a multiplication of it instead of being a mere sum of it. On arriving in Los Angeles I was again harassed by the SKNF, with them feeding the lie that I am some kind of drug courier to the local Intelligencia there [I think the SKNF added this and took it out of my current notebook (not the notebook this note came out of)]. They attempted to take my life there by involving street gangs and diverted my telephone calls to my brother David to get him to send me some money [I asked to be taken to the local YMCA in Los Angeles but was taken to Venice Beach instead. The SKNF then played it that I was in Venice Beach because of the Marijuana, saying this really loudly and having people some ganja around me. They then tried to make me use up my money at the hostel I was living at]. I left Los Angeles 3 days after and went to San Francisco after attempting to find a shelter in LA [Another SKNF lie. I left the hostel at Venice Beach and started looking for a church. My intention was to get advice from them on places I could stay, I was also hoping that they would get in touch with my pastor in Malaysia. I did find a church. They told me to wait outside which I did. When I looked again everyone had left for the day. I then started walking, I think I had obtained a map. I had then decided to get a bus to San Francisco with the intention of sleeping on the bus while I work out a plan of action. Someone at a bus-stand then gave me directions to the Greyhound terminal. I caught a bus there and arrived in San Francisco about 8 hours later.]. I had printed off a sheet with a list of YMCA/Church addresses at the hostel I lived at at Venice Beach. This had been electronically changed by the SKNF and the addresses were nonsense. One place I went to ended up being a bail bonds tenement.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them as well as screwing with timing mechanism on computer: January 16,2015, 1302
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Caused system crash loosing my document: January 16,2015, 1340
Whilst at Printstop I had printed off a list of
YMCA addresses in San Francisco intending to find a shelter after meeting up with an old friend here [I had printed off Salvation Army addresses in San Francisco with the intention of using their shelter services temporarily so I could save money. This would give me flexibility and time to organize myself, give me time to get money off my brother David in England or if not, find a way to survive. I don't think I had thought further than getting out of NZ as fast as I could seeing the effort Serial Killer was making at taking my life, and not only just taking my life but doing it through torture. Experience had told me that I could not rely on things not made real. I had already been told and had agreed to not visit my old friend who I had been told was living somewhere around San Francisco. This because she has a child and would not want to be attacked in the way my brother and his family had been attacked.]. I spent the first night on the street at Glide, Ellis Street and the was directed to the MSC, 525, 5th Street, SF. There is someone looking after me as I have been provided consecutive 90 day bed arrangements and have been saved from a number of attacks on my life. The SKNF try to make life difficult for me by preventing me from talking to my family, getting people to attack me with bed-bugs, telepathically harassing the people around me and pushing their weight around on the staff at the MSC shelter. They have planted bag bombs in the kitchen while I have been working there, car bombs outside the MSC and while the involvement of the SKNF in the USA was being revealed , nuclear bombs (radio frequency activated), both hidden in cars. One was at the Intercontinental Hotel on 5th Street heading towards Market Street.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -The SKNF have totally tangled this note with other notes and their own fraudulent insertions so it is probably better just to read the annotation. -The SKNF have this trick I call the take-all-sides-trick. This is where they play good guy who will always arrive too late to prevent the bad guys attack and the neutral guy who will do whatever necessary to ensure the subterfuge remains hidden contingent on the situation. I used to think the MSC the good guys until I discovered that the military had been ordered to arrest the SKNF and had disobeyed. The military have a number of people posing as staff in the MSC. The MSC has now continually disillusioned me of their good guy status by attempting to kill me on a number of occasions, including last night January 15, 2015, when they again injected me with HIV. I was also given a toxin to stop me breathing at St. Anthony's sometime between 1130-1230 January 16,2015, today. Another version of this trick is to have a large trooper like person pretending to be in conversation with the psyops threatening to harm them if they don't protect you. Actually both are in collusion with the SKNF and are hiding their subterfuge in a play. These same troopers are now threatening to kill me and have really began showing their serial killing pervert psychosis. What keeps me alive is that the lords are protecting me by advanced weapons while they get their defenses in order.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them as well as screwing with timing mechanism on computer: January 16,2015, 1356
Military SKNF based culture seems
to promote unquestioning loyalty and emotionally bound obedience. Police culture seems more free flowing. However both can be ordered and be expected to obey the order , to walk across minefields to test mine activity [This is a SKNF sympathy sucking escape trick. I wrote that a comparison between the military and the Police but I think it was about their access to a city's wealth and how the Police have it while the military wants it. Also probably about how the Police usually work together to exclude the military as the military are their biggest threat]. No one said they were very bright.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them as well as screwing with timing mechanism on computer: January 16,2015, 1522
Furthermore, Serial Killer John, prior to SKNF-USA;s existence being known to me, sent two assassins to the US. One disappeared after SKNF-Counties-Manukau [FoM] stole USD or NZD 200 million from a bank account in NZ [From the casino in Auckland. This turned out to be a SKNF-USA trick to hide their complicity in the SKNF conspiracy. The FoM, like the rest of the SKNF higher commands have no qualms in murdering their own to hide their collusion and corruption and to maintain their subterfuge. The SKNF contaminant within the security services in SF could not show themselves in front of the Lord of San Francisco. It was a moment of good luck for me as well as it momentarily stopped Serial Killer's rabid attack on me.]. The other came with a bag full of counterfeit money (USD currency) [May have been unauthorized USD.] and presumably left some time later. I have been attacked by junior SKNF-NZ nut [Male, red haired, balding pated Caucasian in his 30's who left a car bomb outside the MSC then tried to stiletto me and then killed an (or more than one) African-American man with nerve agent mixed with cocaine.], by two female SKNF nuts (camera gun), by a hired assassin with a camera gun. All the above prior to the Mexican Standoff [Not quite sure if all of it was prior to the Mexican Standoff. The SKNF play the take-all-sides-trick as part of their subterfuge. Serious crimes are explained in a subterfuge as being the normal state of affairs, hiding the involvement of the corrupt and colluding security services and others. They can continue asking for more money to protect the lords while all the time attacking the lords this way. They can also blame all the crime on the lords this way. In this case they blame Harrah for the murder while it was the SKNF themselves. This story sold successfully until the Mexican Standoff proved that this corruption and collusion as the reason of almost all serious crime. The SKNF contaminant in the security services and other places were the criminals behind all these attacks.]. I am guessing that the first court case was held in the ICC or equivalent in Europe [Actually was held in every country everywhere. I think I am referring to what I took was the dispute between NZ and Malaysia prior to my going back to NZ in 2011.]. Serial Killer John opened court proceedings in the USA after his assassin disappeared in SF [He used the death of this first assassin as reason and had sued Harrahs. Actually the SKNF had killed their own man so that they could use the lie that the world exist in a state of constant crime so they could cover their tracks. They then could blame Harrahs. Serial Killer John had actually sent a serial killing pervert team to a senior Harrah's staff members home in NZ, had caned their young son and had almost raped their daughter. A Police car was sent and the serial killing perverts left. Notice how the SKNF will always be allowed to leave without being arrested. Something almost everyone took for granted as a natural state of the world.]. This we won. It was then raised to the level of the Supreme Court. SKNF-USA [SKNF-NZ] was offered indemnity if they gave up Serial Killer John. They refused to. At the same time the reason was unknown to me. It is now clear that Serial Killer John was /is part of the plan for global annihilation and the subsequent take-over of power by the SKNF. Hence their actions [I wrote Serial Killer John is a senior member of the SKNF. The SKNF turned it into a SKNF sympathy sucking escape trick trying to explain why they attacked their lords, tried to hold them hostage but only capturing the Nut-Lords].
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them as well as the update button in BlogSpot. It errors out when I press it: January 16,2015, 1538
SKNF culture: Coupled with almost congenital xenophobia, delusions of grandeur and nuttiness that on a field of nuts lives out on the furthest nut branch of nut insanity, the SKNF character is laughably small. Several coping mechanisms observed.
[This is a SKNF sympathy sucking escape trick. I wrote something similar but the SKNF have gotten into their heads to put the sentences in this weird comma order.].
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
It would appear our rulers took their hands off the steering wheel by allowing others to run key institutions, instead of directly controlling them through their own families. This includes electronics, Police, military etc. And these are the very institutions being used to attack them. Unsure how dogs cancer runs
[This is a SKNF sympathy sucking escape trick. I wrote that our rulers appear to have taken their hands off the wheel allowing their lieutenants to run riot and attempt coup. The SKNF have added the thing about our ruler's families so that the SKNF can them go around crying that Family are anti-democratic and a step backwards in human evolution. The truth is that Family has been attacked and have suffered atrocity and it is Family that is now saving us. The thing on dogs is actually the SKNF's fraudulent insertion written in such a way that it can look like deep or dogs. I have chosen to represent it as dogs as it speaks more clearly about the SKNF mind. Family should take note about the myriad of ways they are being attacked. The SKNF attack in everyway, be it small or big, as long as they make some gain. One would believe that WW1 was Family's fault if one were to read todays nonsensical bullshit dressed up a modern history. This is another thing we must clean away if we mean and are to do everything to prevent another SKNF from rising].
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them: January 17,2015, 1010
What has become apparent is that the SKNF have infiltrated and comprmised the other families infrastructure, those not involved in the SKNF plans for global domination [SKNF subterfuge to make it seem that I am blaming Family for the SKNF conspiracy]. At a guess, some lieutenants in Police/Military positions holding senior positions eg Generals, Intelligence etc, have bought into the SKNF plans to depose their masters and takeover on the pretext of a nuclear war. The SKNF ace-in-the-hole [I think I wrote that the SKNF ace-in-the-whole was someone like Super Secret Serial Killer, Insano and other high ranking security services personnel that have the lords ear]. The SKNF heads that bank rolled the whole thing are as good as dead, if not dead already (see Mexican Standoff). What I observer are those of the top-most part of social hierarchy being lied to by probably those that they pay for and who have been put into crucial and serious positions. The SKNF are still surreptitiously pushing forward their global holocaust plans with advanced weaponry and other technology transfers to Australia. Sitting where I am, the atom at the bottom of the social ladder, these observations are much more obvious.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -It is true that the SKNF show their personalities to people like me as they feel they do not have to hide their inner selves. And all I see are a bunch of serial killing perverts.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page: January 17,2015, 1030
The SKNF obviously want to torture and murder me. A command must have been given to save me. Yet recently, obviously thinking that I am out of my mind, and that things have "cooled off" sufficiently, [Typical serial killing pervert mindset. Anyone that opposes the SKNF are said to be out of their minds. They then incarcerate them in a mental institution. I hope that the lords are serious about doing everything to prevent the rise of another SKNF and put in place mechanisms to prevent this kind of lunacy] the SKNF have renewed their attacks on me, first by planting bed bugs on me and poisoning me (food poisoning) and then threatening my life with infected needles and trying to herd me into their nefarious activities. I complained and now everyone is being overly nice
[These last two sentences are probably from two different notes brought together in a SKNF propaganda campaign. What is true is that I was attacked continually by the SKNF. This was in the form of poisons that made me lose my sense of balance, food based poisons that would have me weakened for about a day, HIV injections to give me HIV, various parasitic insect attacks, skin poisons to cause welts, attempts at violence, attempts at shooting me with guns, attempts at using MEM based weapons on me etc etc. I would complain but nothing would be done. The SKNF contaminant in the Police would prevent me from making an official complaint even when I did go to the Bryant St Police station, this well after the Police were ordered by the Lord of SF to arrest the SKNF and after the Police disobeyed their orders. At first I treated it like everybody else ie that it was a normal state of the world. This attitude changed when I discovered the truth about how the security services had been ordered to arrest the SKNF by their command at all levels and who then disobeyed their commanders. It then became clear that the reason for all these attacks occurring is that the security services are heavily infected with the SKNF and that they are playing the take-all-sides-trick">take-all-sides-trick]. Meanwhile I am stuck here in limbo, unable to help my family, unable to contact them, seemingly permanently. There are other indicators of SKNF compromisation [SKNF subterfuge to imply that the SKNF have compromised on something. To be honest I am not sure what this SKNF insertion is heading]. There was the coup in SF, the coup by Mr. Electronics [Mr. Electronics was the name I had given the security services electronics division that had at first given the FoM and SKNF-NZ control over Nut-Lord01's electronics and whatever else and then had taken it away and given it to Nut-Lord01's lieutenants], the fact that the SKNF have merely gone quiet and not been censured and other things. And yet we missed a nuclear holocaust and witnessed the Mexican Standoff atrocities only recently. It would seem that the SKNF terrorist problem is far deeper then expected. Hence only a temporary reprieve.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Hacking problem show below: January 17,2015, 1058
"are playing the <a akeallsidestrick="" glossary.html="" href="https://www.blogger.com/%3Ca%20href=" sknfconspiracy-michaelchinreport.blogspot.com="" target="blank_">take-all-sides-trick</a>">take-all-sides-trick</span></i></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></span></i></i></span>]."
Some note on chirality
Before I left Malaysia in early-mid 2011 [More SKNF bullshit. I left about October 2011], when Joanna went up to Penang for work and I was unaware of the larger set of events taking place in the court case against the SKNF [SKNF-USA trying to blame all of SKNF conspiracy on Serial Killer], Serial Killer had almost convinced me that he had murdered Joanna, Kairo, Xia, Nick, David, Tony and all my loved ones. He did this by using his psyops team to produce a video of supposed events after the kids were taken from me at the Malaysian Police station along Jalan Ampang. I returned to the apartment in Joanna's car and found that the apartment was locked. I spent one night in the car and eventually got a locksmith to unlock the door using the last of my money to do so. The SKNF after creating the video tried to make me watch it. I initially refused as I did not want to see my family butchered. I recall them yelling loudly, exhorting me to watch their creation as if it were some award winning movie. I eventually turned on the television. What I saw was basically a combination of images, videos, one partially "floated" above some parts of the other, similar to how the faces of real actors are floated above the animatronics of the characters in the movie avatar. I later learnt that the background video, the persons who actually suffered the atrocities were real and were from prior atrocities recorded. What I saw was
1.A child's skull being sawn open using a band-saw. The child's eyes were wide open, eyes glazed in fear. Kairo's face had been floated above this child's face. A chisel and hammer were then used to remove the top part of the skull to expose the brain [The FoM and the rest of the SKNF have been feeding their psychosis in Perth in a similar manner in the last few days. The FoM have been telling the world about this type of atrocity during the act. All this going on while the SKNF are trying to do a sympathy sucking escape trick. The SKNF have shown no remorse or contrition for their evil whatsoever. January 17, 2015].
2.A number of adults being dismembered using a chainsaw. First the arms, then the legs then going through from head to body.
3.A child, very young, who was being dismembered using a meat cleaver, much in the same way Michelle Beh's child was dismembered.
4.Whole families being thrown out of Hercules or some large rear doored RAAF aircraft. They were tied together with rope, their hands and legs tied together as well. These families include adults and young children. One moment they were standing in the cargo bay, the next they were hardly specks in the distance, the plane flying over forested countryside [Australian type forested countryside. You could see the red clay underneath a scattered canopy of trees.] that looked like Northern, tropical Australia.
5.I saw whole families being thrown out of military helicopters. They were hand and foot bound and thrown out of the side entryway.
6.I saw an anti-aircraft mobile gun (4 barrel) being used on a house in what looked like flat farm land in Australia.
7.I saw a masked nutcase in a room pick up an infant from a cot go to an open window and throw the infant out. The window was on the second floor of this house. The infant landed on the driveway and started screaming. It was left there to starve to death (Australia).
8.I saw dead bodies found in the mud flats of Northern Australia, children and adults, as if left there to be eaten by the sharks and crocodiles.
Before I left New Zealand in 2011, a documentary on television hinted at the atrocities being carried out by the SKNF in Taranaki. Families being dismembered and tortured. I recall when I was trying to find out who Serial Killer John was, in the early days of my learning about telepathy and when I was working at ELC, I saw Serial Killer John had sent Snake to discuss something with people who appeared to be involved in natural gas production (via the crime of fracking I later learnt). This was about 2007 [Maybe a SKNF bullshitting attempt. I think I worked at ELC in 2008.]. Obviously he got into it in his natural serial killer way. Murdering the families that owned the properties through atrocity then acquiring the land. Something that is routinely done by all SKNF worldwide. I have seen the face of another of Serial Killer John's stomped victims. It was a Polynesian man, his nose and ears ripped off, his eyes popped and by that time dried remains, his face flattened as if made of putty. I have heard the cries of a father, Australian, about to see his children tortured. He is heard saying "Hey! Hey!!!" while being held back. It is night, they are outside their home. A large group of masked nuts dressed in SWAT like vests and uniforms are forcibly holding them. I hear his despair.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -The FoM were almost hooting with ecstasy about their video with my family floated above the victims of SKNF atrocities was shown that was shown to me. The less I wanted to watch it the more psychotically enraged they became. -SKNF-NZ were decimating the farmer population in NZ and had increased their rate of atrocity the closer the SKNF plan for global holocaust came. -I think I wrote about my second incarceration in KL Hospital mental ward. What appeared to be a investigation into Serial Killer's terrorism in Malaysia ended up with me being incarcerated again. I was quite perplexed as I had thought the Malaysian Government more interested in preventing attacks on its infrastructure then allowing a bunch of serial killing perverts to run riot and destroy the country. It turns out that the reason for my incarceration was because of collusion between SKNF-NZ and SKNF-Malaysia. I was poisoned a number of times prior to my incarceration. One of these poisons causes the body to lose fluids by copious sweating. SKNF-Malaysia then tried to muscle me when I was in the mental ward. My father eventually took me out. SKNF-Malaysia then tried to seduce me into being one of their criminal gang members by sending a nutcase around to the house one who pretended to be a friend.
During the Mexican Standoff when SKNF-NZ went to now dead SKNF head(US) [Nut-Lord01], starting torturing an serial killing staff. SKNF fundamentally insane - reason. Consider this in particular. What gain could there be? Clockwork like behavior
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. January 17,2015, 1359
SKNF infiltration sufficiently bad for SKNF to try subterfuge of protecting/being on the side of non-SKNF wealth. SKNF trying to get closer to them. Non-SKNF rulers in danger. Method amongst others is telepathic defence against SKNF telepathic attacks. Obviously a scheme
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -Note is a recent SKNF update to my already many times fraudulently forged notebook 3. Usual SKNF crackpot entries
SKNF planning an attack on rulers [I think I wrote populace] this Christmas holidays when their families are with them. Also planning to order non-aligned staff and their families to SKNF Christmas parties so attack can be perpetrated. Non-SKNF in danger
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -The SKNF plan atrocities and hostage taking on every occasion, the holidays just being one of them.
I have heard the sob-wail-despair-shock of a woman in the USA whose family were tortured in atrocity. She was witness to having their arms, those of her children and her family, being ripped from their sockets as they were chained and drawn by a car. She was blonde. It looked like it took her a long time to die. This was done for her property, a beautiful farm with a red barn [I believe this farm was then conveyed to a Supreme Court justice who is also a serial killing pervert]. In all these cases the neighbors and many others were aware of what had happened. No one came to their rescue. The atrocities were allowed to continue. In New Zealand for instance they have been happening for well over 70 years, excluding the genocide of the Maori. Serial Killer John's father murdered his neighbors in this same way. One was a man with dark hair, a face like a "digger" farmer, brown tanned skin, leathered almost, 50's age? In one of Serial Killer John's traps, Nick invited me to his house to so call celebrate my birthday. Nick was to be used as Sicko John's mouthpiece, with Snake as one of his speakers. When I found out what had been planned and what was happening I tried to warn Nick of the danger he and his family were in, telling him not to follow Serial Killer John's instructions. I induced Serial Killer John to move his arm during this. In response Serial Killer John, laughing away, attacked Kairo and Xia by having adults [and serial killing perverts] go to my home in Malaysia. . I think they had convinced Serial Killer John to subject them to a caning [They did not need to convince anyone. They are just a bunch of serial killing perverts who are about to be annihilated]. Serial Killer John and the rest of his nut team kept saying that this is what a father should do, get a switch on them or something of that order, all the while laughing as if this were humorous. I heard Xia cry when they started whipping her hand. Kairo, my brave son, even offered to take the caning for Xia. In retrospect, these men did sufficient to assuage Sicko John and his sick team's hunger for atrocity [Notice how I fell for the SKNF's take-all-sides-trick]. This is the mentality of the SKNF. One has to listen to the rationale of the SKNF to understand them. They are not sane. They are sick and need to be executed. They must die.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -The SKNF also caused the Pakistan flooding disaster (SKNF-Pakistan) and the Thailand flooding disaster (SKNF-Thailand).
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Other continual attacks. January 17,2015, 1515
The current social environment that is actively encouraged by our rules and those higher on the wealth pyramid includes a number of substructures which are used by the SKNF to empower themselves [SKNF sympathy sucking trick and propaganda attempt to make it seem that the wealthy are anti-democratic. Also note that they define our rulers as people not at the highest of wealth, this so that they can use their very corrupt politicians as a tool to escape from the eventual outcomes of their very serious crimes].
-The Media: >99% of what the news media says in newspapers, television etc is actually bullshit, perversion of the truth or at best doublespeak. A good example of this was David Tamahaere's public statement of innocence broadcasted on NZ television in a documentary in early 2012. Like David Bain, David Tamahaere's had been incarcerated for an atrocity on Heidi Paakonen + boyfriend for over a decade (15 years?). It was one of those interviewer (reporter) + interviewee based documentaries. The interviewer indicated every sign of bias against David T. and one came away feeling that Mr. Tamahaere was actually guilty. As mentioned , David Tamahaere is innocent. Heidi + boyfriend was tortured, gang raped and murdered by SKNF-NZ because one of the SKNF-NZ was spurned by Heidi (this was observed in Coromandel pub). It was common knowledge to many.
The same story for David Bain [SKNF puerile humor to make light of their crimes against humanity. I was shown a by the SKNF during one of their psychotic watch-my-handiwork routines a young child tied to an object that was suspended off a building from a fishing rod. The child has been left out there to starve to death. The SKNF had telepathically transferred this boy's spirit to me and many other people this morning January 18, 2015. All so we can be horrified at this very "fearsome" bunch of serial killing perverts while they could squeeze a laugh from this obscenity].
-The Law: As mentioned previously, some of the law is created so as to maintain economic control and monopolies by our rulers. One must accept that this is a right created by the power of the wealth to control our rulers. A current social structure. However the method of application of this right is backward and has become contextually irrational. [SKNF sympathy sucking trick and propaganda attempt to make it seem that the wealthy are anti-democratic and enemy of the people. Also note that they define our rulers as people not at the highest of wealth, this so that they can use their very corrupt politicians as a tool to escape from the eventual outcomes of their very serious crimes. They have also left a legacy of bullshit and lies so as to create a subterfuge that will use the disenfranchised to empower another generation of SKNF vermin. The SKNF subconsciously shows their intentions towards their superiors and towards Family. However the solution is to not follow the cynical propaganda methods used in the past but to do what is correct ie tell the truth about the SKNF.]. For instance the SKNF empowers themselves through the drug trade as well as prostitution, arms trade etc etc. By enforcing regulation by capital punishment and not regulation by license these activities have become synonymous with murder, nuts and the worst qualities of humanity. Another example: By robotic and irrational thought, keeping advanced space technologies to themselves even though their very own experts say that this is better used for wealth & economic growth (inc Allen Greenspan). [SKNF propaganda and sympathy sucking escape trickery again. They have mixed and added to a number of my notes to make this propaganda item. The SKNF right now, January 18, 2015, are pushing the bullshit that they are putting and have put together a democratic opposition to Family/Lords because they have a whole bunch of people that want to live in a future with free energy and flying cars as in the Jetsons. Actually what is happening is that the SKNF, playing their now totally transparent take-all-sides-trick are trying to create a sympathy sucking escape for themselves by crying McCarthyism and totalitarianism when the lords finally begin to arrest the SKNF. Also they want to make reason for themselves to visit their would be hosatages in the guise of a SKNF-diplonut, something they continue to try and do. Furthermore they are trying to camouflage themselves in these socially positive roles ignoring the fact that they are actually a bunch of serial killing perverts. What I had written was that laws like the 3 strikes law are mechanisms for enslavement, mechanisms that the SKNF intentionally create to empower themselves and their criminal empire. I had suggested regulation instead of criminality as well as other means to control these things. Also the advanced technologies are actually owned by the wealthy so they can do whatever they want with them. It is the SKNF who have stolen these technologies and are now trying to use it as some kind of carrot. However it is only the SKNF that are responding. Everybody else are well aware of the SKNF vermin's subterfuge. The SKNF have probably thought it best to use my blog as their propaganda tool, I suspect that this entry being something added in a newly fraudulently forged notebook-3, January 17, 2015. What I said about Allen Greenspan was that I could now understand why he thought the economy will continue to increase without fail during his term as Federal Reserve Chairman, this during the investment into the internet during the 1990's.]. They increase the propensity for their downfall by creating the conditions where nut groups can thrive. The canon-fodder army of those in the lower socio-economic strata, probably more lost then those in stratas higher, is a danger to these rulers.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Other continual attacks. January 18,2015, 1300-1400
SKNF Methods and Tricks: Before one assesses another it is necessary for one to have sufficient experience for one to be wise. The SKNF uses lies, assertions, feelings, innuendo, the media, common [This word has been fraudulently inserted] prejudices, and any other action or combination thereof, both telepathic or other means
(one should have a look at the Interpol warrants and so called police reports on myself as created by the SKNF) [I think the SKNF have put this in here so that the other SKNF agents can go into their serious-and-important-and-respectable-person-who-is-actually-secretly-a-serial-killing-pervert act and raise it in forums like the SKNF contaminated UN or in their collusive SKNF corrupt secret service "discussions" that are communicated by the serial killing perverts who are acting as the homeless but are SKNF at the MSC or ....], or even the official reports or unreporting of the method of death of victims of the SKNF to further their goals [The murder mortality rate is underreported and badly misstated due to the SKNF contaminant in the security services. These rates and causes can be hidden as gang deaths, unreported deaths, accidents and so on. In some of the worst places such as Manukau in NZ, the reports are like Disneyland compared to the reality of the Killing Fields.].
a.The Time Sucking Whirlpool of Bullshit (TSWoB):
This consists of a repetitive set of lies and other methods (see below) singularly and in any order, one after the other, knowingly and with intent, to waste time, distract from the subject matter [I actually thought that this was a trained technique. However it may not be so. The FoM do the same when caught in one of their psychotic trips like the attention seeking psychosis.], mar reputations, never approaching the truth. I have found that the only way this can exist for any length of time and with the SKNF it appears almost, if not permanent, forever, is to have the adjudicating infrastructure compromised and full of nuts [I agree with this statement but am unsure if I wrote it at the time of writing this note combination].
b.The Great Secret:
The fiction that the reason for some activity, event, inability of action, or even as a tool to harm reputations is based on the Great Secret. For instance the SKNF are certain that the laws regarding drugs protects them and allows them to serial kill all and sundry. Anytime the question of why is raised, they say it is related to drugs, especially cocaine (must be some kind of social structure surrounding this particular narcotic). Or in another case it would eb free energy by superconductors or propellantless propulsion or.... The serial killer builds his/her ego by having a special position affording special privileges [The FoM a case in point. Here we have a bunch of psychos who spend almost every waking hour masturbating and when the related sensing cells become over-stimulated and does not feel so nice anymore, fiddling with their anuses. Yet they have this delusion of grandeur where they see themselves as some kind of super-fearsome, super-soldier, super-duper everything and become extremely envious when anyone shows any ability that is good, whatever that ability may be.].
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Other continual attacks. January 20,2015, 1000-1100
c.The Great Evil: Closely associated with the Big Secret is the Great Evil. Anything like narcotics, gangs, the poor etc are evil, especially since the media says so. But only the special ones like the SKNF are free to do these things. Actually the evil is perpetrated by the SKNF under the guise of the perceived elements of the Big Secret.
d.The Reputation: By mental, telepathic, media, Government machinery, electronic records mofifications etc, the SKNF can attack a persons reputation leading to incarceration of that person, or as recently shown, the destruction of the Earth.
e.The Camel, Courier: The SKNF will assert telepathically and via other means that one is a drug courier. Current society does not understand the actual realities of the trade (once called the Tea Trade in the 18-19th century). For instance, I once carried what was possibly cocaine to a party. The SKNF now asserts, while telepathically transmitting the electronic beat placed against a SKNF serial killing perverts chest area, feelings of stress, feelings of guilt etc etc, that this reduces my credibility to nil [The truth of this is that the SKNF tried to make me into a narcotics courier so that they could enslave me but having the security services suddenly "catch" me. The truth is that narcotics are brought in by the usual means ie like any cargo and by the ton. Anybody that is used as a narcotics courier is being used as a tool for some kind of secret service machination. ]. Actually there are two elements to this 1.I am telling the truth 2.This action has no relevance and [the SKNF using it as an argument for their lies being the truth] is part of their spinning time sucking whirlpool of bullshit to the subject matter of SKNF crimes [, the SKNF conspiracy and the SKNF threat.].
f.Repetitive Lies: By repeating lies one can actually set up, to some extent, a belief and resonance as if these lies are true. A human condition related to the structure of our mind. The strength of this belief can be enhanced if the source adjust their feelings to this 'belief' [This is simply describing a psyops trick where they push their minds into believing something, whether it is lie or truth and then project it telepathically out to the world or to their target minds, It can make you believe that a whale is an elephant if there are sufficient numbers of telepathic induction behind it. This trick is especially powerful if the target subject is unaware that this trick is being used against them. This trick is also powerful if one has no experience or is unaware when experiencing this trick for the first time. ].
g.Drugs esp. Coke: This is the continual lie that anyone against [the SKNF], especially their victims, the poor - low socio-economic strata, anyone that has taken a narcotic of any sort including alcohol etc etc is a drug courier in the drug trade, is a paraphernalia of the drug trade etc etc. [The SKNF contaminant in the psyops teams then show this] by tickling their nose and telepathically transmitting the sense of that to their target subject. The target then scratches their nose [the SKNF contaminant in psyops] then send the sense of snorting cocaine, or some variant of sense thereof (eg you look at a cigarette you are smoking and then sense of this is about Marijuana etc) [What I should also have included here is that the SKNF vermin contamination within the security services eg the Police, secret service etc, will then take this as indication that you are indeed a drug courier and go into full acting routine with this view in mind. Saying that, the true agents of the SKNF also use this as a way to hide their complicity.]
h.The I AM JESUS trick: To be used especially if you have just discovered telepathy. If you hold any views that pertain to a higher level of consideration that is not related to being constantly fellated or the coolness of taking drugs man! for instance religion, compassion etc, those assessing you will be told that you believe you are Jesus, a wet, the world is about atrocity, one needs to grow up and other variants of the serial killing pervert mentality and view of the world. The SKNF then can say their targets have lost their minds, allowing the SKNF to brutalize them, and then making their target another one in the SKNF slave pit. This then adds another one to the group that will do the SKNF's activities for them without question.
i.The Voice-over/Sense-over: This is usually done by mass group. The [SKNF vermin] will use their electronic tools to make the voices faint or far away, soft or just a telepathic feeling or combination of such so that an observer is fooled into thinking the subject is thinking a particular way eg sense of guilt, attacking someone, something negative, or to induce a behavior in a target, or to attack the target telepathically or ..... An observer need to be experienced to discern the real from the transmitted [A can appear as if the target thought about doing a thing even though it actually came from the psyops team that is manipulating the target. The thought and action is faster and happens before the target realizes or is even aware of being manipulated. The SKNF used this to fool the American Midwestern family whose child had suffered atrocity at the school before the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre (note that the date of the Wiki has been changed by the SKNF to support one of their propaganda attacks). A Mid-Western accented woman had gone to MSC-South to find out the truth. Her blond daughter who had her skin poorly painted with a dark pigment was sent in a car with a serial killing pervert driver to the Main library in SF when I was there. The SKNF had purposely chosen a fairly pretty victim was is parent of a child who had suffered atrocity so that when she emerged from the vehicle in inconsolable tears, the SKNF could project a telepathic erotic attraction, as if I were about to seduce the girl. The serial killing pervert who drove that girl then then jumped out of the car after the girl and put his arms around her, ostensibly to comfort her. However if you know anything about the SKNF, they were actually having a laugh at being able to grope one of their victims without her knowledge of their true intentions. They could also pretend that they are the good guys at the same time. I am willing to bet that the SKNF then tried to seduce this victim even when she returned to her home-town, this being a symptom of SKNF psychosis.].
j.Take-All-Sides-Trick: Both Sides: The SKNF, due to their compromising of government machinery and important professional positions are acting in two roles, one as opponent and one as faithful supporter/employee. When the attack fails, the faithful employee role throws a life-line to the opponent. [I think I wrote something like "This is where they play good guy who will always arrive too late to prevent the bad guys attack and the neutral guy who will do whatever necessary to ensure, contingent on the situation, the subterfuge remains hidden and successful. They play all sides of a situation"].
k.The Friend: Friends of the non-SKNF may well turn out to be SKNF. The SKNF subterfuge has some friendly actions that are used to get SKNF agents on the inside of their opponents.
l.The Fiend: Reputational attacks and other SKNF tactics make the target appear to be the worst criminal fiend. This is done by telepathic induction as well as false reports, media attacks etc eg David Bain, myself, David Tamahaere.
m.The "I-am-James-Bond-Trick": ie I am so special to be a 'black' operative agent; or You can be an agent of the SKNF [I wrote 'black operative agent or thereabouts], war the bullshit [I think I wrote 'go to the...'] best parties and pump iron, not to mention the cool electronics [SKNF propaganda attack to say that they are offering superconductor based energy systems. Actually the SKNF are committed to causing world destruction and are just a bunch of serial killing perverts]. The reality is that [the best positions] are given to their own friends, families and associates. The SKNF however are especially partial to psychopathic serial killers. The promise is endless dick sucking and that "oh I know everything smarminess". This method is used to build up the canon-fodder of ignoramus' Those that are especially attractive to the SKNF appear to be really malformed and almost malignant. Uses as a carrot usually for the young. However those that know the SKNF see through this. [The slave making machine that the SKNF has built over our society is based around a lie of special favors and pleasures if you become a 'black' operative but with the proviso that you believe that there are no rules or laws. What happens is that these people become enslaved through prostitution, or if a total nutter already, becomes the SKNF canon-fodder paramilitary serial killing pervert. The enslavement does not end there though. The SKNF will still, and actually will very likely, enslave you even if you were to conform perfectly will the law. Much of the law has been designed intentionally by the SKNF to have this happen. Examples are the narcotics laws of most countries, the California Medical Marijuana law and the Three Strikes Law in California. The Medical Marijuana law in California has been designed in such as way as to cause Marijuana to be recriminalized as well as to target children and young people. The narcotics trade is already at that state. The SKNF can then build a slave army, obtain funding for managing Marijuana and other narcotics on the one hand by using Marijuana and other narcotics to generate crime on the other hand, one a continuing ratcheting system so as to have a never ending parasitic suck on the lord's wealth. ]
n.The Bag: This is the action that must be performed to be one of the "In" team. Usually however, unless one is especially fellating the SKNF, one will end up incarcerated. It usually comes a being a carrier for a drug run via aircraft. The reality is that the SKNF transfers their drugs, independently of couriers, by cargo carriage eg Feded, ships etc and done by the tonne. Sometimes the bag can be some action like the rape of an infant by a subject who want to be in [I actually wrote that The Bag trick is one where the SKNF agent will say that they are allowed to do something that compromises the rightful lord's security because they have a "bag" or a set of orders that allows them to do so. For instance, Bestus Lieutenant and the SKNF security services in San Francisco. Bestus Lieutenants is allowed all kinds of terrorist acts in San Francisco, as well as being a serial killing pervert who has personally taken part in atrocities in NZ to his self-enrichment. The SKNF contaminated security services then allows him to continue in his terrorist activites as they say he has a formally ordered brief that allows him to do so. Tie this one up with the Take-All-Sides-Trick and the Pass-The-Buck-Trick and you now have a totally transparent lie that used to work before the Mexican Standoff
because the lords did not take direct and personal charge of their own security. This note has also been fraudulently changed and is a threat directed at me. The SKNF are basically threatening to rape and kill my family as well as incarcerate me because they say I am a drug courier. Family must evolve and fix this mechanism that the SKNF uses to create their vast army that had almost destroyed the world and Family if it were not for the premature attack on the lords.]
o:The Genius/The Idiot: Reputational trick used to enhance or belittle a target, similar to the I-Am-Jesus" trick. For instance, I once wrote on the internet, in an internet forum, something on Zeno's paradox. It is now constantly used by the SKNF to attack my intellectual capacity
[Remember that this note was written 2 1/2 years ago when the SKNF were in full psyops reputation attacks and attacks by SKNF muscle]. I believe I said something like it could be a dimensional reason for why the paradox fails. The SKNF say or believe that the reason is due to limits
[I read a smarmy psyops comment as to why the paradox fails and that they and only they are right]. Actually they are wrong. They only say what they do because one of them read something in a book and being a 'black' operative, is knowledgeable about everything so whatever they say must be true. Also a reason by the SKNF that all state secrets are being channeled through myself [??? Incoherence and makes me wonder if this is just another SKNF sympathy sucking escape trick].
p.The Chorus:
SKNF electronics have recordings of many voices and exclamations. Couple this with telepathic inducements, one can be pushed, if one is gullible, into thinking a host of supporters are speaking to you, thanking you, protecting you, providing you with some benefit [The SKNF will want to make you think they are your friends while they attempt an atrocity on you. They will want to misdirect your thinking with regard to real friends as well. There is no good way to discover friend from foe unless you have the telepathic advantage. Something that needs to be taken into consideration when destroying the mechanism that creates serial killing pervert vermin like the SKNF.]
q.The Single VVVIP: A SKNF strategy to blame all their crimes on a single individual while cockroach like them skitter away into the dark corners to continue their nutty plans for atrocity. The SKNF is a loosely knit network of serial killing nutcases in the ruling class families [Recent SKNF fraudulent addition to blame Family for the SKNF conspiracy, threat and crimes] with nutcase serial killing lieutenants. Now the SKNF is the same sans serial killing ruling class heads.
p.The Word: Part of the Time-Sucking-Whirlpool-Of-Bullshit. The SKNF will telepathically transmit and induce the need to make a response regardless of logic, relevance, topic etc as certain words are voiced eg. "Up" is a reference to their insistence that we must respond to their perceived feelings of grandeur because they are actually James Bond in the flesh, and our superiors in every way and that we have to bow low, kowtow and do all things a slave should do to their very clever, very handsome, very wonderful, very very, very everything, their bestness....
s:The Serial Killer Threat: When one gets down to the truth of it, the SKNF mind simply orbits serial killer. All their behavior and actions are subject to this. At the end of their words is the threat that they will perform an atrocity on anyone that opposes them, The reality is that the atrocity will occur whether one opposes them or not.
t:The Feel-sorry-for-me-for-I-am-a-sensitive-serial-killer-trick: Speaks for itself. John Gacys paintings and art were publicized by the SKNF in a cynical attempt at sucking sympathy from a gullible and unaware public. Ted Bundy did the same thing. The rest of the SKNF will do the same thing.
t:The We-have-a-discourse-going-because-I-am-James-Bond-trick: An oddity with serial killers. They seem to find their monologue interesting. Sometime wrapped with a voice-over to seem like a discourse [I think I wrote that serial killing perverts have this delusion of being the wisest, most amazing, most beautiful, sexually proficient, roughest and toughest, smartest of all, super-soldier and super human in everything including their intelligence and their muscular strength......]
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -A note on SKNF activites. ABC7 news showed a protest that closed off one of the multilane bridges in the bay area causing a traffic jam that was kilometers long as well as causing commuters to be delayed for hours. It appears that this was actually part of a SKNF training and global preparation exercise to commit atrocity and murder. The intention in this bay area exercise was to test holding up traffic and then on the day of the attack, to gun down as many commuters as possible, the commuters now being stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. This exercise was to be held in conjunction to a widespread global attacks of many kinds, many of these attacks being held at schools. The Police and military are now making excuse to be at schools, ostensibly as some kind of charitable exercise but in reality to give them excuse to be at those schools so that they can commit atrocity when the time comes. The global widespread attack is also an attempt to overwhelm Family/Lords capabilities to defend us. I have reminded everyone that we have a responsibility to ourselves as Family has a responsibility to themselves first. This means that we must ensure that our schools are not allowing the serial killing perverts excuse to be near us, or if they have excuse then we take all precautions to separate ourselves from the dangers they pose. I hope I was heard.
During the US Supreme Court appeal by the SKNF after the SKNF lost the lower court's judgement, a SKNF related employee [I wrote a court employee. She had brown hair, age in middle 50's to early 60's, Caucasian, tall for a woman, not slim.] walked over to the library where I was seated. This is an US Government employee. With a smarmy, typical serial killer [They have this inane and insane smile] nut smile on her face she proceeded to threaten my family in Malaysia with atrocities. I have met another female SKNF puppet [Not sure if I wrote puppet - seem a little like a SKNF-sympathy-sucking-trick] type. It is like meeting a wino trollop [The SKNF then proceeded to try and include me in one of their very funny except they are a bunch of serial killing perverts flame wars], with a small mean mind whose greatest pleasure is to expound their fictitious self decried assets, usually to do with an one experience or another not available to the economically poorer than themselves. A screeching wannabe with a smarmy smile whose only pleasure is the suffering of others, usually seated next to them [More SKNF puerile humor that is really funny especially coming from a serial killing pervert], whose only contribution is to aspire to be a screeching mad wife.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -I think this describes the serial killing pervert female quite well.
Whatever high level adjudication is occurring, can't be going well for the SKNF. SKNF going through attack options on non-SKNF rulers & and others
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -I can't recall what this is referring to in particular but it appears to be from a time where the SKNF had fooled me into believing the Supreme Court case was over and completed and that some other adjudication was occurring. What had happened was that while lords were organizing their commander positions at the same time that the first Supreme Court case was being heard regarding the SKNF threat. The SKNF had lied to me on a number of occasions and had made me believe as well as say that the Supreme Court case had been completed earlier than it actually was. I believe the first Supreme Court case was adjudged and the SKNF found criminal sometime in November-December 2012.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Other continual attacks. January 20,2015, 1500-1700
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-A note that speculates about the serial killing pervert's mind. I was contemplating the serial killing perverts in the Auckland-Manukau region and what goes on in the dating scene juxtaposed to the Heidi Paakonen and Urban Hoglin atrocities.
Les Mills was and probably is the health club and gym to go to if you want to meet sexy women or so it was said when I was in Auckland in 1980-2000. Auckland is not so large that there are numerous places like Les Mills so its very probable that the serial killing perverts spend a lot of time there seducing women. Seeing that many of them hold very well paying positions, they are also probably quite successful at it being the eligible bachelor, the successful man.
Compare this to the night of Heidi Paakonen and Urban Hoglin attack.
I imagine it being close to midnight and the start of the New Year. Everybody is inebriated, stoned. The serial killing perverts are in their white shirts and black slacks, customary for those in the Police, and not only just being in the Police but ones that hold senior and powerful positions.
SKNF-NZ serial killing perverts have been stalking Heidi and her boyfriend for ages. They had people meet them and talk to them at Cin Cin on Quay already and had befriended them in many other ways. It is probable that the serial killing perverts that committed the atrocity had already planned to “have” Heidi that New Year’s eve, a clever serial killing pervert scheme. You could imagine the serial killing perverts in the psyops computer room, people like Frankie the Fruit and Spotty the Fruit from the FoM thinking that that it would be easy to take Heidi away from that skinny twat of a boyfriend. Especially since they, the serial killing perverts, would have been pumping iron, have very important jobs and are a hell of a “catch” for any woman. Ain’t he a dream!!!
I can imagine the serial killing perverts going up to Heidi and Urban in pack. They surround them, party them, befriend them, all the while trying to and eventually isolating Heidi away from Urban, who wonders off to speak to other people they know. The serial killing perverts are in seduction mode. They are attentive to everything Heidi. Heidi says something and the serial killing perverts respond with the tsk-click of his tongue, then the sucking indrawn breath through teeth at the same time swinging his body backward at the waist, a practiced serial killing pervert act to show his amusement, surprised at such wit, exuding a mysterious knowledge of things unknowable, like his drawl, a sexy act that has always worked. They have now isolated Heidi and Urban is nowhere to be seen. They form a wall around her, a wall of serial killing perverts. These guys are tall. One makes a go at her, brown curly haired, Caucasian, about 6' 2" tall, grabs her and tries to kiss her. She at first pushes him away and politely says no, then tries to walk away. He grabs her again, lightly at first then more forcefully holds her back as she puts more strength into getting away. Eventually she slaps him and yells at him. "Fuck off!" the whole pub hears. The serial killing perverts look around. The place is filled with the whos who of Auckland. They feel embarrassed. But worse then that, the are serial killing perverts with a psychosis for violence and are now enraged. Their faces go red. Their adrenaline runs. They are angry, a violent form of angry. They wish to strike her with their full strength, their minds are seething, psychotic fury. They plan revenge for this sleight. Heidi is not one of those gushing girls that they are so used to picking up at Les Mills. Curly's going to fuck her real good....
It is early morning, it is late at night. A car, white NZ Police model Ford. Still in their black slacks with white dress shirt. The car approaches a small batch with a small front garden. Four serial killing perverts in the car. Nut mode, serial killer.
Similar looking batch to one Heidi and Urban were kidnapped from: This image taken from www.dreamstime.com site |
I am in a car, parked at the side of a track. To the right, forward at about 1 o'clock is a small cottage, a batch. It has a small white fence in front of this garden. The front door leads to a short path that crosses this garden, to the fence with a latch gate that opens onto the common drive. Trees dapple the track, the shaded areas pitch dark, the un-shaded bright enough to see clearly with the unaided eye. Car lights are turned off so as not to wake the couple. It must be a very clear night and the moon full because it is easy to see the un-shaded path.
The serial killing perverts leave one in the car. The serial killing perverts get into the darkened house, creep up on the sleeping couple, hold them down, possibly bashing Urban and just holding Heidi down, hands on mouth and body. They are taken to two separate cars. Heidi is squashed between in the back seat between two serial killing perverts who have the door seats. Curly is there too. He is too sexy for himself. Urban is taken away in another car. Heidi is told that if she does whatever they say then both of them will live, this to keep her compliant. She is sat on by the SKNF contaminant in the Auckland-Manukau region's Police psyops and is too afraid to even think let alone to use her telepathy. In truth, Urban is tortured and then murdered with a bullet to the brain. His body is tossed into the bushes. Heidi is ordered to put garish make-up on to "tart her up". You can imagine that they are groping her in the car. They are saying amongst themselves, loudly, barking laughter that they are going to fuck her real good.
Did they force her to sit near a campfire in her garish make-up. The news said they did. Why would this be so? I think if this did happen it was a serial killing pervert way of amusing themselves.
They take her to a batch. Curly says "time to party boys!!!" The serial killing perverts start snorting coke, drinking alcohol. Offers some to Heidi who takes it to please them. At some point someone grabs her, Curly? because she spurned him so he get to rape her first? takes her into a bedroom and rapes her. She is repeatedly raped by the serial killing perverts. Others arrive and do the same. This ordeal continues for a while, perhaps a week. Eventually the vermin tire of this game. They give her a poisoned cigarette. Not because there are no other toxins that can kill without pain, but because they want her to suffer. She smokes it. 3-4 of the vermin are in the room. Heidi struggles to breath. Gurgling. Struggles. Stops breathing. They take her body to a nearby crematorium and cremate her remains.
-The FoM and SKNF-NZ serial killing perverts always react badly when forced to confront the Heidi Paakonen atrocity. I say Heidi Paakonen because it is not Urban that causes this reaction but actually Heidi. I write in my note that "As I write this, the SKNF nuts are thinking about how sexy it is/was to see Heidi posed on all fours, "doggy style", their erections and hunger strong in them. Heidi is not their only victim. There has been many". Today, January 21, 2015, the FoM reacted equally badly. Their attack when I was transcribing particularly vehement. Their anger particularly roused. I returned to completing this note after lunch, after the rest of the SKNF pointed out that the FoM were acting particularly psychotic, and there is never a time when they are not acting psychotic in one way or another. This time they started fiddling with their genitals, bringing themselves to arousal, ostensibly their rough and tough way of saying that they are the most fearsome. The reality is that they get-off on rape. They replay the rape of the school children in Perth constantly, even directing the serial killing perverts in Perth to different acts of rape.
The reason why the FoM react in this way is that they hide behind a mask of respectability. They try to seduce women and their seduction of these women require those women not to know the psychosis behind the face, the rapist, the scum. I saw this in one instance when the FoM became attacted to a San Francisco based blonde female secret service agent and tried to seduce her by being very attentive to her needs. They then became violent and started attacking her telepathically and stalking her when she spurned them and told them she was not interested. This attack went on for weeks if not months. When the other agents complained, the male SKNF staff came to the FoM's rescue and encouraged the stalking and harassment. The FoM stopped only when they grew bored, presumably because they could not be sexually aroused by the same person, like having a porn magazine overly long wanked over.
In another case, the FoM, in attempting to takeover psyops for the Auckland-Manukau region, have started working together with SKNF-NZ in the NZ military. They have filled their private computer rooms with ABC suits, nerve agents, grenades, automatic rifles, pistol and possibly armed themselves with other things. They then threatened the female staff in psyops with rape. The female staff may have thought this a mere threat but in reality they are being allowed access to the SKNF's deepest soul, the monster behind that wealthy and privileged face.
The FoM were also found stalking ELC school girls as well as one of my neighbors daughters in Malaysia.
The SKNF via the FoM started sexually harassing one the mother of one of the victims of the atrocities at the school before the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre (SKNF have falsified date on Wiki. Date of massacre was before or during June 2012).
This FoM reaction was observed by many people today. This connection between the serial killing pervert and the serial killing perverts sexuality forms a cognitive dissonance in the SKNF psychopathy causing them to anger when confronted with it. The perception of being a super sexy babe magnet forced to face the reality of being a serial killing pervert rapist, an antithesis to attracting females.
I have observed that the FoM's behavior is repeated in most if not all of the SKNF, a common state and psychosis. The females exhibit it in the obverse. They perform their psychosis by maximizing the pain inflicted on female victims.
The FoM only chooses to take the extreme of any position because they wish to be perceived as the most fearsome, in their own words, the roughest and the toughest. In truth the SKNF and the FoM share precisely the same mentality.
Also I repeat again here, The atrocity on Urban Hoglin and the rape of Heidi Paakonen is not the only instance of rape and/or murder by the FoM, SKNF-NZ and the SKNF in general. There has been many more.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Other continual attacks. January 21,2015, 1000-1100
Thanksgiving. Continuing attacks on myself by SKNF. Body skin now riddled with louse bites and skin virus - eczema. SKNF telling me telepathically that this is because I resist them. Have to wonder how rulers expect anyone to help them if we are so unprotected. They would be surprised how often goodwill saves them.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-I think I wrote something like this during the my worst experiences in WW3. It appeared that the lords and wealthy were not doing anything. I now know that they were but were also themselves in danger and it took time to get up to speed. Talking about which, the SKNF contaminant within the political structure are trying to legislate Family's wealth ie they want to use the law to tell Family how wealthy they can be and steal all of Family's wealth in the process. Apparently President Obama had to veto quite a few bills in the USA with respect to these attacks. The SKNF are using NUT-1's insanity as reason and foundation to be able to enact and, I bet, entrench these attack-Family-and-rob-them-of-their-assets-while-committing-atrocity-on-them-bills. NUT-1, unable to face its insanity is also in some kind of cognitive dissonance of its own, instead of trying to help Family/Lords to protect it, is actually protecting the SKNF even though the SKNF are trying to hold it hostage, take all its assets and commit atrocity on it, this all being known to NUT-1, this also being explanation for why the horrors and atrocities in Perth are allowed to continue. It appears NUT-1 has regional commandership for this region. The SKNF have let it be known that Family/Lords are going to put an end to the effects of NUT-1's psychosis and reorganize the list of regional commanders to that affect. The SKNF let this be known so that their vermin serial killing pervert members are motivated in their imminent implementation as of January 21 2015, of the SKNF's plan for worldwide and simultaneous attacks, supposedly to overwhelm Family/Lords but in reality to create as many atrocities as possible before the SKNF are defeated, much like the SKNF in WW2 as WW2 drew to a close. Meanwhile NUT-1 is continuing to attempt its mad plan to takeover the world and kill off its own family so that it can concentrate all wealth in itself, to kill off Family/Lords, the very family that it is keeping it alive. I believe Family/Lords have indicated that they wish NUT-1 to "Fuck Off!".
Meanwhile the SKNF are trying other means to attack Family. The SKNF contaminant in Governments the world over have disobeyed their orders and have presented Government accounts and budgets that are non-compliant to IAS/SAP. They are also using the media as a propaganda weapon to explain Government response as corruption and malfeasance. An example is the following Johnny Ong Cartoon. This cartoon depicts the Malaysian Government as handing out money to its "cronies". Actually the Malaysian Government having received standards un-compliant accounts and budgets have had to respond rationally and control financial flows more carefully. Part of the orders given to the Ministries and Departments was for proper accounting in light of the SKNF conspiracy, threat and crimes. For example the incurred expenses and provision should be accounting for the mines that the SKNF have placed in our cities, for the provisions to take into account crimes the SKNF have performed via Government mechanisms, computer electronics etc etc etc etc.... Instances of this are where SKNF-Malaysia had caused Jalan Ipoh and Merdeka Square, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to be flooded. SKNF-Malaysia had rerouted the water supply and water drainage to these areas as threat to the lords. The Thailand floods of 2011 and the Pakistan floods (of 2010?) the same but on a much larger scale. The same is also occurring in the USA at this time, 2015.
![]() |
SKNF-Malaysia Propaganda example from johnnyongcartoons.blogspot.com |
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Other continual attacks. January 21,2015, 1430-1500
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Other continual attacks. January 22,2015, 1000-1100
Heidi was taken to one of the serial killer's batch in Coromandel. A modern, whitish, with glass and aluminium sliding doors and a wooden main door. Bougainvillea growing around it? More nuts began arriving. The music blared, they snorted coke, even offered her some. All men, sitting next to a very young frightened girl. The psyops nuts sitting in her mind telling her nothing will happen to her if she is a good girl. Drugs, alcohol, the "boys" getting boisterous. The nut that she spurned [Curly? brown haired, Caucasian, usual pale clean skin from working in office/computer room environment, 6' 2" tall, broad sholdered, Police psyops/secret service, wealthy and privileged, seen-including the rest of the serial killing pervert rapists-by Whos Who of Auckland on the night of Heidi and Urban's kidnapping] suddenly got up, grabbed/dragged her into a bedroom and raped her. He then left her. A second nut went in, expressionless, serial killing pervert vermin rapist serious, "clean up" he ordered, and then she was again raped. This went on for days. She was beaten. At last they ordered her to smoke some poisoned cigarettes. She died in pain, her lungs burning. They threw her into their NZ Police model Ford sedan. Drawl, "Really....", "Yeah...", "Fuckin bitch!..", "Fuck her in the ass!...". Sicko nuts at Les Mills. Serial killer on the treadmill. Psychotic with the great clothes, trendy hair-cut, the expense account, the all knowing smile, just oh-so-cool. Sucking air through their teeth, simultaneously leaning back at the waist, secretive all knowing smile on face. Black trousers, white shirts. A special.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -I can't recall when I wrote this but I had heard about what happened to Heidi Paakonen and Urban Hoglin sometime in April-May 2012. The crime was re-aired over TVNZ before I left NZ in March 2012.
Serial Killer Nut Force promises to become fertile and multiply after 90% annihilation of human species when they take-over the world in offer to non-SKNF technology people, to share in bounty-to some lucky sluts.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -Screeching-Mad-Wife had offered this to the world before Serial Killer's and her incarceration after the Mexican Standoff. To her and the SKNF we are the equivalent of Soylent Green and get only what the SKNF deem fit for us to receive. This is the SKNF's and NUT-1's mentality.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Other continual attacks. January 22,2015, 1240-1300
[Some notes to myself to discuss the insanity that poses for rationality in the SKNF.
-The Lord of Perth, now made visible by the SKNF after being held hostage, alternated with other Nut-Lords in being the voice of the SKNF. The SKNF offered the world (sometime after the Mexican Standoff a 3 level priority seating in society. Level-A would get everything including space machines, free energy, all the female slaves that could possibly fellate one at the same time until one becomes overstimulated and desensitized.... Level-B would get free energy and all the female slaves etc Level-C would get a money making machine that would feed off the masses (the Soylent Green) by a methane energy economy, the methane created by carbon dioxide and water under pressure, and free superconductor energy and stored at the bottom of the ocean where deep ocean gas rigs will then pump it out again and store it in tanks to the Soylent Green masses, this cycle to continue into eternity. The Lord of Perth was told that the oil-rigs could even be paid with unauthorized money when he inquired where the money for the oil-rigs would come from, all this after the SKNF's planned global holocaust. Think about this. Not only will the world be decimated and everybody on the verge of extinction if there would be anybody at all, but the Nut-Lords, by their own plan, would be the only lords around. They are basically saying that they are going to steal money from their right pocket and put it into their left pocket and say that they are now twice as rich. This was and is a serious offer by the SKNF. Also, why not just use the superconductor energy devices directly and control its payment electronically? The Nut-Lords and the SKNF became so psychotically erratic by the discovery that the so called Laws of Conservation of Energy were a perception only that they went into serial killing pervert mode and decided that they and only they could be allowed to have, let alone see, touch, know about etc the superconductor based energy devices, everybody else would have to live with old tech for the reason that they are Soylent Green. This and many other examples proved to me that the SKNF's and NUT-1's insanity in their exhortations, their actions, their perceived transference as to the meaning of the behavior of others, their insistence that everybody is a sexual deviant and other reputation attacks are actually a reflection of the SKNF's and NUT-1's mind and psychosis.
-A note to myself to expand on my observation that in 2005-2007 Serial Killer had Snake in meeting with a bunch of other people in New Plymouth and its probable connections to the serial killings that was going on in the Taranaki-Manawatu(?) area of NZ where natural oil and gas was found to be obtainable by fracking, these atrocities decimating the farming populace of this area, SKNF-NZ then illegally, via the SKNF contaminants in the judiciary, legislature, security services etc conveying their victim's properties to themselves. I discovered this fact when I returned to NZ in late 2011. I had heard Serial Killer say that he was going to acquire some property on the night of the Serial Killer Fantasy, to great SKNF amusement, and now understand it to mean that he was part of these atrocities and property conveyance scheme. The SKNF the world over have been doing the same. I had heard that a land owning and property developing family in La Fayette, California suffering the same when I first got to SF, this amongst many others similar crimes.]
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF psyops/computers fabricating videos so 1.They can incriminate innocent people as SKNF serial killers 2.They can escape by saying that video evidence is fabricated 3.Time waste due to check on veracity of video evidence
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -I think this note came from the period during the first Supreme Court case investigating the SKNF conspiracy.
Taranaki: Natural gas, fracking.
1.Farm house surrounded by hills. Very dark graveled road? off tarmac so inside farming area. 2 cars. I can see it from a distance approximately 100m away. Serial killing about to occur. I am looking down driveway towards house [Honestly can't quite recall if I wrote this or not. I don't recall the telepathic imagery if I did write this].
2.A mans leg at a strange angle to body. SKNF also chainsaws owner on farm. Different to 1. [I saw a telepathic image of this as other people and in particular this portly woman, dark haired, probably NZer who was at the MSC walked past me, this probably occurring at the time of the first Supreme Court case investigating the SKNF conspiracy. I took it to mean I was seeing some of the victims who had suffered atrocity in the Taranaki region of NZ. I am unsure if I wrote that the SKNF were also chain-sawing these people.]
-Engineers made surveys of these farms initially. Owners were friendly. What came next was atrocity.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -I think this note came from the period during the first Supreme Court case investigating the SKNF conspiracy.
I have seen young children with stumps for arms. SKNF attacked them at even younger age. Dismembering them. I have seen children with their noses missing. note:Printstop-> Serial Killer John sets up meeting to talk about narcotics business and make me part of it. Tells everyone I am his mouth piece. I tell everyone to tell Sicko to go fuck himself. He responds by saying "Heh!Heh! He's speaking to me that way..." as if to say no one should tell him to fuck off. Meanwhile everyone has to simultaneously heed and obey his instructions to believe that I am part of the narcotics trade. SKNF trying to push this point of view.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-The child with the dismembered nose was a child that was shown to me sometime in April-June 2012 while I was working in the MSC kitchen. The SKNF contaminant in psyops asked this young female to take off her prosthetic nose ostensibly to show SKNF victims of atrocities but more likely because she felt ashamed about being disfigured. This young person is Polynesian. She is not the only one that has survived an SKNF atrocity. If we are serious about doing everything to prevent and do away with the evil of the SKNF and then we must invest in technologies that allow us to regrow damaged and lost limbs, the damage the SKNF leave is huge and in large numbers. There are people researching this. I have seen sufficient evidence to say that this technology is possible and is probably not far away. This is something else that should be put into the Government's accounting provisions as Government departments and ministries have been ordered to do but have chosen to disobey. Their disobedience due to the SKNF contaminant within Government.
-Serial Killer's forced narcotics trade meeting was something I remembered that happened in NZ. In hindsight I wonder how it is that everyone allowed this bullshit activity to occur in what was meant to be a serious investigation into the SKNF. I wonder how many of them are SKNF.
Symptoms of serial killer psychopathy:
1.Wants to be sexy for the babes but rape and murders them. Obviously aware how women feel about this.
2.Cannot view itself as a serial killer even though it understands and remembers its own actions and its implications.
3.Will only view itself in heroic roles or as some kind of action super hero eg super solder, Men-in-Black, wizard, right to do anything it wants but never in the light of reality [?].
4.Sees itself as being special and extraordinary instead of psychotic and ignorant.
5.Culture of buck passing whereas will never accept responsibility for own actions but blame anybody and everybody else eg Snake [age 50+] grouping [with other serial killing pervert vermin his own age] and blaming younger sickos.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Other continual attacks. January 23,2015, 1300-1400
SKNF psychopathology very disturbed by cognitive dissonance of looking to entice women by their gym bodies, manicured looks, endless cocaine and atrocity begotten riches by serial killing against their insanity of being a psychopathic serial killing rapist. Reminding them of their gang rape / torture of Heidi Paakonen and murder atrocity of her boyfriend Urban Hoglin has tipped them over some edge. Their behavior is more psychotic now then prior to this. In their minds they have visions of the pretty girls that gush over them at Les Mills being repelled by the realization of what they are. Les Mills on Victoria St and the at the pub in Coromandel where Heidi snubbed one of them, at Cin Cin on Quay at Quay St in Auckland. Their thoughts are of more gang rapes, mutilating, kidnapping and murder-atrocities. The only pillar that supports their tiny brain and deformed ego being that of being a member of a "shop", "black" group aka the secret service appears to have wobbled in them. Furthermore, the rational outcome of their actions ie their annihilation, considering that they attempted many times to kill the rulers of the Earth, is pathologically avoided in their mentations. They bark inanities and commands to all and sundry trying to cause as much destruction as possible before their demise. [I think I wrote this sometime slightly before or slightly after the Mexican Standoff. SKNF-NZ via the FoM reacted violently when I first wrote down and told the world of the Heidi Paakonen and Urban Hoglin atrocity. They again did the same as I wrote this and the previous couple of notes and down in this report, the violence of reaction speaking plenty about the SKNF-NZ's psychosis. It appears to be related to some kind of "cognitive dissonance" between their perceptual view of themselves as being a babe magnet and being found out about the reality that they are just a bunch of serial killing pervert rapists. ]
SKNF just fucked up Greg, an old guy I met in SF who is a methodone addict. Looks like they pumped him with too much of some kind of drug. One of the younger homeless street persons dragged him over to the table I was seated at and prepared to leave him there, trusting that I would do the right thing and send Greg back to where he is currently living, somewhere miles away from SF and probably unsafe. Greg can hardly speak and is absolutely zoned out.
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff. I think well before the November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF psychopathic expostulations, lies and inanities continues to be barked out continually and their only explanation [? I think I wrote that their only explanation for their crimes being the one from their continually relooping set of lies eg drugs, knowledge theft, security being compromised etc]
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff and probably well before November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-SKNF behavior is directly connected to their insanity. At the moment the SKNF are becoming more erratic and psychotic as the SKNF contaminant is revealed in even more places than just in the security services. This erraticity has always shown to be a precursor to SKNF mental state and attacks eg the way SKNF-NZ reacts with respect to the Heidi Paakonen and Urban Hoglin atrocity.
The Government accounts and budgets have been reported and are found non-compliant with GAAP, IAS/SAP as well as whatever instructions that their superiors had given them. Last night, January 23, 2015, the SKNF contaminant within these Government departments and ministries, probably even at the City Council-City Hall levels as well, used atrocities to try and bend the lords to the SKNF wish that these accounts and budgets be accepted. They had a young girl in Perth have her face stomped on and her screams muffled as her face caved in, with Arnold from the MSC, a African-American, male, approximately 6' tall, about 50 years of age, stocky, possibly military, attacking her and her family mentally by laughing loudly while they were being tortured. These bureaucrats, elected or otherwise, are now being shown to also be a bunch of serial killing perverts, this occurring in public view as well, something unseen until now. Bureaucrats from US, Australia, NZ present possibly other places present. The SKNF then enjoyed the feelings of anger that was elicited in viewers who were forced to watch this atrocity. The SKNF felt particularly pleased that their atrocity angered President Obama. I have told the world of the SKNF infection within Government and what they did last night. I have reminded them that we are in WW3 and the war has arrived on their doorstep.
The SKNF serial killing pervert bureaucrats then tried to blame their fraud and malfeasance on the atrocities going on in Perth using the horror there as an excuse, all this in an attempt to benefit from their planned sympathy sucking escape trick. They know full well that the horrors in Perth is caused by NUT-1 having the regional commandership of that area and that Family/Lords are resolving these issues at this moment. It also appears that this variety of SKNF vermin are going to attempt attacks that cause chaos in the daily administration of countries, probably financial and other ways, and then use the heavily SKNF corrupted media to blame the lords.
SKNF showing their psychopathy. Under the context of not being master of all, they are unable to feed their serial killer needs openly but need an excuse. Today this is the harassing of the women that they have bedded or are flirting with at Les Mills, Cin Cin on Quay, or elsewhere, pushing their minds to check if the potential victims can identify them and if so, especially if they have spurned their sexual advances, using that as an excuse to torture, rape, mutilate and then murder these women. The reality is that serial killers get-off on the feelings of power over others derived from the torment of others. They do not need a rational reason. They have only their needs. [I recall SKNF-NZ telepathically attacking and harassing their one night stands, their ex-lovers, their rape victims and a whole bunch of other women, some from Les Mills after I had revealed what had happened in the Heidi Paakonen and Urban Hoglin atrocity.]
Meanwhile the adjudication does not, as expected, favor the SKNF. The SKNF are now trying to bribe their way and for some reason unknown, try to push the view that they cannot be sentenced. Almost like an echo of Ted Bundy's trial. SKNF show their cognitive and character deformities. Blaming everybody but themselves for their serial killing spree.
Their ex-heads [Nut-Lords] now openly being used not only as puppets but also as hostages. Overheard threat to put Old Fuck through atrocity. That shut him up with a start. Serial Killer Johns only response to anything is to do a serial killing and make mad expostulations. [I cannot recall the note about the Australian Nut-Lord that I had called Old Fuck being threatened with atrocity. I am sure that this may have happened a number of times. I have seen a number of these Nut-Lords made humble, to kowtow and so on. Serial Killer's though, his perception of himself as that of the most fearsome serial killer of all, started barking orders for more acts of atrocity and crimes against humanity, this to rely on his feelings of camaraderie with other serial killing perverts as a way to escape his confinement. Serial killing perverts have no friends. If they see weakness and a way to increase what they want they will seek to exploit that weakness. This is what serial killing perverts are blind to.]
This note is from after the Mexican Standoff and probably well before November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Other continual attacks. January 23,2015, 1500-1600
SKNF becoming screechier, a good sign that things are going badly for them. I liken this to that which prisoners of the Nazi death camps felt on seeing the allied aircraft and Mustangs fly overhead in increasing frequency
[I was unaware that it would be another 2 1/2 years before I would see the SKNF starting to really look like they were going to lose]. The SKNF irrational lie that their planned destruction of Earth and their crimes was a result of a information leak spreading knowledge of free energy and propellantless propulsion was given a response by person appropriate. Observed a semi-screeching, high pitched modulated with reasonable I-am-rich-as-you-and-in-your-class intonations (it was basically as if the speaker was thinking that his audience had seen through his lie and had not given him any time for his bullshit speech), SKNF nut trying to convince someone that "its for the weapons..." and was cut short by that person turning off. The SKNF seem to be living off the false sense that their lies are making headway.
And a healthy and continuous supply of cocaine [?]. Reminds me of an old steamer with cocaine being snorted as fast as it can go and their insanity heating their heads. One imagines steam blowing out through their ears.
This morning the SKNF mood changed somewhat. Whereas yesterday it was all confidence, today it was all about murder and mutilation. They have also began planning attacks during the Xmas period, everywhere globally. In NZ, Coromandel is a likely place of a successful nutcase attack. Small number of Police to defend against the SKNF with SKNF excuse to go to Coromandel in number (ie have batches there). Probably weak points like Coromandel all over the world.
The SKNF have a mode of behavior. They will persist with a lie until a person of sufficient authority shows that s/he thinks its a lie and that lie is not gaining any traction. The SKNF will then abandon that particular lie, put said person in their hate list, attack them, sit on them, plan an atrocity against them or say "up!", and move to another lie that they think will convince said person of their true and good intentions. However it does occur to them that no amount of their bullshit will save them. Hence the increasing focus on the Xmas period atrocity and attack. As usual like all serial killers they continue to focus on me as a foundation of their lies [I think I wrote focus on me as a reason for the SKNF conspiracy, threat and crimes] (drugs, information leak, cannot release space technologies as need it for some mythical weapon yet with this tech we are precluded from war, and as a target of a assassination [SKNF propaganda to blame Family/Lords by way of saying that the SKNF's conspiracy, crimes and threat is due to the Family/Lords not giving their wealth to the serial killing perverts in the SKNF. The last bit about assassination is the SKNF threat directed at me]. Yesterday night they decided to push the fabrication that I am a member of one of their undercover "black ops" (in the case of the SKNF, criminally psychotic nut ops.) operations. I got the usual offer of women (they will go through a list of women, ones that they think you will like to ones that look like ex-partners), and in a staged set, position, money etc. [I changed this sentence to resemble the original note more. The SKNF's fraudulent version was offering women, money etc etc]. Of course the case of the adjudication had to go down the same path of inquiry again for the trillionth time. As usual with the info leak lie. [I may be referring to the second Supreme Court case investigating the SKNF conspiracy, crimes and threat here which went on to perpetuity. The sentence also had some SKNF incoherence which I have not included here]. Superposing this is the threat of my assassination. I was told that a person was run over on Market St yesterday afternoon. The threat being that I would be that person. Like all SKNF activities, it was in a duplicitous deniable way. I hear a lot of talk at the shelter about my impending assassination and the SKNF looking for an assassin [True and happens to me constantly]. They have begun to signal their search and intentions in the Examiner (a SF based free newspaper). [SKNF incoherence after last sentence has not been included here]. SKNF now initiating and pushing the fabrication that they should be allowed to mutilate and murder me and everyone I know as I have just revealed "another great secret". [Some more SKNF incoherence not included here]. Expostulations by male and female voices to kick me out of library etc. As usual female has heavy makeup as SKNF serial killing pervert females seem so fond off.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably well before November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
USD12million spent by Serial Killer John (March-May 2012, USD4million to murder me, USD8million to save me). Then even more. Then NZD 1 billion - NZD 10 billion transferred to USD at very crummy rate estimate NZD 2 billion lost. Serial Killer John wanting to show how powerful he was as well as assets being intestate (March-May 2012)
[This was before the Mexican Standoff and just after I had first arrived in SF. Serial Killer's assets were frozen because he was doing terrorist activities and stealing the money out of bank accounts in NZ. This stolen money would appear as bank fees in these accounts. The NZD 10 billion was just taken out of some large bank account, probably Reserve bank or Treasury]
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably well before November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-We now understand better how the SKNF contaminant in the Government allows actions like Serial Killer's to occur while maintaining the subterfuge that the Government officials are not SKNF agents as well. In truth the Reserve bank and even Treasury could have stopped this transaction but pretended to be under duress and played the I-am-a-good-guy-but-I-am-under-duress-and-you-don't-see-me-trying-to-commit-an-atrocity-on-you-and-your-family-so-I-can-rob-you-of-your-assets-trick. The politicians and Government bureaucrat have been shown to be heavily corrupted with SKNF serial killing pervert vermin by not adhering to their job functions, by not following their orders, by reporting accounts and budgets that are non-compliant and, two nights ago, by showing openly that they are also actively involved in the crimes against humanity that the SKNF are perpetrating, have perpetrated and almost perpetrated. The recent stunt of trying to force the lords to accept their non-compliant to GAAP, IAS, SAP and other standards accounts and budget by using atrocities as a lever has proven this. It also explains what the populace has observed as absolute irrationality that has been going on in Government, local, Federal etc and in Government related companies.
-An example of this subterfuge is what is going on in Manukau and the Auckland region at the moment where it concerns the SKNF-NZ Nut-Lords. The FoM had apparently split into FoM-Younger vs FoM-Older, this apparently being because FoM-Younger wanted to gain ascendency. What had really happened was that FoM-Older wanted to concentrate Serial Killer's and possibly other Nut-Lords assets to themselves and had agreed with SKNF-NZ-Military to allow this split. FoM-Younger's senior psyops was then to be fed from FoM-Older's gains to the exception of other FoM-Younger personnel. Furthermore, SKNF-NZ-Military would have the usual minimum of 2 competing groups within that evolving psyops situation so that it could have a chance at owning those assets as well as control that psyops department.
-SKNF try to crash red tailed commercial passenger aircraft flying eastwards over San Francisco. [I think most people are unaware how dangerous the situation was. The situation in 2012-2013 was very dangerous. I think everyone, including Family were at the greatest risk then. It explains why I was successfully attacked so often. The SKNF had attempted to cause more than one aircraft to crash into SF and had probably repeated this action on a global scale.]
-SKNF seems to be caught on horns a dilemma of action. Should they disperse or should they act in one body. It appears that the segregation of age has an effect. The younger ones will act as the canon-fodder army, supplemented by wannabes and the ignorami, whilst the more senior SKNF alight to Australia/NZ to hold hostage the wealthy there and take over the country that way. SKNF army have been told that only contrition will allow them to dig themselves out of the hole that they have created for themselves. They continue to back the SKNF regardless. As serial killers do when confronted with the logic of their total annihilation and their insanity, they attempted to bring down an aircraft over SF. SKNF attempting to bullshit their way out of the hole they have dug for themselves however it appears that prosecution is pushing for their total annihilation. Also Xia and Jo's rapists to be sent to jail and hopefully hanged.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably well before November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-The SKNF had made it appear that they were considering relocating to Australia and leaving the less important ones to cause chaos in their countries of origin. This note was referring more to the SKNF in the security services then elsewhere.
-SKNF try to crash red tailed commercial passenger aircraft flying eastwards over San Francisco. [I think most people are unaware how dangerous the situation was. The situation in 2012-2013 was very dangerous. I think everyone, including Family were at the greatest risk then. It explains why I was successfully attacked so often. The SKNF had attempted to cause more than one aircraft to crash into SF and had probably repeated this action on a global scale.]
-SKNF seems to be caught on horns a dilemma of action. Should they disperse or should they act in one body. It appears that the segregation of age has an effect. The younger ones will act as the canon-fodder army, supplemented by wannabes and the ignorami, whilst the more senior SKNF alight to Australia/NZ to hold hostage the wealthy there and take over the country that way. SKNF army have been told that only contrition will allow them to dig themselves out of the hole that they have created for themselves. They continue to back the SKNF regardless. As serial killers do when confronted with the logic of their total annihilation and their insanity, they attempted to bring down an aircraft over SF. SKNF attempting to bullshit their way out of the hole they have dug for themselves however it appears that prosecution is pushing for their total annihilation. Also Xia and Jo's rapists to be sent to jail and hopefully hanged. [The SKNF had made it appear that they were considering relocating to Australia and leaving the less important ones to cause chaos in their countries of origin. This note was referring more to the SKNF in the security services then elsewhere].
-The strategy of dispersal is based on their strategy of having secretly compromised infrastructure and now playing a game of SKNF in the open whilst actually most of the SKNF were still hidden. However this is unlikely to work as we know their methods and intentions. As the edges fray more the nut force becomes nuttier.
Their telepathic attacks on children becoming more prominent. Their atrocities held at bay, that is all they have. A simultaneous mono-nut-logue occurs telepathically. It goes like this: "We will attack every child that Mike looks at". My mind goes back to the dark haired child being held by the hand by that tall serial killer with the mad smile on his face, half dragging the child in front of the camera to show me his intentions. and what he was going to do. A-you-know-what-I-am-and-what-I-will-do-and-you-can't-stop-me-look. The child, a little girl, head down, her left arm holding a small doll. She is trying not to make the big man angry. She is in fear of her life and confused as to why this is happening. Prior to this the big man asked her in an almost nice way "Is everything all right?" and she answered in that small girl way "Yes". He dismembered her living body, ripped her limb from limb after tying a cable tie through her mouth. He did this with what appears to be a swiss army knife. His favorite tool. He struggled to get through the sinews and cartilage of the joints. After this, as it was too exerting, then went and used a dentist's drill. At that school (before the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre [SKNF have falsified date on Wiki. Date of massacre was before or during June 2012.]).
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably well before November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF psycho psyops from USA and NZ appears to have teamed up. I believe that I even hear Paul Ryan's brother there as well. There are cultural inanities. Some I struggle to understand. Only thing that is clear to me is their bloodlust and serial killer characteristics.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably well before November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Puppets ie supporter of SKNF but not serial killers themselves eg Judith (PM Australia), John Keys (PM NZ) Mitt Romney (Rep candidate for Presidency)
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably well before November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -This note shows how naïve I was in regards to the SKNF. All of the SKNF are culpable and have been actively involved in the atrocities. For instance John Keys, SKNF-UN, SKNF-Bureaucrats etc all did everything to prolong the atrocities, have enriched themselves from atrocity and even used the atrocities to be try to force acceptance of their criminal actions.
As a new time sucking measure, the SKNF have, through their serial killer justices, attempted to prolong this adjudication by bringing criminal suit against everyone on the planet, in sequential subsets 1 to all members of the total population of planet Earth. [This is true. This would make the number of cases to be heard Factorial(10billion) or type in 10 billion into this online calculator, press the x! button and the press equals for an answer]. Our leaders have thrown out this tactic as the diversion it is. SKNF also fabricating criminal records for all and sundry. Meanwhile their masks of respectability are slipping off. Their telepathic attacks on children growing at an exponentially [SKNF attacked all the children on Earth by forcing them to watch atrocities they the SKNF were committing sometime in 2012 or early 2013. The children I saw after this attack were frightened, had had no sleep. They still remember this incident even two years since that time. I know this because the children remember when I remind them of this incident when the SKNF uses children as their trust-me props in their usual show of I-am-a-nice-serial-killing-pervert-and-you-can-trust-me act. They actually are trying to get close to these concentrations of children to hold them hostage and commit atrocities on them under the guise of using them for secret service work.]; telepathy seems to be their singular and only weapon at the moment. They are also attempting to create a canon-fodder army by admitting, as the SKNF equivalent in WW2 did, the Ignorami (wannabes from the streets), into the SKNF, giving them electronics and weapons. The Ignorami have been warned from taking this "opportunity" as they will meet an invincible army. [The SKNF are still adding anyone they can to support their telepathic attacks. In fact the slave making machine of which the shelter system is a part off is one example of the power of this slave making machine. The shelter is full of people that do the SKNF's work, are used to provide the SKNF telepathic support, are full of people that have attacked Family, all being paid for by the lord's wealth. This ratcheting system of increasing cost to meet increasing crime is then used by the SKNF to enrich itself.]
The SKNF's current time wasting tactic is to fight the implementation of the requested sentence ie the Total Annihilation of the SKNF (TAS). The TAS also contains sentences for the SKNF puppets. The SKNF's tactics is to use their puppets as canon-fodder and even attempt to sentence them to death (only the serial killers receive death sentences. Serial killing performed either by proxy or directly). [Shows how naïve I was. The whole SKNF are the same and all a bunch of serial killing perverts!].
Meanwhile the number of death threats I am receiving have increased substantially. I think its mostly threats however a lot of pressure is being applied by the SKNF to see it made real. [The SKNF contaminant in the MSC (Arnold, Richard, and the rest), the secret service, the so called additional security in SF, the Police (at least 5 of them came around to the MSC last night), the serial killers that sleep in surrounding beds and jab me with HIV when I am asleep, are pushing hard for me to be killed, [January 23, 2015]).]
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably well before November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Many of the books I am reading have been corrupted by the SKNF, presumably to test their hypothesis that I am being told military secrets hence their rationale for destroying the Earth. [This note is obviously after I had become aware and had let it be known publicly that the secret service and especially psyops were heavily contaminated with the SKNF. They then took away any interesting reading material and filled it with nonsense and crap. If you don't believe this to be true then come down to the Main library in SF and have a look for yourself (January, 24, 2015).] Actually it is more to do with how their mindset can best be described as serial killer nut. SF library and probably even the original electronic sources has now corrupted books and information [Another thing to add to the cost of the SKNF conspiracy, crimes and threats. Every book has to be checked as the SKNF appears to have corrupted almost all of them.]. [SKNF incoherence not included here.].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably well before November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF attacks school in Newtown, Connecticut Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre [SKNF have falsified date on Wiki. Date of massacre was before or during June 2012.]. 27 shot, 20 children murdered [SKNF have fraudulently changed the date of this part of this note. It was much earlier in the year and not in December. They wish to make it appear that their changes in the Wiki are also the truth.]. SKNF pseudonym for nutcase who attacked this school is Adam Lanza [I can't recall who Adam Lanza is but the school was attacked precisely the same way the school before this was attacked. A bunch of serial killing perverts in combat blue uniforms machined gunned the children. The serial killing perverts in the Police force then arrived too late, doing a Take-All-Sides-Trick, and fortunately were able to be videoed and have images of them saving the children so that they could do a propaganda campaign and hide their complicity and membership in the SKNF.]. SKNF nutcases responsible actually escaped and are not being pursued. Indicative as noted prior to this of heavy compromisation and SKNF infection of security infrastructure.
-SKNF have started their strategy of subterfuge by having their psyops teams pretend to be non-SKNF side. Heavy telepathic confusion placed on new security chiefs [I kept this bit of SKNF propaganda to show an example of an actual SKNF propaganda campaign. The SKNF started advertising that the role of Police Chief for SF had been given to someone else, this after I had told the world that the Lord of SF, who is the actual Chief of Police for SF, had been attacked. The internet gives me someone called Greg Suhr as the Police Chief for SF but it is hard to tell whether this was the same person the SKNF had originally advertised with the way the SKNF uses look-a-likes]. The person currently being advertised in the role of SF Police Chief is actually a serial killing pervert member of the SKNF.
SKNF-USA Propaganda example with false SF Police Chief from sf-police.org |
[SKNF incoherent sentence and not copied here]. Other attacks likely. [SKNF incoherent sentence and not copied here]. SKNF clockwork-like behavior. Serial Killer John, even imprisoned by other serial killers, continues to bark orders for more atrocities and murders. SKNF strategy to attack esp NZ/Aust in number holding hostages.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably well before November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Neil Armstrong was visited by the SKNF and poisoned.
[SKNF incoherent fraudulent insertion not included here]. SKNF adjudication by Justice Sicko now following inquiry into my so called discovery of propellantless propulsion being a military info leak. This possibility was thrown out ages ago. Usual SKNF spinning time sucking whirlpool of bullshit. [More SKNF incoherence].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably well before November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
We finally won the case yesterday. The SKNF have been found criminal. They then tried to have Justice Serial Killer as the only adjudicators. However JSK is a criminal and is prohibited from dispensing law. The SKNF are now barking inanities as fast as they can pop into their minds. The level of infection must be significant as they even try to determine their own sentence. However I believe that they are being precluded from this. The SKNF have been playing their sounds of Satan, I hear very young children crying and screaming for their parents. Serial killers need to feed their perversities. The Mustangs are coming thick and fast and I can see the end of the SKNF and that of this ordeal. SKNF are beginning to threaten everyone. Their masks are becoming transparent. The SKNF are trying to bribe their way to escape. They will not succeed. Atrocity in Newtown was going to be replica of the serial killing atrocity at prior school.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-The SKNF are trying to be trickier for no other reason than because they seem to need to be doing something, no matter how puerile. I have colored in this forged and fraudulent mix of notes to show what I believe are 3 sets of notes that have been combine. Close inspection of my notebook reveals nothing easily discernible to indicate that this is a forgery. Speaks volumes about the technology that allows one to do these kinds of forgeries.
-This note is a combination of notes from when the SKNF finally lost the first Supreme Court case. This happened even though the Supreme Court is heavily contaminated with SKNF vermin. The SKNF vermin there probably thought it wiser to allow the case to arrive at its proper outcome. They then had the all parts of the second Supreme Court case be completely filled with SKNF serial killing perverts, the judiciary, the prosecution and defence (Yes I know I got the terms wrong but SKNF preventing me from remembering the correct terminology).
Like Ted Bundy's mentioning of God in his reason for not wanting to commit suicide and John Gacy becoming a sensitive artist and painting clown pictures the SKNF are trying to squeeze sympathy from observers, the judiciary, the jury and everybody else. They do this by piping children's voices and having their speaking younger nuts speak and plead. One only have to remember their atrocities and crimes.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably well before November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-The SKNF are trying to be trickier for no other reason than because they seem to need to be doing something, no matter how puerile. I have colored in this forged and fraudulent mix of notes to show what I believe are different sets of notes and fraudulent insertions combined. Close inspection of my notebook reveals nothing easily discernible to indicate that this is a forgery. Speaks volumes about the technology that allows one to do these kinds of forgeries.
-I had written about how Serial killing perverts have a view that we are fools and are to be exploited. Ted Bundy and John Gacy had done the same, John Gacy's way, by painting clown pictures and then have it publicized by the SKNF, was a cynical attempt getting sympathy from the public. The SKNF today are doing the same thing by wheeling out their elderly serial killing perverts, their teen serial killing perverts, by proclaiming McCarthyism, by proclaiming that they are the victims of a pogrom, by wheeling out the very beautiful and stately SKNF-diplonut's and by any other means they think would work. The truth is that the SKNF are criminals of the worse kind. They are guilty of crimes against humanity and are just a bunch of serial killing perverts. The world needs to see every aspect of their crimes, video and audio footage, documents etc etc. We must not hide their crimes.
-The SKNF's duplicity is not just limited to this sympathy sucking escape trick. They attempted to have me talk about the system of Governor-Generals, Presidencies and so on so that they could proclaim that this system is bad for commoners like me and them as the "evil Family owns everything". Actually we are nothing like the SKNF as we are not a bunch of serial killing perverts.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Other continual attacks. January 26,2015, 1000-1100
SKNF hacking report for FAMILY-1: Notice how they have inserted their own picture so that it does not show hacking attack. |
Many dreams induced in me by SKNF last night. All having to do with assassinating me. The frequency of these have increased and have become more screeching in tone. SKNF have begun dispersing into the countryside, setting up their laptops as field ops stations and with intention of holding mostly wealthy (and if not able) anybody else, hostage. and mutilating and killing as many as possible in a scorched Earth type strategy. They have begun moving their younger nuts into their IT-psyops operations building as these will be their first line canon-fodder (these building are located at their Police and Military buildings) [Usual SKNF propaganda to say that I was made to speak out by the lords by them giving me dreams of Earthly greatness and not because I was being held hostage and thought it the best option before the serial killing perverts kill me. The SKNF then go into threatening me with assassination. Threats that are pretty real considering the number of daily attempts on my life. This ranging from my nightly HIV injections to poisonings to attempts to run me over to attempts to shoot me with shoe guns to.... The SKNF are also using my report as a way to advise their serial killing pervert nutters. They want them send some serial killing perverts into the countryside to support the serial killing perverts there.]. They are also maintaining a ruse where they pretend that they have not been found guilty and that the court case is still ongoing. It is obvious that these vermin have infected so much of security infrastructure that the lords are having to do what SF have done ie put in new leadership. We have warned as many as possible that in this interim period we have to take all precautions to help our side protect us. [SKNF are really annoyed at me pointing out there propaganda and attack on the Lord of San Francisco. The SKNF had announced that the Chief of Police position for SF had gone to one of their serial killing perverts. This had been advertised and announced as a news item as well as in other places]. It is like disturbing a nest of cockroaches. The SKNF vermin are beginning to crawl around everywhere. Old Fuck is now being used as a mouth-piece. [SKNF propaganda and not included here]. We see all the SKNF masks now, from serious lawyer face to super soldier to nut case face. [The serial killing perverts have this thing about calling themselves special names, their egos based upon their specialness. Hence the word masks.], Meanwhile the SKNF are offering me younger and younger women, even twos and in triplets!.
The SKNF in the US and Western Hemisphere have been implying a communist/Russia/China plot as the reason for their treason and crimes. This ruse is also being used by SKNF-China, except of course the enemy being the West [The SKNF have this trick that they play. They will make mention of a super-power and actually have the SKNF from that super-power support their subterfuge contingent on a situation. If the want a big competitive atmosphere they will pull the Russia card. If they want the new "evil-slant-eyed-buck-toothed-totally-foreign-and-contrary-enemy" they pull the China card. If they want a close friend they will pull the European card. If they want a "almost-evil-slant-eyed-buck-toothed-totally-foreign-and-contrary-enemy-except-these-ones-are-Indian" they will pull the Indian card... ]. SKNF-China also [removed SKNF propaganda to make sentence coherent] had attempted to attack the lords of China. SKNF lieutenants trying to make themselves kings of the roost.
I have decided that in John Key's case, should I be on the deciding jury, I will ask for a life sentence. My mind made up because just last week John used his daughter as a tool to garner sympathy for the SKNF, making it seem that we were attacking his daughter whilst pointing at his crime in regards to Michelle Beh. A snake and a manipulator without contrition. This also in the light of the fact that the SKNF nut have been sitting on his kids and especially attacking his daughter [John Keys and his whole family are a bunch of serial killing perverts. They fooled me two years ago when they played the young daughter-the-concerned-father-and-the-teen-aged-son-who-are-really-nice-but-actually-are-a-bunch-of-serial-killing-perverts-trick. They have the SKNF pretend to attack them to hide their complicity in the SKNF's crimes. The lords have indicated that there will be full disclosure. I hope this includes what the Key's said while at school. These actions were designed to cause the cities to fall hostage to the SKNF. Perth fell hostage and is suffering atrocity because of this. I was fooled then but it taught me to never judge a book by its cover.]. .
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and before and after November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-SKNF now changing my note to make my report a SKNF-SKNF communications and SKNF-World propaganda device.
-The SKNF have used the televised and so called official reported media eg newspapers and so on to the lord's detriment. An example of this how they had made the Prince and Princess of Wales become an object of malicious gossip during the 1980-1990's, the nonsense that is written about the WW1-this depicts the royal family as villains that started the war just because a family member was murdered ("caused by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand" Wiki Causes of WW1. The truth is that the SKNF were perpetrating attack after attack on Family during and after that time. The SKNF have also been lying with the subterfuge that it protects Family's interest. An example of this is what they write about the Governor-General's position in Australia and even New Zealand. For instance, this Wiki about the Governor-General's position in Australia is aimed at the masses (the Soylent Green) and is designed to cause discord with the trick being something of the lines of those-evil-wealthy-that-aren't-even-Australians-telling-us-what-to-do-trick. One example of this was the huge SKNF propaganda campaign that came out of the so called 1975 Australian constitutional crisiss that most of the Soylent Green thought was the Governor General's fault but for the experience we now have of the serial killing perverts that are in Government.
President Obama's State of the Union 2015 speech had again been hijacked by the SKNF, this time with all pretense of showing the President respect while at the same time offering to sell the technology stolen from the lords to everybody in the world, this actually being a double method to hide their conspiracy for mass crimes against humanity as having the reason that the lords are withholding what is rightfully the world's. One can almost see the cynical violins being pulled and theme from the Thorn Birds playing in the background. They pulled out Serial Killer Space Guy, someone supposedly called Scott Kelly, to sell the message. And they certainly were not guest of the first lady and the President. Also note how they peppered the crowd with Red and Blue jackets. This is some kind of SKNF propaganda theme that is going around. Its real reason is to cause people to relax their guard and allow the SKNF-diplonuts to get close to them and hold them hostage and commit atrocity. Again the SKNF (January 26, 2015 1323) have just broken a child's arm, the child screaming in the background. The child sounds like a baby or a toddler. Remember this when they try to suck sympathy from us in their Sympathy-Sucking-Escape-Trick. Oh yes. Watch Joe Biden the serial killing pervert in the background. This is the standard for serial killing perverts of this variety, the SKNF-diplonut. Beware of the SKNF-diplonut. They are making attempt at holding hostages and causing atrocities.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. January 26,2015, 1230-1300
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. January 26,2015, 1300-1400
-SKNF [actually the FoM acting in capacity as front man for SKNF-USA] attacked 3 consecutive passenger commercial aircraft flying over SF using their electronics, attempting to crash them.
-SKNF informed so they do not say they did not know our reasons and intentions and their guilt and part to play in SKNF crimes. [I think this is a SKNF propaganda message to motivate the SKNF into full scale attack, something the SKNF have now practiced and are ready to do (January 26, 2015)].
-SKNF behavior a replica of what happened when SKNF vermin in SF attempted a coup here. They continue to waste time, prevaricate and pretend that they are in some kind of discussion. This action is for public consumption. They sporadically invite other members of the security infrastructure to join them in taking over the world. SKNF-China now starting to parrot same techniques and excuses of other SKNF [Actually they were all simultaneously doing the same things]. Seems to be some convergence. More SKNF attacks are being planned. We have attempted to advise schools and parents to be more active in protecting their children. Also have advised others that there must be emergency contingency plans for places of congregation. SKNF planning to target these. Have reminded everyone that SKNF still have access to electronics - massive vermin infestation of security infrastructure. Most likely scenario is what was seen in SF.
Security Chiefs will be changed, the slow deinfestation [This is a SKNF attack and propaganda at the rightful lords and security chiefs. The SKNF have been reacting like serial killing pervert vermin for at least 2 days now ever since I put this guys picture on this report and pointed out that this is a serial killing pervert in the guise as Chief of Police of SF, something that was heavily advertised by the media controlled by the SKNF.
SKNF-USA Propaganda example with false SF Police Chief from sf-police.org |
There are no excuses for being in the middle ground between the SKNF and non-SKNF as there is no middle ground. The choice is binary [SKNF subterfuge and lie that the commanders are in some kind of arrangement where there are 2 senior commanders that are like the chairmen and head of the table, these two having highest seniority].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and before and after November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-SKNF now changing my note to make my report a SKNF-SKNF communications and SKNF-World propaganda device.
-The SKNF have used the televised and so called official reported media eg newspapers and so on to the lord's detriment. An example of this how they had made the Prince and Princess of Wales become an object of malicious gossip during the 1980-1990's, the nonsense that is written about the WW1-this depicts the royal family as villains that started the war just because a family member was murdered ("caused by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand" Wiki Causes of WW1. The truth is that the SKNF were perpetrating attack after attack on Family during and after that time. The SKNF have also been lying with the subterfuge that it protects Family's interest. An example of this is what they write about the Governor-General's position in Australia and even New Zealand. For instance, this Wiki about the Governor-General's position in Australia is aimed at the masses (the Soylent Green) and is designed to cause discord with the trick being something of the lines of those-evil-wealthy-that-aren't-even-Australians-telling-us-what-to-do-trick. One example of this was the huge SKNF propaganda campaign that came out of the so called 1975 Australian constitutional crisiss that most of the Soylent Green thought was the Governor General's fault but for the experience we now have of the serial killing perverts that are in Government.
President Obama's State of the Union 2015 speech had again been hijacked by the SKNF, this time with all pretense of showing the President respect while at the same time offering to sell the technology stolen from the lords to everybody in the world, this actually being a double method to hide their conspiracy for mass crimes against humanity as having the reason that the lords are withholding what is rightfully the world's. One can almost see the cynical violins being pulled and theme from the Thorn Birds playing in the background. They pulled out Serial Killer Space Guy, someone supposedly called Scott Kelly, to sell the message. And they certainly were not guest of the first lady and the President. Also note how they peppered the crowd with Red and Blue jackets. This is some kind of SKNF propaganda theme that is going around. Its real reason is to cause people to relax their guard and allow the SKNF-diplonuts to get close to them and hold them hostage and commit atrocity. Again the SKNF (January 26, 2015 1323) have just broken a child's arm, the child screaming in the background. The child sounds like a baby or a toddler. Remember this when they try to suck sympathy from us in their Sympathy-Sucking-Escape-Trick. Oh yes. Watch Joe Biden the serial killing pervert in the background. This is the standard for serial killing perverts of this variety, the SKNF-diplonut. Beware of the SKNF-diplonut. They are making attempt at holding hostages and causing atrocities.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. January 26,2015, 1300-1400
SKNF puppets told to use the "spade of contrition" to dig themselves out of permanent jail terms [I was so naïve to think that the SKNF-diplonuts were not serial killing perverts but only puppets. Time has proved me wrong]. SKNF starting to tke weapons out of the arsenal again. SKNF still pushing forward with their scorched Earth plans ie attacking and killing as many before their total annihilation. Military personnel have been warned of the high risk of SKNF atrocities at their points of congregation eg schools etc as the SKNF bases tend to be within military compounds. SKNF level of infection in the top most rungs of the security infrastructure is obvious to all now. SKNF still applying subterfuge strategies. I sense that we are gearing up against the SKNF and this globally. Education department have been advised to put in crisis/serial killer nut protocols and contingencies [Time has shown us that the Education Department/Ministries are also heavily infected with SKNF serial killing pervert vermin and hence the reason why they did not warn schools of the threats nor took any action to prevent the serial killings and atrocities that was occurring at schools and other education resources]. SKNF have begun hiding behind their masks of respectability again. However, every once in a while they will tip over the edge into insanity, especially when a paradox in their behavior causes a cognitive dissonance eg them thinking they are not criminals when they have already been overtly declared as such by the Government. SKNF continues to bark inanities to all and sundry. One of their arguments to our rulers is that the SKNF protect the rights of our rulers to be a serial killer nut. Our rulers have replied that a.They are not insane b.Mexican Standoff c.SKNF to orbit Middle Finger.
-Note:2006-2007 when I discovered evidence of telepathy and was attacked by SKNF, Amish school was attacked by SKNF. I recall the jovial nature of these [serial killing pervert vermin] when I mentioned this fact to them.
[This is an important note for me as the it shows how well the SKNF have use the subterfuge of secrecy to ensure that they have a ready supply of victims of atrocity. If we are to ensure that WW4 cannot occur then we must learn and implement everything to prevent these mistakes from recurring. The SKNF have laid a minefield of things that will help another SKNF grow from this soon to be annihilated one. The Wiki may be reporting an incorrect date. If so, it is SKNF propaganda again.].
-SKNF attack at Sandy Hook Elementary, Newtown indicating dirty Police force there. Likely that other district Police force came to rescue. [Truth is that local Police force there is in collusion with SKNF and had planned the attack and save in a Take-All-Sides-Trick. The Police force arrived too late thus allowing the SKNF to do a serial killing, allowing the SKNF contaminant in the Police force to hide the Police's involvement and complicity as well as getting good press from the SKNF contaminated media].
All SKNF global psyops nuts concentrating on confusing our rulers.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and before and after November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF Puppets have continued to back SKNF atrocities atrocities and global annihilation and domination plans even though it has been pointed out today and on numerous occasions prior to today (At least [Feb-March 2012 [SKNF subterfuge to hide actual date. I think I wrote from March to late November 2012, possibly later]] from my experience) that they can dig themselves out of the hole they have made for themselves using the "spade of contrition". They continue to choose to behave as SKNF puppet [I was totally naïve and had thought the SKNF-diplonut to be different to the SKNF-Muscle.]. One wonders if they will chose to be a serial killer next. Epoch Times (20/12/2012) [I wouldn't trust this reported date as the SKNF has been shown to have a tendency to lie about these in my forged notebooks] reports of a school atrocity in China (Chan Peng Village, Guangshan County)
[Chan Peng resembles Chin, my surname, and Ping which is my wife's surname]. Children were mutilated while the rank and file police set up a protective cordon around the school - protecting the sicko's so they could do their atrocities in peace [SKNF subterfuge to make it appear that I have confused the school before the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre [SKNF have falsified date on Wiki. Date of massacre was before or during June 2012.] and the one reported in Epoch times. Also the a subterfuge to report the date of the atrocities incorrectly.].
China is reported [SKNF puerile humor referring to the atrocity as being due to the narcotics trade] as the SKNF there have already shown their face publicly, their intentions and version of
[their attack on the lords] having occurred. SKNF continue to lie and attack simultaneously. Caught a SKNF nut group in USA on their way to perform an atrocity at a school, all dressed up in their flak jackets and [combat uniforms]
[I believe this refers to the saving of a school in SF by security services. The children were then asked to parade themselves at St. Anthony's in a very convincing SKNF subterfuge hiding St. Anthony's UN and other advocates complicity in SKNF crimes.]. Ministry of ED and others have promised protection but looks like the cancerous infiltration of the SKNF is preventing a defence [The heavy SKNF contamination of the departments and ministries did not become known until 2014 - the actual reason why the schools and other education centers were and are never warned]. Department of Education here must make a choice. The SKNF are deemed officially as terrorist criminal nut-jobs. SKNF propaganda trying to dissuade people from action, trying to persuade us that the SKNF will win and be in charge. At least the worm has turned [Opps! I did not understand what the meaning of the worm is.]. We will win but I wonder how long will it take before the evidence is obvious [I was not aware of the SKNF's control over the media]. These problems are echoed worldwide. Even in Syria where the SKNF have manufactured a war.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and before and after November 2012. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF, being a bunch of serial killers and having to live in a context where the normal for the populace is to revile them, in law and personally, have made the excuse shared amongst themselves, that their call to arms, for the military and Police to join them, that the reasons for their attacks and attempted decimation of planet Earth is because of me ie the SKNF's lie was that I had told everyone about the advanced technologies and hence the SKNF were entitled to perpetrate their crimes. [I went through a phase where at first I thought the Police and military were heavily contaminated with SKNF vermin. But the inconsistency of people being saved by the Police then changed my mind into a state of being unsure but thinking that there was some level of contamination, the amount unknown. It was only when it was proven when the security services disobeyed their orders, and when I could understand the internal scheming that goes on in the security services, this by observing what was happening in the Auckland region, that the extent of SKNF contamination within the Police, military and other security services became clear.]. We will squash the SKNF like the vermin they are.
I am now reading a SKNF corrupted book called "Acoustics and Vibrational Physics". This is the context: I wish to brush up on my physics but since the SKNF have a special hatred for me as they are so incredibly micro-brained and jealous, they have destroyed my information sources and feed me nonsense at the same time continuing to expostulate their perpetual bullshit [SKNF propaganda not included here]. I am now reading page 330 of this book. They read my mind and know I will try to finish the book so they keep ahead of my next reading [Basically the SKNF were using me as their "telephone" because I made every attempt not to help them. Their need to enslave coupled with their obsession with me made them try all kinds of ways to attack me. One of these ways is to hold me hostage with the collusive lie with the whole SKNF, using their Take-All-Sides-Trick and Pass-The-Buck-Trick pretending that I had volunteered for this role. In reality the lords from highest command onwards had ordered that I be released and returned to Malaysia safely. The SKNF then lied that it is the SKNF that has authority, as well as every other lie they could imagine. The SKNF contaminant in the security services and Government then pass messages to me with the lie that am a telephone to the psyops that would then pass on this message to the correct authorities. The SKNF have also been offering me my freedom if I assist them. The truth is that I am precluded from assisting them even if I wanted to.]. Their double-speak insinuation to their puppets
[Again my naivety. The SKNF are the same throughout. A bunch of serial killing perverts.] who support their every bullshit [And now we know why January 27, 2015] and to all and sundry, their latest spin of their lie is that I and Serial Killer John and Screeching-Mad-Wife are cooperating in a plan to destroy the military industrial complex by advertising the reality of free energy and propellantless propulsion. They obviously have not gotten over the
Mexican Standoff.
-Read all the below in the context of a very rich man sitting in his study smoking a large expensive cigar and deciding the fate of billions with a Ho!Ho! whenever he comes across his decision to kill us (thank God for the
Mexican Standoff motherfucker!) [The Nut-Lords share a common mentality with the rest of the SKNF. This mentality is serial killing pervert. The Nut-Lords said that they have every right to destroy us, the Soylent Green, using reference to how the captains of the space-craft in Anathem, a Neal Stephenson book, would jettison their crew out into space. Anathem was written as a communique to Family and is a SKNF subterfuge as to real reasons behind SKNF crimes. ]:
Apart from the jollity from saying I should be killed and preferably by being thrown out of a large building they argument is that we and the proprietors react only when children are suffering atrocity, only when they hear the children being tortured which make (Ho!Ho!Ho!) it ok for the atrocities to occur (Die motherfucker!). As to the Mexican Standoff it is actually largesse by the Nut-Lords and its reason is to share power with their lieutenants (HAHAHAHAAHAH!). And not only that but all the proprietors should have the same done to them for it is Utopia! [Interspersed at high periodicity is the call for my murder and mutilation. It is like I am reading and being part of the development of the anti-Quran.]. Anyway, they go on to justifying the worst parts of a nutcase regime eg throwing people out of aircraft, secret serial killings, killing Neal Armstrong because he was a nice guy etc and being totally jealous of anyone with a sense of humor, or with any intellectual capacity whatsoever [or for any reason whatsoever that might trigger that serial killing pervert mentality]; [meanwhile interspersed are numerous pseudo-scientific lies so that my findings are belittled. Anyone that has been around for the last 2 years can attest to this SKNF obsession with anything Mike Chin. Also interspersed are SKNF goading, the SKNF using their attacks on my children to try to bring me to anger. In fact the SKNF are going through another spell of this however the tenor is quite changed. This time they seem more desperate and not so gleeful. Right now I have Bestus-Lieutenant the serial killing pervert and SKNF-NZ terrorist working out of SF following me around as well as being harassed and threatened by the rest of the serial killing perverts that the SKNF seem to think antagonizes me.]. The SKNF then go on to say that there is no evil as evil is only subjective, thus excusing them from their crimes ie the serial killing pervert is just like a pious Pope except the pious Pope does not kill, torture, commit crimes against humanity, does not rape toddlers......
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff . The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. January 27,2015, 1000-1100
-This [book and SKNF group think] goes on to say that as a sweetener the SKNF will release free energy (but we must bow deeply and sacrifice our children to them whenever they need to be fed). Anyway the nutcasery goes on and on.
-Meanwhile SKNF-Japan are attempting with SKNF-China to start a war between the two countries.
-[Back to the SKNF's psychotic offering by group think and that book on physics...] This anti-Quran goes on to blame the non-SKNF side saying that the reason why the SKNF want to end all life on the planet is because the non-SKNF (everybody else) is less sizeable in wealth than the SKNF ie the SKNF have a right to do so (yes I know, they are insane). [Then intermittent "kill Michael" followed by]...If you go on with the SKNF they will cut you in on a deal, albeit on a graduated scale and based on seniority of course. All A scale for the SKNF only (and with a bit of largesse maybe they will spread it around even more!)- but for all those in South East Asia especially, since they went against the SKNF early and are colored skin, wogs, chinks and monkeys, we will give them nothing but slavery. Oh and no free energy devices for those persons we were going to have survive a nuclear holocaust (because we were so excited by this breaking a law of physics we need to do a serial killing). Actually the IT and electronics people advise that the same model for energy today ie petroleum based systems can be applied to superconductor based technologies more efficiently and cleanly [Followed by more anti-Quran chants of killing everyone opposing the SKNF and the SKNF are the only ones allowed propellentless propulsion. Also the SKNF are claiming that they should be the only ones with the gravity disruptor weapon as they are the ones allowed control of the superconductor energy systems-obviously all the excitement of these new technologies have tipped them into insane meandering-And now straight into telling me that they will torture Xia as soon as they can.]. And to make sure everybody knows how smart the SKNF really are they then go on to talking about how what is like being in a propellentless propulsion vehicle with a nudge towards hand waving technical such as Reynolds numbers [They hate the fact that I have discovered a few things.]. They then go onto something about murdering me (Ho!Ho! Ventilate him with bullets). Following this is another monologue on why it is necessary to serial kill everyone with knowledge of SC energy (except for their special friends). Note that we have said no SC energy without space as there are significant infrastructural issues [This being logical but the SKNF will use it as proof for reason to steal the lord's assets and technologies and make it their own.]. SKNF after trying to destroy everyone is now trying to bribe everyone, as long as they are the boss of course. Followed by their mantra for more serial killing (the reasons being whatever that pops into the SKNF head at that moment). Followed by serial killings with a cut-off saw and torture over long period of time directed at anyone opposing the SKNF with the reason that the SKNF are not packed with psychopathic nuts. Followed by a lie that the World Trade Centre in New York was demolished by advanced Earthquake weapons [SKNF puerile humor. This note may indicate that my already many times fraudulently forged notebook was changed again by the SKNF yesterday, January 26, 2015.]. The SKNF demolished the WTC with plastic explosives after they slammed the aircrafts into them.
[Intermittent SKNF mantra about killing Michael, preferably by lobotomy, poison needle, drowning and also everybody else fighting against the SKNF plan for global domination, then heard.].
Ted is angry [I think this refers to Tennis Club Ted, the SKNF-USA equivalent of Heidi Paakkonen's serial killing pervert rapists].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff . The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-The supposedly impartial discussion regarding the SKNF conspiracy, crimes, threat and the response thereof by the UN, the Government bodies, the security services etc etc was similar if not the same as this snapshot of an actual discussion that had occurred. The Lord of Perth and various other Nut-Lords, including Screeching-Mad-Wife and Serial Killer were being used as the voice of the SKNF, this not done until the SKNF-Lieutenants02 had taken over from the Nut-Lords. Prior to that it was the Nut-Lord's subordinates that did any talking as is protocol.
-I have not seen the SKNF show this level of concern at any time prior to this, today being January 27, 2015. This means that they will become even more erratic and violent. The frequency in which the SKNF changes my notes so that they can make offers to those reading this report is indicative of this. Their propaganda has become even more desperate as well.
-SKNF propaganda in the form of movies and what is reported in the media states that gangs are a cause of all crime. The truth is that these gangs are actually part of a web that extends into the security infrastructure and government working in collusion, as slaves and so on. The SKNF also uses their propaganda as a recruitment tool, using the cool gang movies to portray how amazingly cool it is to be a gang member. This was and is being done all over the world. Even in Malaysia which has been slower at following this trend. Being at the MSC reminds me of this everyday.
- The SKNF had planned to assassinate the President, Mr Obama and if not Mr. Obama, the next President. The plan required that the collusion between the SKNF contaminant within the President's security and that of the rest of the SKNF be unknown. This is how President Reagan suffered being shot and this is how President Kennedy was assassinated. The idea was to have the VP takeover the role, the VP being an SKNF agent. Joe Biden is VP and is a SKNF agent.
-The so called 9/11 attacks and the destruction of the World Trade Center as well as other attacks were perpetrated by the SKNF. The WTC was demolished by plastic explosive charges. The aircraft that crashed into these building and elsewhere were remotely piloted by the SKNF contaminant in psyops attempted to use it as excuse to start a nuclear holocaust.
SKNF A group get everything; SKNF B group get the remainder of anything A does not want + free energy; SKNF C group get the remainder of the remainder. There is actually a z class of which 99.99999999999999999999999999% of the world are in. We not only get nothing but have to survive the nuclear holocaust, end of all life on Earth and a serial killing every 2 weeks (B & C will also get serial killed but that is left unsaid). All one has to do is join them. Also SKNF offering to bribe anyone (must be rich enough to be in B or C group) with limitless credit card expenditure account. This reminds me of how the USA was offered the Mediterranean to stay out of WW2 [In retrospect I now see that it was the a SKNF subterfuge much as the one in WW3.]. And like in WW2 the SKNF infection that pretends to be on our side and in negotiation with the SKNF (at this point the SKNF have not lost any of their weaponry, esp. electronics) continue in the pretense that this option is a credible one and should be considered. In WW2 the USA had to sacrifice Pearl Harbor to get the populace working against the SKNF of that period [Actually I think I may have made an error here. It is probable that the US was about the join the war and that the SKNF contaminant had allowed Pearl Harbor to be attacked as a result.].
A Polynesian teenager was tried for a horrific rape of a 5 year old European girl in Turangi, this before I left NZ. The truth is that this person was coerced by the SKNF to do this [Another example of why the mechanism of enslavement must be dismantled and destroyed]. Being one of the lost he committed this crime and then was sent to a monster maker prison. I believe he should be rehabilitated [I was obviously still quite naïve regarding the SKNF and their second class citizen SKNF members] in somewhere that doe not produce monsters [True. The prison system is part of the mechanism for enslavement and empowering the SKNF]. The lower socio-economic groups have borne the majority of the atrocities and have been enslaved by the SKNF. However the rape of a 5 year old girl is insufferable. [SKNF-NZ and most probably Serial Killer had ordered this rape so that they could blame my daughter's rape on those evil brown skinned Malays. Actually the whole bunch of them are serial killing pervert vermin].
The pitch of SKNF monologue increasing. A good sign that the walls are closing in on them. They spent all day today trying to raise an army with the ABC plan. They continue to prepare to attack and murder [The SKNF have shown not contrition or remorse whatsoever and have instead tried to commit more atrocities and evil, January 27, 2015]. Their access to electronics indicates that the infestation goes to the highest levels. SKNF infection continues to cause delays in their total annihilation. They use a type of propaganda that would induce one to think that they are still in negotiation, that no one knows of their criminality and the judgment and sentencing, that the basis for this inaction at the highest levels is because this is all a deception. [Some SKNF incoherence that I think relates to how the SKNF would, usually and suddenly go into a lets kill everyone by atrocity mantra]. And the anti-Quran goes on in the same manner. [Some incoherent combination of notes that mentions a coup-d'etat].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF as usual attacking my sleep. [Something about a serial killing pervert I had called angry Ted that I don't think I wrote and think its a combination of notes from my notebook to confuse me as to who Angry Ted is.]. SKNF-China indicates that it also had an internal coup [This must be part of a note from after the Mexican Standoff]. It lieutenants taking over from its ex-heads and its ex-heads being mere mouth-pieces. Anti-Quran still being recited with same pattern of insanity - every third sentence about my impending murder. SKNF females playing the sympathy card with tearful exhortations that this is a plot against the SKNF because we want their wealth - this immediately followed by exhortations to kill everyone. SKNF worldwide have sent each other their access codes to their respective arsenals so each can use the others weapons to end the world [note can be from before, during and after the Mexican Standoff.]. Likely that SKNF internal coup a global event. SKNF still trying to end the world and pressing nuclear button etc. SKNF continue subterfuge of court having no verdict. Other SKNF puppets playing along in treasonous conspiracy. SKNF also trying to use SKNF-China in deceit that I am a Chinese spy. SKNF trying all its propaganda so that military and police will join them in their coup. So far unsuccessful. [This part of the note must have been before I had learnt that the Lord of SF had ordered the Police to arrest the SKNF. I had concluded that the military were mostly contaminated with SKNF vermin only in 2014 when I had learnt about their disobedience to orders from their command to arrest the SKNF]. SKNF planning Xmas-New Years period attack. In NZ attacks likely in Coromandel, Queenstown.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Both SKNF puppets and serial killers continue subterfuge of unfinished court case and fence sitting. Trying everything including sympathy tricks eg using their children as sympathy tools. [Whole lot of SKNF nonsense and incoherence not included here]. SKNF continue to show no contrition at all but are supporting more crimes. [More SKNF incoherence and attempts to use my notes as a propaganda tool. All this not included here.]. More threats by SKNF 1.Threat to put me in insane asylum 2.Threat to infect me with TB or some other disease. Also SKNF attempted to commit atrocities on Linda Severe's family as well as Steve Broadbent [Well before this date]. NZ Police keeping them in their vermin nests [I was totally naïve. NZ Police are heavily infested with SKNF serial killing pervert vermin.]. SKNF pulling the Feel-sorry-for-me-for-I-am-a-sensitive-serial-killer trick. Saying to ignore their attempts at destroying the planet, treason, crimes against humanity etc. All other SKNF staying silent and pretending not to exist [This may have come from just after the Mexican Standoff.]. SKNF really working the violins now. Serial killers have an overblown belief in their ability to bullshit anyone ie they think that everyone else is a fool. SKNF worldwide, especially in large countries have exchanged their computer access with each other to each others arsenal. All of them are attempting to destroy the world. SKNF launch world wide campaign using ships/planes against other countries with intention to start a global war and nuclear holocaust while continuing pretense of running own countries [I think I wrote "being loyal"]. Attempts fail.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
[SKNF propaganda not included here]. SKNF also attempting to attack civilian population. Tactic is to disperse and converge on a specified target. If this target become improbable, they will just kill whoever or whatever is around them. Snake has run off to Australia with money taken from Serial Killer John's bank account. Usual subterfuge continues with SKNF pretending that court has not come to conclusion and has found SKNF criminal. SKNF attempting to use me as a tool to panic the population. Nutcase in China (Fucking Fu Manchu) attempting to seduce me with teen girls.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF disperse and converge to do a mass murder/serial killing being bolstered by mass movements of other SKNF support nuts. Mr. Electronics have provided new SKNF (ex-wannabes) nuts access to computers and psyops bolstering their numbers there. Have told the new SKNF that they are now to be totally annihilated. Reason: SKNF setting up and doing actions that creates more atrocities also war on planet Earth also computer is a weapon, high treason etc. Also have been supplied with machine guns and other light arms [SKNF have armed gangs and paramilitary with weapons. Bestus-Lieutenant involved in this.].
Hairless-Nut - Detective uniformed SKNF whose base is Christchurch and possibly roams to Queenstown. Top SKNF-NZ lieutenant. Balding pate, 50+ age. SKNF providing John and Vicky [Serial Killer and Screeching-Mad-Wife] gas and electricity now to keep them compliant - actually Sicko John [Serial Killer] would have helped the SKNF even without these incentives [SKNF had destroyed Serial Killer's thorium generators and then had temporarily cut off their power and gas supply, reinstated this and the cut it off again after Serial Killer tried to make a deal with SKNF in the other non-American super-powers. I can't say that I was not amused by this.]. Angry Ted and SKNF troops are TV generals and soldiers. Got their training from watching TV and being a serial killer [I had actually meant those like Angry Ted and the SKNF-paramilitary. However I think the SKNF are not that much different in general as they seem best when they attack defenceless families and children. The SKNF in Perth then physically beat up some children and toddlers when they heard me first say this. This note makes me wonder if Angry Ted is like that serial killing pervert senior SKNF that cynically got those SKNF-paramilitary to cross the NZ Nut-Lord's minefield. These SKNF-paramilitary stopped when the 3rd one of them was blown up by a mine. Their SAS training had indoctrinated them to not ask questions and just be canon-fodder. I was then able to guess the number of times the SKNF would brave the advanced weapons before they stopped attacking. I was almost correct. I had said 3 but they were wiped out 4 times in a row but in different countries.].
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. -I am not sure I recall who Hairless-Nut is but I recall that a hairless nut from the Christchurch Police force had jiggled what was implied as a gun bag when I had warned the Severes that they were about to be attacked, the implication that they would prevent the SKNF. What had happened was that the SKNF managed to attack Linda and Brian's home, destroying the interior with grenade and then not finding them there, had killed Linda's horse. I was able to discern the SKNF's Take-All-Sides-Trick by this time and was right in saying the Christchurch Police force contaminated with SKNF. Brian is a Police officer as well.
SKNF implementing their strategy of attack and going underground, hiding amongst the crowds [SKNF in San Francisco had even organized themselves into what would seem like a family so they could take holidaying families hostage.]. SKNF nut groups have received oxy-acetylene torches so they can cook their victims [I wonder if this last note is a mash up of a note about the SKNF going to Craig Fong's house and torturing his family there.]. Meanwhile the older senior part of the nut group are pretending not to be SKNF and using sympathy tricks so the can attempt to escape their eventual annihilation. I saw what happened at that school where the children were tortured (before Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre [SKNF have falsified date on Wiki. Date of massacre was before or during June 2012.]. The children were about 5 years old. They were slapped and beaten and [SKNF puerile humor not included here] tortured. Canon-fodder SKNF continue to be nuts. They have bought their execution. World would be a much better place without them. [SKNF insertion not included here]. SKNF new story is that they are victims of a massive subterfuge to take their wealth but in the meantime anyone that joins them can make endless wealth. SKNF using a rewritten version of "Lord of the Ring" to sell their [idea that they can sell the technologies stolen from the lords as their own and everyone can benefit that way]. Something must be going on as the SKNF seem to be tipping more into serial killer mode. The SKNF have perverted all intentions, including the law, to their need to feed themselves with atrocity. An example of their tactics is to say that since one has had say Marijuana then the SKNF are entitled to enslave, torture and make one suffer atrocity. SKNF-NZ openly threatened to torture John Key's children as they don't have other easily available children to torture. John Key's informed again [John Keys and his whole family are a bunch of serial killing perverts who had fooled me on a number of occasions but who have proven to be a bunch of serial killing perverts over the last 2 1/2 years.].
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. January 27,2015, 1800-1900
Epoch Times [date reported in fraudulent notes is December 27, 2012 but I am unsure myself] Ukrainian Judge Vladimir Trofimov, 58 and family of 3 suffer SKNF atrocity. Beheaded and tortured. SKNF-China attacking Chinese officials [I think this referred to a SKNF-China serial killing of some Chinese officials. SKNF-China are also responsible for killing and maiming a large number of children by poisoning their milk powder at the factory]. Syrian military proclaims self as SKNF by defecting to so called rebels in war in Syria [Actually this was a Syrian use of the SKNF's Take-All-Sides-Trick where they play the rebels, the good guys trying to save Syria and have others waiting in the wings to strengthen this subterfuge. This tactic was very effective in Libya which fell to chaos.]. SKNF trying to get overseas military to blindly support war in Syria. SKNF now bringing in nuts from across state borders to affect their diverge and converge serial killing tactics ie. so that local citizenry do not recognize SKNF nuts.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. January 28,2015, 1000-1100
SKNF heavily infiltrated Police & security infrastructure in all countries. In SF Police not applying the law. Sentence by Supreme Court not applied [They were ordered to arrest the SKNF by the Chief of Police in SF. The SKNF tried to hold the Chief of Police of SF hostage. They have also mined his home. They have damaged his home and stolen his property. They then used this stolen property to goad and taunt him. This was before they attacked some of his friends, holding them hostage and committing atrocity on them. I heard a young male child, say "Hands off! Hands off!", this probably as they were about to torture him and probably after he had seen his family suffer atrocity. They had used me as a human video unit to transmit this to the SF Chief of Police's eyes. I also saw a tall, dark brown hair, Caucasian man, holding the bottom half, from waist to feet only, of what appeared to be his father's body. This was a serial killing pervert humor as this man was made to hold this body in what appeared to be a loving embrace of a son around his father. The man was gritting his teeth. I was forced to do this when the MSC had had me kicked out and then the SKNF controlled shelter system put me into a supposed shelter on Leavenworth St, close to Golden Gate Avenue. Everybody in this shelter was a serial killing pervert, from staff to guest. They would inject me with HIV when I slept. I had thought that the MSC was safe but they then also started injecting me with HIV when I returned to the MSC. I had discovered that the shelter staff were playing the Take-All-Sides-Trick, shelter staff playing good guy, guest bad guy and neutral guy a combination of both. The staff and guest are showing their serial killing pervert face more as we get close to the SKNF's annihilation. They have surrounded me with serial killing perverts, the guest and the staff threaten me physically and the SKNF are now receiving videos and images of a sexual nature of those that the SKNF are attacking.].
-SKNF continue to build up canon-fodder gang army on streets of SF with intention of creating atrocity and chaos, war, such as happened in Libya & Syria. SKNF have armed street gangs providing them with an assortment of weaponry from mortar & grenades to light arms as well as electronics. Also applying propaganda that events are a gang war. Yesterday that had apparently one gang sitting over another to confuse public observers. [Bestus-Lieutenant and others was used by SKNF-USA to arm their paramilitary and street gangs. The Police and security services, while applying their propaganda that they are not heavily contaminated with SKNF vermin, leave the question open as to why there are terrorist wondering all over the streets even though the order from command has been to arrest them. Libya fell to SKNF chaos, Syria is still at war and Egypt had signs of growing chaos. The news media in its SKNF contaminated state reports all this as being part of the Arab Spring, a supposedly Middle Eastern revolution to rid itself of those "evil" Arabs so it can be taken over by "good" Arabs. The truth is that the naming for this attempt at global holocaust is a SKNF exercise that is meant to squeeze the sympathy from the rest of us that are ignorant of what is really happening. The plan is for the local SKNF's of these countries to suck in the nuclear powers of Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia, ignite a nuclear holocaust, have the super-powers involved, this itself being incited and supported by the super-power's own SKNF contaminant. All this at the very least will give the SKNF access and control over these Middle Eastern countries and at the very worst, result in a nuclear conflict that will lead to nuclear holocaust. Meanwhile the UN plays neutral good guy. This all another variant of the SKNF's
-Perth in serious danger of mass serial killings. SKNF infection of security infrastructure starting to become more open. I feel that we are heading towards a finality. SKNF collaborators are no different from SKNF paramilitary. What I see is that they are a sneering ball of hatred. They are actively involved in the conspiracy and the atrocities. My intention is to call for a death sentence for all of them. [The SKNF threaten killing all in Perth by atrocity (January, 28,2015) even though they cannot win and actually should be showing contrition and remorse instead of cynically trying to do a Sympathy-Sucking-Escape-Trick. This is typical of the serial killing pervert vermin and its mentality.].
-Stephanie was held back in Sydney, Australia. [SKNF insertion not included here.]. She was allowed to leave eventually.
-My earlier remarks about Putin is wrong. Putin is non-SKNF and on our side. SKNF tried to hijack Russia's elections. May explain why a commercial rocket was shot down with a laser.
-NRA says that the only way to stop a evil motherfucker (my word) with a gun is a good man with a gun. I agree.
[SKNF insertion not included here]
-In Examiner 03/01/2013 [I do not trust the dates that my multiply fraudulently forged notebook-3 reports]: SKNF attacking MSC funding and a threat to my life [I was so naïve. The shelter system, prison system etc etc is under SKNF control. This threat to MSC was to misdirect attention to the SKNF's contamination of these systems.]. Book-bomb (looks like a bible) found in MSC this morning [Example of SKNF Take-All-Sides-Trick.].
-SKNF enslaving of children and their parents creates a canon-fodder army. This is a technique used by the SKNF in WW2 eg Hitler youth. They were turning our children into slaves and using them as prostitutes, drug and other couriers. The SKNF punish them with serial killings and reward them with toys like access to electronic games, drug parties etc. [This is but one strand of a bundle of SKNF crimes and evil. The SKNF tend to have extremely damaged psychologies, one that for instance drives a psychosis where the worst type of school style bullying appears to be their standard and accepted mode of behavior, this particularly prominent in the security forces and worse still practiced by men and women that are well past their 50's years of age. Another instance of this is the observable systematic psychotically macho teaching methods in private schools, especially those catering to boys only. This systematic SKNF tactic biases towards creating insanity within our children.].
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
[Looks like SKNF propaganda insertions about an arab looking guy. I think it refers to this time when there I was waiting in the MSC drop-in and there were 3 SKNF agents there who were gathering transmission information for a bag bomb that had been carried in by another SKNF nutter. The bag-bomb guy was about 6' tall, dark haired and probably wore glasses-I am finding it a little difficult to recall this nutter face at this moment. There was a short (about 5' 5"?) thin build, dark skinned male, probably in late 20's-30's, would drag around a box that was attached to a two wheeled trolley, possibly Indian descent, or maybe African descent. Another was a northern Arabic, possibly Iranian looking male, late 20's-30's, about 6' 1" tall, short haired, he appeared to be ordering the electronics psyops of his country so he was probably senior secret service - I think this guy had come from Iran and that the SKNF had thought Iranian technology an easy theft - he may also still be hanging around SF. There was also this Caucasian male, 50's+, brown medium-long wavy haired. This lot were trying to figure out why their stolen electronics could work in a test context but could not work elsewhere.].
-SKNF-North-Korea attempts to launch nuclear missiles and start nuclear holocaust.
-SKNF pushing subterfuge that their canon-fodder gang armies don't exist and that its business as usual. In fact SKNF are arming and providing cash, weapons, electronics, narcotics to take over street. [Was also doing the same with SKNF paramilitary nutters. They had planned to turn all our cities into the horror of Perth.].
-MSC takes Examiner to court. I think MSC won. [I think I was fooled. The MSC and the Examiner are contaminated and controlled by the SKNF.].
-SKNF using serial killer terrorist nut criminals as lawyers.
-Whole world now knows that we are in WW3. Perth being threatened by SKNF.
-Stephanie escaped to Singapore with help from my good friend in Australia. Thanks Mik!
-SKNF trying to pretend that there is no clear definition between them and everybody else.
-Terrorist criminal. MSC is launching pad for them to take over shelters. [Man I was naïve. The shelter system is controlled by the SKNF and the place is like being in a pit full of vermin].
-SKNF trying to disarm US citizens by attacking NRA and right to bear arms.
-SKNF using time delaying tactics and pretending to be friendlies by playing super secret agent. They are pushing the subterfuge that secret services are communicating and doing something (using secret agent methods) while all the time building up their forces in Australia & NZ as well as on the streets of our cities. Seems like many secret services are SKNF.
-Mousa Koussa of Libya secret service is SKNF and is part of the SKNF plan for Middle East chaos leading to nuclear holocaust.
-Saudi Arabian nuclear missiles attempted to be launched.
-SKNF-Malaysia also taking part in time sucking whirlpool of bullshit subterfuge.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
[SKNF insertion to confuse me on the orange haired SKNF-NZ terrorist (6' tall, late 20's-30's, fit, thin build, balding pate.) who tried to tried to stiletto me and with his female SKNF-NZ colleague (Female colleague: 40-50's, blonde, usual garish makeup, wrinkled face, 5'6") left a car-bomb in front of MSC in 2012.].
-IED bombs also being placed in SF [The SKNF have planted a large number of mines and bombs all around SF. Many of these bombs have been planted by the city work crews who are heavily contaminated with SKNF vermin. The lords wealth is being turned into a weapon and used against the lords.].
-SKNF putting foreign national terrorist in NZ, Aust, USA and all other countries to hide local involvement in terrorist activities [eg Bestus-Lieutenant]. SF security heavily infested with SKNF. SKNF attempting to push subterfuge that their activities are not terrorist activities.
-SKNF have been deleting information their crimes from Government databases.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Perth is under attack by the SKNF. We have turned off their tanks so they are unlikely to have any advanced weapons [Still so naïve. The SKNF have no advanced weapons but NUT-1 is allowing the SKNF to continue their atrocities so that it can be used as a bargaining chip against Family/Lords. Family/Lords have replied that this will not work. Fortunately Family/Lords have put in failsafes to prevent NUT-1 from destroying the Earth. The delays in stopping the SKNF threat is caused by the heavy SKNF contamination of all of the security services.]. They plan to hold Perth hostage. Also other places threatened. Port Hedley? Today's WW3's equivalent of D-Day. The SKNF have discovered that they do not have control of electronics. Now they are trying to scatter, buy their way out and hold Pert, Aust and NZ hostage [I was totally unaware of the real situation and the extent of SKNF contamination within the security services, R&D and the rest of Government as well as elsewhere. Actually things were at their most dangerous. Family were at their greatest risk and the world could have fallen to an extinction event.]
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. Also Perth fell very soon after the Mexican Standoff and certainly not in 2013.
-Perth is under siege. RAN (Royal Australian Navy) warships blockading harbor [and laying mines (motto should be serial killing pervert vermin with pride]. Roads into + out of Perth have SKNF [contaminant in Australian military/Police/security services] preventing people from leaving.
-Another 2 terrorist hanging around [Terrorist descriptions that I am unsure off. Could be SKNF misdirection so I have left it out of this document.]. SKNF trying to use phone guns on me. SF security infrastructure obviously contaminated with SKNF. Bunch of Insano level SKNF ran off to Australia. SKNF 2 strategies appear to be 1.Kill as many people as possible 2.Integrate themselves into populace to hide themselves. Still it will be the total annihilation of the SKNF. Singapore, Malaysian SKNF very active. SKNF collaborators eg Judith the PM of Australian and a sneering ball of hate actively participating in atrocities.
-SKNF begin bombarding Perth. SKNF poisons Perth water supply . Our side blows up SKNF motherfucker. [Actually what happened was that the SKNF put snipers into position on some hill overlooking the city at the start of the SKNF atrocities and crimes against humanity in Perth. They may have poisoned the water supply to Perth at the same time or slightly after laying their bombardment and sniper positions. The residents in Perth were then told that their water supply had been accidentally poisoned by a truck full off herbicide or pesticide. One of the SKNF serial killing perverts at the sniper position on top of the hill overlooking Perth got overly excited and shot at a building with a anti-tank artillery weapon. SKNF psyops then had him go to a box full of mines and detonated a mine while he was removing one of them. They then played it like the good guys were coming to the rescue in a variant of the
Take-All-Sides-Trick. They kept the residents of Perth in the dark. The same secrecy trick the SKNF have used right throughout WW3 in their senior security services roles, all this so that we would not be forewarned and so the SKNF could commit their atrocities - remember that we almost lost the Earth and all suffered atrocities because of this trick of pretending to keep everything secret to protect us. The residents of Perth have suffered atrocities for 2 1/2 years now. All members of the SKNF have been actively helping the SKNF commit these atrocities. Do not fall for the Sympathy-Sucking-Escape-Trick.].
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat. Also Perth fell very soon after the Mexican Standoff and certainly not in 2013.
Terrorists everywhere in SF. Too many to note. Gun pointed at me by SKNF, old, 50's, greying dark hair, stubbled, double chin, looks a bit like older fat boy. Are they cloning them? Appears to wear glasses. Caucasian.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF control SF Police. Lucky to avoid being murdered by lethal needle yesterday. Cockroach cop showed face last night and then this morning tried to cover up their mistake. SF may turn out to be next Perth. As a peninsula it is easy to cut off all egress routes. Looks like Police everywhere involved in this conspiracy. SKNF planning to take a school in or around SF. Atrocity. SKNF final plan is clear. They will hold cities hostage and perform mass atrocities [I was not aware of this until mid-late 2014. I think I had written that the SKNF were trying to hold some cities hostage ie New York, Penang and anything they could.]. They have lost already as they have no strategic weaponry like battle groups, space based assets or electronics
[I was not aware of the extent of the SKNF infection. They are everywhere including the advanced weapons, R&D etc.]. Serial killers are everywhere here. Whatever needs to be done needs to be done now. Perth is now 3rd day under siege. Rain dance created plenty of rain for Perth. Hopefully they collected as much as they could and are getting together.
[Perth has suffered because we all believed the SKNF lie that the SKNF conspiracy and threat needed to be kept secret to protect Government. It also suffered because we have been conditioned not to use our telepathy to find out truth. It also suffered because we blindly believed the propaganda that said our security services are the good guys in everyway [my apologies to those in the security services who are not SKNF]. It also suffered because the SKNF had made me appear insane so that when I did warn Perth, they chose not to believe me, this a very human thing but distresses me because of the extent of the atrocities.]. As civilians we seem unable to get together in times of crisis. If I survive this I will try to rectify this. All the SKNF masks are transparent now. We see them clearly. We see their plans clearly
[I was wrong when I wrote this. I thought it was for nuclear holocaust and had not been aware of the counterplan.] and yet we go about our day like it is a time of peace. Linda and Bryan (Severe) were attacked yesterday by the SKNF. Luckily they escaped in time. No one from Christchurch Police came to their rescue
[Note the tone of this. I am already becoming aware of the extent of SKNF contamination within the NZ Police.] - Bryan is a NZ Police officer. Police need reeducation. I am trying to get out of the MSC now as it is clear that the place is a danger to me. [I think some SKNF insertion so have not included it here]. Psyops in SF have SKNF contamination.
[I was told this and believed it as it explained the security situation in SF. It was about this time that the attacks on me began in earnest. In retrospect, I am lucky that the SKNF serial killing pervert mind is obsessed by suffering and seeing me suffer. It probably gave the lords sufficient time to save me. They could have killed me if they had not intended that I suffer first (HAHAHA!).].
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF plans now known in total [I wrote this about 2 1/2 years ago and was wrong. I was not aware of the
counterplan.]. Many Police even senior level. Many psyops. Life in danger. Swarms of nuts around me. They are starting fires all over Australia [I am not sure if I wrote Australia], here in the USA and everywhere. They are using their electronics to create collisions, damage infrastructure, attack databases, causing buses to crash, factories to burn. [SKNF fraudulent insertion]. Perth is now [4 days under siege]. Their water has been poisoned. SKNF attempting to attack schools and cities all over the world. They are sending their armies everywhere pretending to be drill training. They continue to lie about their intent. Their canon-fodder army, street thugs, are preparing to burn the cities and hold them hostage. SKNF collaborators actively participating. SKNF attempting to get heavy strategic weapons and attempting to attack security personnel on our side. They are infiltrating military and mil has risk of being attacked from rear. Police are not applying the law ie are pretending that court ruling have not occurred [And had disobeyed their highest command eg Lord of Perth] as well as threatening anyone that are speaking out or preparing for the worst. Neither are they arresting the armed terrorists that are roaming the streets. The SKNF continue to try and say that this is a gang war as in what they said happened in Los Angeles and England not so long ago. They are trying to disarm Americans by attacking the NRA [Never in all my life did I think I would side with the NRA], raising legislation and blaming their atrocities on the laws here on the right to bear arms. They are mining the harbors of Australia (Royal Australian Navy is SKNF) [Very heavily contaminated with SKNF like the Royal New Zealand Navy
- they tried to destroy passenger aircraft entering NZ airspace and then blamed their attempts on the SKNF in psyops in another variant of the Pass-The-Buck-Trick]. They are setting fire to bushland in Australia. They are attempting to plant bombs at the MSC (plastic and gas) as well as elsewhere, getting into position to hold as many hostages and victims for their depravities as possible. Civilian population appears starting to do something but mostly pretending this is not happening. The SKNF fears the security personnel eg Police etc that are not part of the SKNF.
[SKNF fraudulent propaganda insertion not included here.]. SKNF tried to frame me for
[an atrocity] in the Tenderloin
[SKNF fraudulent date insertion as propaganda trick not included here].
[The SKNF had sent a serial killing pervert, the equivalent of a John Gacy type serial killer. His way of getting approval from the SKNF as he is not as wealthy as the wealthy SKNF is to pretend to be so psychotic and so quick to rage that he is unable to sit down. Apparently this serial killing pervert grabbed some woman off the street in SF, went to her home and dismembered her. The SKNF contaminated SF Police then sent a couple of smiling serial killing pervert Police officers and marched me out of the MSC, almost at gun-point. The idea was to have me wonder towards the Tenderloin district so they could frame me for this crime against humanity. The serial killer who performed this atrocity then turned up at the MSC and hung around the drop-in for a while. He has dark hair, about 6' tall, hefty upper body but with oddly under developed legs. He wore spectacles. It was when I mentioned very loudly that this man was the serial killing pervert who mutilated that woman in the Tenderloin that he started marching around the room as if his rage was too much to contain. The SKNF contaminant in psyops then had to tell him to "control himself" before he then pretended to calm down. Another example of the psychosis that is the serial killing pervert SKNF mentality.]
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. January 28,2015, 1800-1900
SKNF have begun their atrocities in Perth. Residents of Perth sent their children to school and pretended that the context is not WW3. Now their children are being tortured. Limbs ripped off, organs removed, made to drink poisoned water etc. Swarms of SKNF around me
[SKNF incoherence not included here]. Everyone is being threatened. I hope Rofi Pillai is safe. [I wrote something along the lines of "People everywhere going about their daily business and not defending themselves or getting together". SKNF fraudulent insertion is not included here.]. I need to look after myself now. They attacked the hospitals and schools [in Perth]. Torture, mutilation and atrocities.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-The whole SKNF are responsible and have, and are, been active in ensuring the atrocities from their crimes against humanity evil occurs, protecting the ones actually doing the evil, attacking the victims telepathically, prolonging the evil, preventing help from arriving, attempting to get more victims etc etc. Here are some of the things I saw. I could not possibly write down all the thing I had witnessed as there are too many atrocities. Do not be fooled by their age, or what they look like. They are all responsible and are a bunch of serial killing perverts.
-The SKNF initially went to the/(a?) hospital and took a school at the same time. There theyheld the whole school and the hospital staff hostage. They had brought some of their children victims from the school over to the hospital as the hospital had more equipment that the SKNF serial killing pervert vermin mentality thought humorous to use for torture. They did the same to a number of schools, the parents had been threatened if they did not send their children to school. This evil has been going on everyday now for 2 1/2 years.
1.They performed vivisections without anesthetic. I saw one guy look into his open lower abdomen in shock. They left him there in that state.
2.They cooked their victims in the autoclaves - this initially at its original settings but when the serial killing perverts found that their victims would be dead when the autoclave finished its cycle and could be open they then turned down the settings so that their victims would come out totally blistered but still barely living, this so that the SKNF could enjoy their victim's torment
3.removed premature babies and babies from their cribs and tore them limb from limb - I saw 2 serial killing perverts dancing around a ward with a baby being pulled in different directions, each serial killing pervert holding an arm and a leg each, both serial killing perverts dressed in full combat uniforms like their serial killing pervert colleagues in the Police and military
4.Had babies removed from pregnant women and in one case took it down or another baby down to a fish and chip shop and cooked it in a hot oil vat, this so that they could prove that they are as "rough and tough" as their Chinese serial killing pervert vermin colleagues in China who had threatened me with the same. The infant was screaming throughout.
5.Used the X-ray machine at highest and most powerful setting for very long periods of time on their victims, some of them pregnant, thus cooking them inside out.
6.Had found the ceramic cutting blade that is used for surgery and started dismembering people with this blade until the blade became too blunt and the mechanism too clogged and rusted to work.
7.Had used a electric cutting saw to cut off a young girl's arm. They held the arm while the girl was standing next to them. They cut it off and she fell to the ground and laid there. One of the serial killing perverts went by afterwards and gave her a kick to see if she was still alive. She was.
8.They dismembered the teachers at the school first and then got the children to carry these adult limbs around the school. The school appeared to be one for the wealthy.
9.They had removed a young girls eyelids because they thought it looked funny. The then had this young girl sit down with the other school students in the gym, all the while laughing at her. She went blind. And then they made her suffer even more.
10.They took some of the children to the hospital and used the equipment there on them. A number of children were put into an oven where they cook the hospital food. These children were then baked in the oven. Their pain was so much that when they struggled and kicked around they managed to physically move the very large male serial killing pervert who, smiling insanely, struggled to hold the oven doors shut.
11.They drilled holes through these children. The SKNF contaminant in psyops, and not only the FoM, laughed that tehse children were being trepanned, referring to how this was found to have occurred in ancient medical practices. One of these victims had excrement pushed into her brain area and then returned to her home. Her parents struggled to keep her alive but since most of the doctors were dead this child suffered for a while and then died. The SKNF thought it humorous to see her parents suffer this torment.
12.They invited some of the parents to retrieve their children, many of these children had held hostage at their schools without food or water for a number of days as the serial killing perverts worked their way through them. The parents that did go to try and retrieve their children were tortured. Some of these had their chins cut-off using band-saws to spite my name. The SKNF then videoed them. They called for help at the same time.
13.They took quite a few children to some tall buildings and made them walk a plank between these building. Most of them fell to their deaths. Some of them made it across and were then tortured some other way. Some of them would almost make it across but the serial killing perverts would move the plank and have them fall. The SKNF contaminant in psyops were very impressed with this and showed me one of these fearsome serial killing perverts standing in silhouette against an open, broken pane of glass siding, sun streaming through the room, in left hand holding a small child, ready to throw it out the window. This is indicative of the SKNF mentality and how they see themselves. The "predator" amongst the "sheep". To me it is the
14.They sent my friend Rofi Pillai to SF just before they took Perth. I should have gone up to her but I believe that the SKNF contaminant had convinced everyone of the lie to keep their conspiracy, threat and crimes secret. Rofi took her own life by lethal injection when she discovered the truth. The SKNF serial killing perverts went to her house, found her and then threw her body around like a rag doll to try and convince me that they had her.
15.They started using sledgehammers on the children, really getting-off on their screaming as they saw one after the other of their school friends being hammered.
16.They would torture their hostage victims by spraying them with cold water and laughing that they could have a drink of water.
17.They forced a number of children to eat human flesh, excrement etc.
18.They brought a number of children to the meat works and used the equipment there on them. The SKNF serial killing pervert vermin really enjoyed throwing these children into the meat grinder. The child would scream once and then disappear in a sound of flesh being ground.
19.They had the children and others lie on a road while the SKNF serial killing pervert vermin drove over them with a road roller. They then would roll their dried bodies off the road, all the while laughing in reference to cartoons of the same.
20.They would bundle their victims in packaging tape and blankets and leave them out in the sun. Whole families across Perth are dying and suffering this way. They have also left children locked in freezers, in small drawers to die of cold and/or starvation.
21.The SKNF get-off on the futility of a parent who tries to save their children. The serial killing perverts would go to a home, separate the parents from children and then scalp the children and allow the parents to walk into the room where the children have been scalped. The parents would then try to rush to their child's aid, to fight a bunch of serial killing perverts who over-muscle them. The parents are held back and beaten up. Imagine yourself walking into a room, aware that some kind of evil has happened but hoping against all hope that it is manageable. You walk into that room and seen your child's skull exposed and the scalp laid beside that child. The child is in immense pain but has a serial killing pervert's hand closing off the child's mouth or the child is muffled in some other way.
22.The serial killing perverts had gone to schools and had taken the female students to rape at their hotel rooms. Some of these rapes were recorded. I saw one female student given nitrous oxide so she would smile while she was being raped. The FoM became all sexually excited when they think about these rapes and I am willing to be have been jerking off to these rapes as often as they jerk off (which is actually almost 24 hours a day - ask anyone). Some of them begin crying inconsolably and are taken away by these serial killing perverts and murdered. The FoM said that they would be murdered quickly if they were to sexually satisfy these serial killing pervert rapists sufficiently. The SKNF had planned to reseed the Earth with their own sperm after they had taken over. Consider the true monster behind the Sympathy-Sucking-Escape-Tricks.
The list of atrocities are endless. Keep this in mind when you see them using their Sympathy-Sucking-Escape-Tricks. The FoM wanted to know what I considered to be the worst atrocity of all, this so that the SKNF serial killing perverts could commit more of that type of atrocity. I will leave my response to the time when we have apprehended these serial killing pervert vermin. The lords have promised full disclosure so do not make your judgement of these serial killing pervert vermin until after you see the truth for yourself. Remember that they tried to do this to all of us. Remember these atrocities when they wheel out their oh-so-elderly-well-travelled-so-innocuous-so-friendly-so-nice-serial-killing-pervert elderly, young and the rest. Remember this when you see Tony Abbott the serial killing pervert and his serial killing pervert family cynically laying flowers for the hostages in Sydney. You have already seen how good these vermin are at sucking the sympathy out of you.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. January 29, 2015, 1000-1100
Perth under atrocity. Abomination! Police pretending that they are not involved in this conspiracy. Their response is to not apply the court rulings [or their orders]. More SKNF propaganda and threats against children foremost and against the undefended citizenry [The serial killing pervert vermin are best when against those who are not defended. Wait till you see them against people that can defend themselves. It will be Sympathy-Sucking-Escape-Trick time.]. I am having to run the gauntlet between the MSC and St. Anthony's [Still be threatened all the time but now the lords are actually stronger and able to protect me.]. Many serial killers attempting to take my life, female and male. John Keys and his Australian counterpart [The then Prime Minister of Australia (Judith?, Julia Gillard?)] and their global counterparts actively involved in atrocity and conspiracy. They continue to lie to the public so that the public does not take measures to defend themselves. [Another variant of this was the SKNF's using the SKNF-diplonut to take hostages and commit atrocities.]. Proprietors taking measures [SKNF fraudulent insertion not included here]. Don't know when we will win. SKNF trying to get more hostages and victims. Multitudes suffering. Citizenry seem slow to get together. Water [SKNF fraudulent insertion not included here] supply being poisoned here and elsewhere with radioactive and other poisons [SKNF-NZ tried to poison Auckland and possibly other cities water supply, SKNF-Malaysia tried to do the same with Pulau Pinang, SKNF-USA tried to do the same in the Bay Area, SKNF-AUS did the same in Perth and possibly tried to do the same in other cities.]. SKNF knows they cannot win so trying to snake their way into favor. Also infiltrating security infrastructure and promoting their own to the highest rank [Had been doing this for a while. Also was killing good people and replacing them with serial killing perverts.]. Rofi Pillai took her own life rather than be tortured and mutilated by the SKNF. She is a friend of mine. [I suspect many doctors in Perth did the same as they have access to medicines that they can euthanize themselves with. The SKNF went on rampage before Perth fell, the FoM telling them to attack Malaysians there. I was witness to one Malaysian family who the FoM had directed the serial killing perverts in Perth to attack. This family heard what was going to happen so they sat in their living room, the doctor patriarch giving each of them a lethal euthanizing dose, starting with the youngest that sat on his mother's lap, then going around until the patriarch was left, he giving himself the last dose. They managed to escape. Another Malaysian family were not so lucky. The FoM had found them and sent a bunch of serial killing perverts to their house, the FoM actually playing the voicebox for the SKNF serial killing pervert psyops in Perth. The patriarch's wife drank a bottle of Draino in the mistaken belief that it would kill her, the patriarch grabbed a blunt meat-cleaver and cut open his son's throat to get access to the carotid artery. He then physically broke this artery in half. His son was crying and had thought he had somehow angered his father. He was fortunately just in time as the serial killing perverts broke into his home almost at that time. This man, and this is someone I would call a "Man", attacked the serial killing perverts with his blunt meat-cleaver. The serial killing perverts held him back and disemboweled him. This man then took a smaller knife and stabbed himself in the heart, killing himself almost instantly. The serial killing perverts then wanted to torture the young male child. But no matter what they did, this child could not feel the pain anymore. The serial killing perverts left soon after. One could sense that they had left in some state of dissatisfaction. The man's wife was also disemboweled and left to die slowly and in pain on the ground. The serial killing pervert vermin then wanted to return to that house as to torture this woman some more. I had to tell this woman what was about to happen and to encourage her to take her own life by also stabbing herself through the heart. The SKNF contaminant in psyops telepathically broadcasted this to everyone trying to make me appear as if I am one of them and some kind of villain. Remember all this when they try their Sympathy-Sucking-Escape-Tricks on you.].
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF atrocities continue in Perth. All of Australia, NZ and world know this. SKNF atrocities also happening worldwide [Someone informed me of this telepathically]. SKNF attempting to get sympathy so they can hide away and get behind our lines. Trying all kinds of other propaganda tricks as well. The primary strategy now is to avoid their total annihilation. Like the vermin they are. We are now at Preparation stage [I was suckered.]. Hopefully next will be implementation of their total annihilation. Screaming all the time. They are mutilating and leaving their victims alive now so as to maximize what they perceive as damage to us. SKNF terrorist running all over SF. Police actively not doing their job. Same globally. SF Police actively collaborating in the crimes against humanity in Perth. The people in the MSC are taking instructions to act as sound camouflage for the cries of these victims of the SKNF. [SKNF fraudulent insertion not included here.]. [SKNF insertion not included here.].
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Police and other SKNF have been given an official notice of their need to surrender.
This note may have recorded a truth. it is true that the security services were ordered to arrest the SKNF by the Chief of Police, by the regional commander, by the President as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and by highest command. In every instance the security services disobeyed and not only disobeyed but have maintained their attempts at taking the lords hostage and perpetrated more atrocities. Highest command then ordered their own security to arrest the SKNF who also disobeyed.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. January 30, 2015, 1300-1400
SKNF showing all signs of attacking subterfuging, infiltrating and atrocity. Many psyops including military are SKNF. SKNF are swarming all over the place. SKNF collaborators actively pursuing SKNF goals. SKNF ignoring notice to surrender. Total annihilation of SKNf includes rebuilding and improvements in security and non-security infrastructure. Also requires research and development in medical technologies-probably also leads to advanced tricorder technologies. All of Perth schools and other places of congregation were taken. Appears that Perth ignored our warnings of SKNF attack and that Perth has fallen to SKNF siege. SKNF have built a considerable army with the Police base, slavery, wannabes, psyops, military nutters. We are very lucky to have R&D fellows [I was obviously unaware of the true extent of the SKNF. They are in everything and everywhere, like cockroaches in a dumpster.]. Must systemize what makes good in the future to prevent another war which we cannot afford. Another war will mean the end of humanity and the planet [This is even more so now that I am aware of the extent of the SKNF (January 30, 2015)].
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
[SKNF fraudulent insertion not included here]. SKNF Plan B is as follows: 1.Take 1 city to show level of monstrosity and test plan 2.Take many cities/hostages and
overwhelm people that control advanced weaponry + electronics requiring sharing of power and control 3.Attack non-SKNF advanced weapons units. This causes control of the advanced weapons and/or electronics to go to next in hierarchy. Which means SKNF will win war. SKNF have infected 2nd level of advanced weapons hierarchy [This is half true. FAMILY-1 and NUT-1 have full control. FAMILY-1 appears to have been aware of NUT-1 and had put in failsafes. The rest of the advanced weapons have powers that can be removed by FAMILY-1 and/or NUT-1. I was not aware of the extent of the SKNF's infection within the advanced weapons divisions and was told and had made assumption based on my observations as to this state of affairs. The SKNF had said that they had created programs that cascaded control off to the rest of the SKNF. This cascade apparently circular so that all groups could have these advanced weapons if the top level, the provider of these powers, had been taken out. The SKNF were also unaware of their own restrictions, this all the way up to SKNF-Lieutenants01.]. The networked control system appears to be built from components. These components appear to be 1.Lasers 2.Space based assets 3.Electronics etc. Each component appears to have a system of hierarchical control where if the level 1 is taken out, level 2 gets all of level 1's powers. This is what the SKNF is playing for.
[Partially true. The SKNF conspiracy consist of the SKNF's plan and SKNF's counterplan]. [SKNF propaganda insertion not included here]. The enemy is in the rear. General Schwarzkoph (Stormin Norman) was murdered by the SKNF. Police may be poisoned by their air-conditioning system, water supply etc [SKNF were planning to kill non-SKNF security services people. This was also before I found out about the Police's involvement in the SKNF conspiracy. SKNF were killing good people and having other serial killing perverts replace them]. We all have a responsibility for our own survival and must do what is logical and rational to survive. We must arm ourselves and get together and form a defence and when our security systems are secure, then attack the SKNF. Schwarzkoph was murdered in Tampa, Floridaa. USCC psyops SKNF contaminated. SKNF Plan C: They are going to kill as many people as possible. Each cell with its own plans if Plan B does not work.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. January 30, 2015, 1500-1600
[SKNF propaganda insertion not included here]
[SKNF propaganda insertion not included here]. Atrocities in Perth and worldwide continue.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
We have a winning strategy. We will make SKNF sleepy using our vast numbers and discover the infection in the advanced weapons people. SKNF trying to prevent this. [This note was before the Mexican Standoff and before I knew the extent of the SKNF contamination. This idea came from the security services. The lords obviously knew something about the extent of the SKNF's contamination.]. SKNF and lies about what is happening continues. SKNF told Perth that water supply was accidentally poisoned hence people in Perth did not think they were under siege. [SKNF propaganda insertion not included here].
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Intelligentsia almost all SKNF. Our side having to rebuild computer/intelligentsia section. [This was when I first discovered the extent of the SKNF contaminant within psyops and when they began to make themselves more visible to me but not to the rest of the world.]. Explains why so much crime and murder went unresolved. Atrocities continue worldwide esp in Perth, Australia. All Police involved to some extent. They refuse to apply court rulings [and their orders discovered later] and continue their PR campaign to gain our sympathies. Their act is thin and transparent.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF doing massive PR campaign. Attempts to disarm USA, attempts to say that they are not at war with world etc. Atrocities continue worldwide esp Perth. In SF, SKNF threaten schools with atrocities especially if we do not speak well of them. Observed missile launched on SF. Missile detonated.
[I saw 1 missile and possibly one other. I think they were aimed at me. They were detonated before reaching me. They were launched from the south east of SF.]
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-Was infected by a host of pathogenic viruses about 2 weeks ago. Need to get home. [This occurred about Feb-March 2013. I have been infected on many many occasions. The first lot of infections, in 2013 were killed viruses. The 2014 lot of infections were killed off by disruptor. The SKNF had obtained this virus and protected it from being replaced for dead virii. Yet I have not show any signs of HIV etc. Recently, January 30, 2015, they have been getting virii directly from HIV carriers and trying to infect me while I am asleep. This at the MSC. And this with the consent of MSC staff. I believe one of them is a blond, thin build, Caucasian, male, approximately mid 20's-mid 30's of age, serial killing pervert. I am never warned or made awake when attacked indicating that psyops who are supposed to be protecting me are SKNF contaminated. The SKNF contaminated security here plays a game of wanting to throw me out of the shelter. The psyops in a Take-All-Sides-Trick plays good guy by supposedly using their authority to keep me in the shelter. Actually they could put me in a hotel or even return me to Malaysia safely as they have been ordered to do. The SKNF contaminant in psyops are currently also playing this game by allowing what they consider to be small crimes to occur in SF and probably elsewhere, this to cover up their collusion and part of the SKNF conspiracy with the bullshit that they were not aware that these crimes were going to happen and/or had happened.].
-SKNF are building bespoke nuclear bombs. Should be ready and used within 1 week.
[This is a SKNF lie and used as a reason why Perth is allowed to suffer atrocity. Actually the real reason is that Perth is within NUT-1's region of command. Nuclear devices cannot be set off also because of the pervasive swarming microbots that are capable of controlling electronic and even chemical reactions.].
-SKNF atrocities, subterfuge, attacks continuing. [The SKNF psychosis becomes temporarily fixated with particular atrocities, this fixation lasting until another type of atrocity attracts whatever psychotic thing it is in the serial killing pervert vermin. Today's (January 30, 2015) psychotic fixation is on a woman that has her young daughter crying in a corner of her room after she had watched her mother, lying on a bed in front of her in the same room, have an unborn child removed from her abdomen and her abdomen left open, her intestines clearly visible.
-East Timor or Timor Leste had also suffered the crimes against humanity that Perth is suffering. The SKNF contaminated UN's then had this Indonesian island taken away and given to the SKNF. SKNF all over the world were involved in this little trick, SKNF-Indonesia as well. Another variant of the Take-All-Sides-Trick. The corrupted media played the lie that it was those evil brown skinned Indonesians that were at fault and of course, as they always do, are never responsible for telling the truth. This even though the law states that the media has to tell the truth.]. SKNF-Indonesia then went on to bomb tourist in Bali to incite anti-Australia and anti-Indonesian sentiment as well as to threaten the rightful rulers of Indonesia (Bali bombings).
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
One component of the SKNF is the Police forces of the world. This gives SKNF numbers somewhere in the region of 300-500 million nutters [Probably a gross overestimation. The SKNF does number in the millions. ]. 20 years of infiltration [Far more. I was obviously unaware of what the SKNF actually is.]. SKNF now manufacturing silicon IC chips for advanced weapons. Should have first few advanced weapons within weeks [Turned out that it was not as simple as that and that the lords have numerous defenses. SKNF-Lieutenants01 were more aware of the lord's defenses. The whole idea of the SKNF conspiracy was to have SKNF-Lieutenants02 commit themselves and then have them take the cities hostage thus causing Family/Lords telepathic strength and thus security infrastructure to be dismantled. I was not aware of all this when I wrote this note and only became aware of the real SKNF conspiracy in middle to late 2014.]. The nutters are truly insane from its head to the rest of it. The world could not possibly survive a nuclear holocaust. [SKNF-Lieutenants02 plan was to have a limited nuclear war ie a nuclear war that destroyed the cities only. In reality the SKNF tried to drop every nuclear bomb and use every weapon and if successful would have destroyed the Earth totally.]. They prevent me from healing myself [I had thought I had found a cure to HIV when I did not show any symptoms. The SKNF had thought so too and had started poisoning the flowers I would use as my cure. I have lost a little of ability to focus on close objects because of some toxins that I had consumed as a result.]. People around me prefer what happened to Perth to happen to them instead of helping each other [Some frustration at the fact that everybody seemed to be doing nothing even though the world appeared to be on the verge of mass atrocity.]. [SKNF propaganda not included here.]. Typical swarming behavior around me. Reminds me of a cockroach infestation. The Police have been creating slaves purposely. They are the ones pushing the narcotics and ensuring their use is illegal and a serious crime. It makes their slaving an easier process. 99% of all bad crime stems from the Police force [I should have said SKNF contaminant in the security services, Government etc]. The last 2 world wars had Police involvement in their incitement. It is the backbone of the nut force [Actually the SKNF contaminant in the security services is the backbone of the nut force.]. Sending an emissary to Police controlled places for slaves eg the MSC is a death wish [Actually the MSC and other shelters, prisons etc are all SKNF controlled. In fact the SKNF contamination reaches everywhere, including the ministries/departments etc etc]. The Police tend to kill the messengers.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-SKNF constructing advanced weaponry inc kinetic missiles, lasers using own chipsets.
-Using a mixed flower concoction (flowers, many varieties seeped in water [warm]). Drinking this. Appears to destroy virii. The trillion magic bullets or death by a thousand cuts to the infected cells. Probable cure for all internal virii infections inc HIV, HPV, Alzheimers, Parkinsons etc. Specific attrition. Also good for cancer.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-I had thought I had found a cure for HIV when the SKNF's attempt to torture me by slow, painful death hidden within a lie of providing me HIV medicines if I would assist them had failed I had not shown symptoms of HIV. I now know that the virii injected in me were killed. Fortunately for me the SKNF's psychosis and craving for atrocities and evil. It kept me alive long enough for the lords to come to my aid and save me.
The original financiers of the SKNF are now servants to their ex-servant nutters. The creation of the SKNF via the Police route is as follows: From Police college/academy young Police are initiated as enforcers for narcotics, prostitution, enslavement and other typical police trades. Those that do well ie the nuttiest, serial killers all of them, move up the ranks and if from a family that has been in the Police, into the Intelligentsia and computer room. Its quite a scam. You sell the narcotics and enslave the people that take it. Its so cool that all the pretty girls get turned into prostitutes. A systematic enslavement of humanity. One must be enslaved if you want to do well. To the Police, this enslavement is wealth, in reality it is not but actually a sign of the mediocrity of thought and low brow mental activity that occurs in the minds of the Police and the Intelligentsia. It may lead to our end this meme that has subdued us.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Made a flower concoction. Added Magnolia, very toxic and its seeped fluids and flower too dangerous. I was not able to walk and feeling very dizzy. Currently my eyes affected am seeing double as I write this. [This note was probably written during March 2013 when the SKNF had injected me with HIV during a compulsory TB test that is required by all the shelters. This was performed by a Caucasian woman in her late 50's-60's, about 5' 7" tall, almost light brown hair, cut medium length to the collar, my first lesson in not judging a book by its cover and how these old women serial killing perverts are just as evil as their male counterparts. I did not wish to be enslaved by them and attempted to self medicate by creating a concoction made up of flowers. It appeared to work as I was not showing the symptoms of HIV. This must have frustrated the SKNF who then sent agents around SF, digging up flower beds and replacing them with flowering plants that had been seeped in toxins. Most of them did not work but the Magnolias were very toxic due to their water requirements. They also put laxatives, urine and fecal matter over the flowers as well as had their uniformed serial killing perverts harass me. I was injected with HIV on too many occasions to remember. The first lot was 2-3 times at the MSC during these TB test. I would go for a TB test and would not receive my test results and TB card after the prescribed week. It was only on the 2nd or 3rd test that they finally gave me a TB card. The 2nd-3rd test was performed by 2 women. I cannot recall what they looked like. An Indian serial killing pervert even came in and rubbed the area of injection so that it could spread faster. This guy was about 5' 9" tall, thin build, light brown-grey skin, approximately 50's-60's years of age. It was only later that I discovered that the HIV injected in me were actually killed samples. I also discovered that the test being done at the MSC was not being uploaded in the Hospital databases as they are meant to do and that these injection were being performed by the secret service, probably all SKNF. In fact I also learnt that this requirement by the shelter for TB tests is one of the ways that the SKNF infects their enemies with HIV. They also use it to enslave their population of poor. The staff at the shelter are all aware and possibly all colluding in these crimes against humanity.]. I was wrong about the Magnolias. SKNF coated bush with toxin. Have lost ability to focus on close objects. Need myopia therapy. My chances of surviving dwindles but I will go down fighting. No one appears to want to help me.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
In about June 2013 I was kicked out of the MSC even though they were ordered to ensure my safety. Even though the Lord of SF had commanded my safe return to Malaysia. They then had me living on the streets of SF and at various shelters around SF. The SKNF agents in the guise of being the good guys pretended to assist me, probably to gain my trust. The SKNF contaminated psyops pretended to be doing their job. In actuality they were trying to torture me and make me suffer. I then managed to get a 90 day bed at Hospitality House on Leavenworth St. By this time I was wary of the SKNF 's tricks. It was here that the SKNF used a pneumatic syringe to pump me with HIV. This happened every other night. It was also there that the SKNF tried to use me as a telephone to harass the Lord of SF. At not time did the SKNF contaminated psyops warn me of impending attack or even during these attacks. In fact they did the opposite and made my sleep deeper and prevented me from feeling the needles as it entered my body.
It was at this time that I saw the Lord of SF's friends being tortured and suffer atrocity. The SKNF had also attacked President Obama and Family/Lords telepathically, giving them an upset gastro-intestinal tract. The SKNF's joke of the day being that they "would get to the bottom of it". In retrospect I see this as looking into the SKNF's psychosis seeing how the FoM have this propensity for playing with their anus while being supported emotionally by other parts of the SKNF. I had noted and had mentioned to the President that the SKNF contaminant in psyops could be seen in the way that the President and the others that were attacked had not been telepathically protected. I actually left Hospitality House on Leavenworth St because I did not want to be part of these attacks and not because it was safer at the other shelters.
The SKNF contaminant had also started spreading the lie that I was working for the President's narcotics operation, these lies being spread by posters in the Tenderloin. In fact it appeared to me that the security services, the UN, the secret services and a veritable horde was SKNF. They would support any lie that the SKNF made. This horde would do the drive-by parades, the walk-by parades, the fleet of ships sailing into the Bay Area parade etc etc. All in support of SKNF lies. These lies ranged from the mundane to the fantastic regardless. Truth seemed irrelevant. The SKNF lied that the lords in the commander roles were subordinate to two chairmen like heads of a table of commanders. The SKNF lied that the lords owed money. The SKNF lied that the military were in process of reorganizing. The SKNF lied that the conspiracy was my fault etc etc. The lords were under constant attack as well. These attacks were telepathic as well as physical. The SKNF tried to laser the lords. Tried to drop nukes on them etc etc.
It was about this time that the SKNF contaminant in psyops stopped pretending they were friendly and started showing their intentions plainly. There was this guy that stayed at the MSC as a guest, went by the name of John. Eurasian, 20's to early 30's, tall, maybe well over 6' 2", thin faced, wore a crew cut. He started going psychotic and openly calling for the SKNF to kill me. They made every attempt, telepathically and every other way, to make me do their bidding. The truth is that I am not allowed to attack the lords, neither am I allowed to be a terrorist. I have said that the lords must take my example as the only correct behavior and non else. This is important for reasons of their safety. The SKNF will try to use say otherwise in a Sympathy-Sucking-Escape-Trick.
The serial killing perverts I remember being at Hospitality House are
1.A Maori man, 50's-60s, approximately 5' 7" tall, short cropped hair. SKNF-NZ. Seems to hang around me a lot.
Maori man from Hospitality House who is SKNF-NZ: Maori-Snake01 |
Serial-Killer-Rubbery-Lips: SKNF-Diplonut who appears to have similar job like Polyp-Woman. Image was then changed by SKNF at February 4, 2015 Time: 1714 |
4.A gay dark haired, frizzy haired man. About 5' 9" tall. Pudgy, blimp shaped. Caucasian. Tried to turn me into a male prostitute. Also tried to force me to sell narcotics in SF.
5.An African-American man. Approximately 6' 2" tall. SKNF paramilitary type. Stocky build. Rectangular head.
6.A Caucasian, dark haired mad. Balding pate. Used to wear a hat, possibly fedora. Stocky build. About 6' tall.
7.A dark haired female approximately 50's-60's that worked in a staff role. Long hair. Garish make-up. Thin eybrows. Approximately 5' 7" tall.
8.A young female in her 20's. Dark long haired. Strange upper body that gave her the appearance of being top-heavy. Acted in staff role. Approximately 5'7" tall. They tried to offer her to me for sexual favors.
9.A Caucasian/Mexican man, approximately 5' 7" tall. Dark haired. Acted in staff role. Would have a ring through his nose in their collusive attempt with psyops to say that I am a "black" operative.
10.A good looking male, about 6' 1" tall, 20's-early 30's. Said he was the Program Manager. Name given on card is David McKinley. Well built as if he had been working out at a gym.
11.An African-American older man, 60's. Wears his pants tucked into his socks in some kind of military manner. Short haired. Hair greying.
12.Short stocky Caucasian man. 5' 9" tall. Short brown/dark hair. Appears at the MSC and wherever I am once in a while.
13.Thin blond male. Thin face. About 5' 8" tall. HIV carrier and suffering from AIDs. SKNF have recently used his blood to infect me at the MSC (January 30, 2015)
Man 1 is now residing in the MSC. Man 2 plays a role like Polyp-Woman plays ie some kind of SKNF-diplonut agent. Appears to do work for the SKNF corrupted UN as well as for security services. Appears to work for secret services.
14.Stocky, Maori, military looking male. Brown skin. Age approximately late 40's-50's. Skinny arms. Stocky chest. SKNF-NZ. This guy played the good guy in a
Take-All-Sides-Trick where he pretended to be threatening the serial killing perverts that were attacking me at Hospitality House in a pretended act of protecting me. A similar trick was played on me when I returned to the MSC by a large, dark skinned, possibly Tongan or African descent male, easily 6' 4" tall. Likely military. I was injected again with HIV while I slept. I am still being injected with HIV and fed parasitic worms and their eggs even now (January 31, 2015). Again the SKNF contaminant in psyops ensure that I am never warned. The SKNF took offence at my pointing out that they are doing a Take-All-Sides-Trick last night, allowing small crimes to occur for an excuse to allow even bigger crimes to happen. They then allowed the FoM to attack me in my sleep. This compounding the other attacks that I am constantly under. The lords, from highest command to the President has ordered my safe return to Malaysia and yet have been disobeyed. Beware the SKNF contaminant in the security services!
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. January 31, 2015, 1000-1100
I think our side must be very weak next to the SKNF. Those at the top seem to lose person after person without defense. They have left me in the enemy's hands in SF and then go about pretending I am safe. [This shows how successful the subterfuge of secrecy, even when it is against the lord's interest, is against the lords. The lords have lost many of their good people to the SKNF. The lucky ones have just barely managed to escape with their lives intact but are usually carrying injuries. In the future the lords must ensure the safety of those that support them.]. This is like the big Pretense. Our side pretends that someone is not trying to kill them and the SKNF pretends it is not trying to kill our side. I wonder how different the SKNF is from the top on our side. Right now I see few differences.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. January 31, 2015, 1300-1400
[Some notes on ideas for tricorder technologies and education. ]
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
[Some notes on ideas for tricorder technologies and education. ]
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Following is from page that had been ripped out of notebook-3 and is now out of order.
SKNF are repeating attempts to mass murder by attempting to detonate nuclear weapons, yellow cake dirty bombs, nuclear artillery and serial killings. Fucking-Fu-Manchu also a television general like Angry Ted except he is an ex-head now and being held (and deservingly so) hostage by SKNF-China lieutenants. SKNF attempts at diverge-converge attack being controlled and nullified. Usual time wasting tactics being used by SKNF in courts all over world.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF implementing diverge-converge terrorist serial killing plan all over world esp Australia. SKNF continue to try subterfuge and delaying tactics with intention to atrocity. SKNF sending collaborators. SKNF serial killing nuts out yelling at all on sundry and generally trying to force us to believe them.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
0908 SKNF attack civilian passenger aircraft flying N(?) Sun in East over SF. Plane rolled/turned left then right then seemed to pitch up and down. SKNF collaborators (could also be serial killers) playing for sympathy while buying time so that SKNF can attack. SKNF transferring tested nuclear and other weapons (chemical, nuclear, grenades, mortar, bullets etc) to Australia & NZ. Trying to hold these countries hostage. SKNF still have electronics. SKNF show no sign of contrition whatsoever. SKNF-Counties-Manukau now have nuclear weapons in NZ
[They received this from Australia. Had yellow cake, nuclear artillery, nuclear grenades and launchers etc etc]. Looks like majority of Police and military in NZ are SKNF hence unable to apply sentencing (NZ courts already held trial). Explains many things.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
0908 SKNF attack civilian passenger aircraft flying N(?) Sun in East over SF. Plane rolled/turned left then right then seemed to pitch up and down. SKNF collaborators (could also be serial killers) playing for sympathy while buying time so that SKNF can attack. SKNF transferring tested nuclear and other weapons (chemical, nuclear, grenades, mortar, bullets etc) to Australia & NZ. Trying to hold these countries hostage. SKNF still have electronics. SKNF show no sign of contrition whatsoever. SKNF-Counties-Manukau now have nuclear weapons in NZ
[They received this from Australia. Had yellow cake, nuclear artillery, nuclear grenades and launchers etc etc].
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Saw a picture of a nuclear bomb test by SKNF-AUS. Also appears that most Australian security infrastructure is dirty ie same as NZ. SKNF nuttiness about being master class and enslaving everyone. It may be that SALT infrastructure will prevent SKNF from using their nukes against populations. SKNF afraid to test possibility and actually may not be able to [I was wrong. The SKNF did try and failed.]. Saw John Keys sending message to SKNF that NZ + Australia have signed a document to [SKNF insertion removed and not copied here - basically the Prime Ministers of New Zealand and Australia are both SKNF vermin. They signed a UN document to allow the UN to send troops to Australia and New Zealand, purportedly to protect these countries from the SKNF but actually to bolster the number of serial killing perverts in both these countries so that these countries are held hostage and suffer atrocities. The SKNF were thwarted when the lords said they would use the advanced weapons against any SKNF incursions of this sort.]. [SKNF fraudulent insertion not included here.]. SKNF worldwide attempting to kill as many people as possible by poisoning water supply, air by bacterial, germicidal, chemical agents.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
[SKNF fraudulent insertion not included here.]. SKNF arming gangs and creating canon-fodder army all over world. - attempting to create chaos. SKNF-China crimes include cooking people in boiling oil. SKNF-China television generals and 'super-soldier' nuts are like SKNF in other countries. Lots of talk and only dangerous to the unarmed and defenseless. SKNF-Middle-East becoming vocally nutty. D-Day yet to arrive.
Hillary Clinton attacked by SKNF. Given concussion and blood clot on the brain. Recovering well. [She was hit with a golf club].
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
End of page that had been ripped out of notebook-3 and out of order
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. January 31, 2015, 1300-1400
Was supposedly provided a TB test on [SKNF fraudulent date insertion - Date was sometime in February-April 2013]. Was provided a TB clear card on [SKNF fraudulent date insertion - Date was sometime in February-April 2013]. This consists of pumping a quantity of supposed antigen under the skin in the left arm creating a small visible bubble which disappears if you do not have TB. It appears that I may have been infected with a large dose of HIV. One can observe this by noting spread of viral signs from origin of first infection. Is very worrying.
[The SKNF uses this regularly. I recall the same being done to me in NZ when I first arrived there (1982). The SKNF contaminant is the secret service all pretending that they are unable to control a large and hidden enemy. I think the SKNF have been doing this for some time, all supposedly in the lord's name and for the lord's good but actually undermining the lords, stealing their wealth and eventually trying to hold them hostage and commit atrocities on them.].
-Got cold like symptoms in back of throat/septum.
[This was another SKNF attack where they pumped virii or a toxin into the air infecting or poisoning everyone around.].
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF appears to show signs of failure. Apparently they had attacked the Lord of San Francisco on numerous occasions. The Police in SF have disobeyed direct orders by their Chief of Police [to arrest the SKNF] and instead have attempted to hold hostage and commit atrocities on him. It appears that the SKNF may not win Plan A for lack of advanced weapons. [I did not know about the SKNF true plan (SKNF conspiracy).]. It appears that the security services was providing the SKNF enough rope so as to understand the level of SKNF infection. This seems to have gone all the way to advanced weapons control. The surprise to the SKNF was that there is an even higher level control which no one was aware of (SALT). The SKNF have been pursuing advanced weapons manufacture as well as control over [SKNF fraudulent propaganda insertion to make it appear that the SKNF conspiracy is a narcotics trade problem] electronics. Fortunately (very, very lucky), this part of the security infrastructure appears not to be infiltrated (Take note! We have been extremely lucky! It could have been otherwise - see advanced weapons). [I was wrong. SKNF have infiltrated all of security services]. The SALT level security infrastructure are under constant attack by the SKNF either by claiming higher formal authority or by atrocity - my thanks to them for their sanity. The SKNF are now strengthening their Plan B and Plan C (hostages etc + low level war). San Francisco proprietors home was attacked, broken into with the intention to hold hostages. The Royal Family of UK the same. Probably all proprietors the same. SKNF attempting to activate their canon-fodder army who they have armed. A number of Police died attending to the SKNF attacks. SKNF are using Kevlar vests and suit penetrating munitions and very powerful automatic weapons. SKNF also attempting to scurry out of the light by pretending to not be involved in coup d'état. All good signs in a way as reminiscent of the fall of the nutcase armies of WW2.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Remember to ask for arrest and incarceration of low life who attacked me today with insects and poisoned me.-keep record.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Mum (Julie Zimmermann) was murdered by the SKNF. She was given a poison Ventolin inhaler while in Fiji when I was in 5-6 form. They tried to blame Jorg. Nick declined to tell anyone for fear of trouble from the SKNF. I have at least returned this to the SKNF even if I don't survive. SKNF tactics: hold hostages (friends of proprietor), other atrocities and serial killings if unable to, scurry out of the light and infect more infrastructure etc. Since laser defense system is infiltrated the likely scenario is for the disruptor weapon to be used for disinfecting [Actually all of advanced weapons have been infected with SKNF vermin.]. SKNF have expanded large amount of energy in convincing would be hostages and victims that the SKNF are their friends. SKNF nutters have even borrowed children so they can look like family men and women [Common SKNF tactic. Also so that they can get close to their intended victims.]. Even saw the nutcase woman who infected me with HIV the first time. Whatever is going on with annihilation of the SKNF is outside public knowledge. SKNF using this [subterfuge for secrecy] for their propaganda campaign. Police and probably other security forces heavily infested by SKNF cancer. One SKNF lie is to say that there is a (imaginary) god-father of narcotics, each narcotic type with a unique godfather and each of these godfathers are supporting the non-SKNF. Just have to wait until the disruptor starts eradicating the SKNF vermin. SKNF have wheeled out ancient looking elderly, young teens and every age in between. If there is a lesson here it is to not judge a book by its cover. It appear that the SKNF's plan for me as they are holding me [hostage] at the MSC in SF, is for me to bear witness to their planned atrocities in SF, mutilate me and the blame me for the atrocities. They even videoed me so they could construct a news bite. I will be surprised if I survive.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Chief of Police in every area except those within the
[Nut-Lord's] (who thankfully are now hostages of their own nuts Ha!Ha!) have ordered the SKNF be arrested. Police not following orders. Indicative of level of infection. Lots of rebuild work when this is all over for all Govt departments. Charter: All departments to provide infinite levels of safety.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF 2nd attempt to infect me with HIV and possibly other virii must have been with a very high concentration of virii. Have found white area of my eye with a broken capillary. Think this is an infected site that may be dying [Actually was a result of one of the SKNF's poisons.]. Therapy with flowers very effective. Some spread across all parts of my body, neck, right and left arm [This refers to the SKNF attacking me with eczema virii.]. Infection introduced near vein in left arm [SKNF mixing up notes regarding their numerous virus attacks on me - this one refers to a HIV attack on me.]. There has been no reduction in my immune systems nor ability to heal. Still being held as their hostage at the MSC.
This is a combination of notes from before and after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
[SKNF fraudulent insertion to say that some of the children that were tortured survived and returned home. SKNF puerile humor.]. The SKNF attack them telepathically [Victims of torture.]. They have continuous migraines, headaches and inflamed lymph glands. They seem to rest a lot. Occasionally a SKNF monster will go to a house at random to perform an atrocity. The SKNF force me to experience the pain these poor souls endure. [I think most of this note refers to a child that the SKNF in Perth had trepanned and then the FoM had demanded that the hole in her brain filled with excrement in just another of their psychotic attacks.].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
[SKNF fraudulent insertion not included here. I think I wrote that things were at DefCon 5].In SF they have poisoned the water. [I think there may have been more than one attempt. At one point I saw that the water emerging from the taps had a slight blue tint]. Everybody has been told. All are alert worldwide. [SKNF fraudulent insertion not included here]. SKNF have a multinational nuts team that have created their own electronics. Looks like with tech stolen from a few countries. [SKNF propaganda insertion not included here.]. SKNF trying to test electronics with bomb at MSC. SKNF on attack.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-The SKNF had stolen tech from other countries (China, Brazil etc etc), not only the USA. They thought they would succeed when they had stolen Iran's electronic technology thinking Iran to be too far behind in technology to have much of a defence. Fortunately this proved to be a little optimistic. There were 3 SKNF agents at the MSC who were gathering frequency and transmission information for a bag bomb that had been carried in by another SKNF nutter. The bag-bomb guy was about 6' tall, dark haired and probably wore glasses-I am finding it a little difficult to recall this nutter face at this moment. There was a short (about 5' 5"?) thin build, dark skinned male, probably in late 20's-30's, who would drag around a box that was attached to a two wheeled trolley, probably Indian descent, or maybe African descent. Another was a northern Arabic, possibly Iranian looking male, late 20's-30's, about 6' 1" tall, short curly haired, he appeared to be ordering the electronics psyops of his country to release the transmission information so he was probably senior secret service - I think this guy had come from Iran and that the SKNF had thought Iranian technology an easy theft - he may also still be hanging around SF. There was also this Caucasian male, 50's+, brown medium-long wavy haired. This lot were trying to figure out why their stolen electronics could work in a test context but could not work elsewhere
Psycho-Nut-Serial-Killer - man that murdered/mutilated woman from Tenderloin district in attempt to frame me with atrocity (I was thrown out of the MSC that night on threat of incarceration by 2 policemen) hanging around MSC. He is a John Gacy variety of serial killer [Not very wealthy and has to constantly prove his worth by pretending to be the most fearsome and psychotic. This also occurs within the wealthy variety of serial killer eg the FoM compared to the SKNF contaminant in psyops in the USA and other super-powers, Australia, Europe and England. Ted Bundy is a version of the medium wealthy variety of super-power based serial killer.]. Fat bodied, short hair-cut - almost greasy. Gets respect from other nut force by [pretending to have] no control over his insane rage behavior. Overt psychosis. Fat motherfucker. The SKNF have two big [serial killing perverts] and two fat [serial killing perverts] around me. Also the SKNF psychos are hanging around with telemetry package. I also observed a large quantity of plastic explosives under the Bay Bridge, SF above Pier [SKNF fraudulent insertion says Pier 26-28. Google says that it is Pier 24. I read Pier 36 while going pass under the Bay Bridge for well over a year.]. SFPD pretending it didn’t know about it. [I was obviously aware of the orders from the Lord of SF to the SF Police to arrest the SKNF and the SFPD’s disobedience].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks. February 1, 2015, 1330-1400
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks.
- 暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗暗日<<<<<< -SKNF psyops contaminant are reacting badly to events now facing them as well as my notes that they are playing a Take-All-Sides-Trick game in pretending that they can’t stop the FoM from attacking this computer and preventing me from obeying the orders for anyone with any information on the SKNF conspiracy to present a report. February 1, 2015, 1400-1500
SKNF all in position to perform their insanity (hostage taking, nukes, poisoning etc). I think mil is now reacting as SKNF nutters [SKNF fraudulent insertion not included here.]. They are doing a massive bullshit propaganda campaign. I think these are the last days of the SKNF [Nope. There was another about 2 1/2 years to go until today (February 1, 2015).]. Boston annual marathon attacked with plastic explosive bombs. 3 dead. 140 injured.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF emanating from Bryant St SF central police station attack junior high school. Attack rebuffed. SKNF scurry away.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-The defenders were strangely asked to use only small caliber bullets (0.22) as in every other case where there was a SKNF attack and a defense against this attack. I had thought this strange and discovered that it was due to the collusion occurring between the attackers and the defenders. With respect to the defenders, it could have been a knowing collusion or one where their superiors were in collusion and playing the old Take-All-Sides-Trick. The SKNF then got some of the children from this school to serve at St. Anthony’s homeless dining room, this to hide their complicity in the attack, to strengthen the subterfuge that the “volunteers” and staff at St. Anthony’s are not SKNF, to prevent the schools from being suspicious of all these secret service and other security services agents that hang around their students and schools and thus allow the SKNF access to a ready supply of the most defenseless of all victims of atrocity. It was hinted that the Departments and Ministries of Education had already been told to advise schools and their other charges. The fact that they did not is a very strong indicator that even they are heavily contaminated with the SKNF serial killing pervert vermin.
[SKNF fraudulent insertion not included here.]
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Appears that cavalry is actually personnel hired by very wealthy of SF mixed in with an array of nutters posing as security. (Attempted school attack in SF was rebuffed by private security. Psyops informed mil of impending attack on school) [ See previous note and annotation – it is not a clear as this appears.].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Majority of Intelligentsia/Police/Intelligence obtained computer weapon from same highest level master group (hence the corruption) [I was wrong. There is widespread SKNF contamination at all levels of security infrastructure.].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Depth of SKNF infiltration apparent in wall of bullshit to prevent any real action from being taken. If there is any action at all it must be occurring at a very high level in the hierarchy. What I see is more of the same, a continuous prevarication and misdirection to prevent any action whatsoever and empower SKNF consolidation of their coup. [This note is obviously from about 2012 to early 2013.]. I would also appear that SKNF at present are unable to replicate advanced weapons (apart from nuclear weapons [I was wrong here as well. The lords appears to have this well under control.]) or advanced delivery systems eg rockets etc. The infestation continues to get worse and one wonders if a day will come when the SKNF will be destroyed and should that day come how bad the destruction will be to those who are not SKNF.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
[SKNF fraudulent insertion not included here]. USA Today newspaper reports that Israel led an airstrike against Syria. Appears that SKNF sub-strategy is to scorch Middle-East thereby starting excuse for nuclear holocaust beginning there. USA Today also reports Syria & Iran may join forces. SKNF in Israel, Syria, Iran behind this activity. I feel like a human recorder, recording these events but only capable of guessing what may be occurring at the primary levels of our hierarchy. SKNF symptom of insanity (ie their attacks on me) can be very informative as to what is happening in the background. Airstrikes from Israel could only be successful if some (SKNF-Russia? SKNF-Syria?) has deactivated their missile defenses.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Possible that I have been poisoned with virus and/or bacteria yesterday or day before. Probably in my food at shelter. Lymph glands in throat beginning to swell.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-Actually it was a airborne aerosol poison. They also have a cold inducing virus that is sprayed out of a aerosol can.
Suspect it will be a difficult weekend. Very cold at moment. SKNF trying to starve me. Have attempted to return to Malaysia and been given the usual run-around by the SKNF staffers (Asian Chinese guy who went by the name of Tuan Nguyen - unlikely to be his real name). Scenario:- A façade of lies. Went to get help for my return to Malaysia. Made to wait and wonder around SF. Threatened with incarceration in a mental institute. Insinuations made that I am part of their narcotics trade and a drug addict. Attempts to force me to join SKNF by offers of sexual favors, narcotics, a place to live etc. Who are they lying to is a mystery. It was and still is obvious what the SKNF are up to. I spoke to 2 Police officers who basically told me to sell drugs on the street. This being a symptom of the SKNF's common insanity. I have said this before. Obviously they are trying to fool people that the SKNF believe they can fool [Actually the whole lot are in collusion.]. How could these people believe them and what is the greater context [They are all SKNF and are in collusion as I was to find out later.]. Possibility: SKNF have populated the streets of SF and other cities with an army of nuts on the pretense that they are protecting the wealthy citizenry from the SKNF -> only possible if the SKNF are posing as command on the non-SKNF side. It would explain why businesses are helping SKNF takeover SF (and other) economies (even printing money from the mint in SF). These businesses are obviously not fools. [I am unsure if the word "business" is mine. I suspect it is an SKNF fraudulent insertion. I think I had written security or something else or may have meant something other than business.]. The tactic of swarming all security activities and pretending to be on the "good" side is maybe fooling some people. Usual SKNF symptoms of their insanity. Inane chatter and self sustaining belief in their ability to win [There was no way for the SKNF to win. The outcome of the SKNF conspiracy would have been the destruction of Earth. However I think the SKNF would consider that a win.]. One wonders how this will play out in the end. Will we see the destruction of the cities? SKNF infection continues to get worse yet there is no activity against them. Yet SKNF have no chance of winning. My thoughts are that the highest levels need to re-consider this allowing of the attrition of their friends due to unimportance as measured by the wealth in their pockets is a trademark of the SKNF and a reflection we have of the source of that that created the problem in the first place. One wonders if humanity will survive now that we have disruptor weapons.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-In a bid to return to Malaysia I had gone to a service St. Anthony's provided. They had sent me to a place on Mission Street where I met this Chinese man who called himself Tuan Nguyuen but his name appeared to be contingent on what he felt like being called on that day. He wore his spectacles upside down when I first met him. I asked him if this had any significance. He did not give me a satisfactory reply. He then had me run around SF, on one occasion having me walk to the General Hospital on 22nd and Protrero Avenue, meeting me at the mental institution. He had also helped me to supposedly call the Malaysian embassy which then told me that not only could they not help me return to Malaysia but also did so in a attacking vicious manner. I suspect this was more SKNF agents who may or may not have worked for the Malaysian embassy in the US. I was then told that they, Tuan's lot, could only help me if I was to come up with half the travel fees and if I could produce my travel documents, this after I had told him that all my belongings including my travel documents had been stolen while I was at the MSC. Anyway this all turned out to be a SKNF collusive trick and joke that they liked playing on their victims. Tuan is a short Chinese male. He appeared to wear spectacles. Appeared to be from South East Asia. Remember that this had all happened even though the Lord of San Francisco in his capacity as Chief of Police had ordered my safe return to Malaysia. The SKNF are now, February 1, 2015, offering to return me to Malaysia only if I start working on their behalf ie selling their narcotics and/or supporting their attacks on the lords. This is something they have continued to do right throughout my incarceration in SF. I had kept the documents Tuan had given me but these may have been stolen by the SKNF to hide their activities.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks.
February 2, 2015, 1000-1100
The insane will persist in their symptoms even though it is not attached to reality. The SKNF's interminable cock & bull stories continue. One wonders if the continuing secrecy is indicative of a sense of culpability for the evil that is seen by the non-SKNF. If this is so then it speaks volumes about the state of mind of the extremely wealthy and of the nature of their activities being automatic, based on the activities of their ancestors and without conscious thought. In this day of the invention of gravity weapons like the disruptor the human species cannot allow this excuse or behavior. The [first] Supreme Court's [findings] is the correct one if humanity is to survive for any longer than 40 years. It is necessary that a more truthful, [SKNF fraudulent propaganda insertion not included here - I think the original said something that refers to human development that is not focused on the nonsense that war is what causes advancement] and global approach is required in ones education on global history, without descending into cankers of envy. Also necessary is to remove the evil that persists in society, the need that appears in symptom as one where all programs of improvement to be headed by those that are predisposed to self-enrichment only. The SKNF are printing money as fast as they can from the mints that are under their control [Actually the truth is that there is collusion and heavy SKNF contamination within these organizations]. Apparently they believe that they can make a million percent profit permanently, as long as no one known how much money there is. They have actually fucked the monetary system [The SKNF were printing unauthorized money and saying that it does not matter as long as no one knew who had the money or how much money there was. The reality is that this is actually theft from capital with capital's assets being fraudulently reallocated into the SKNF's hands. This explains the economic problems in New Zealand in 1987, the South East Asian economic problems of 1997, the Japanese economic problems pre-1980, the current economic problems of Europe and the USA, the attempts at creating economic problems in China by trying to force it to float its currency, the Great Depression of the 1920-1930's, the depression pre-WW1 etc. The economic difficulties experienced by the populace has been enormous and in itself are crimes against humanity. The SKNF had even planted these lies within stage 3 economic text at universities and had even lectured them. I now know the reason for this is because of the SKNF contaminant within the education departments and ministries.].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
SKNF attempts at deceiving using military tribunal where SKNF are defense, prosecution [ and judiciary ] has failed. SKNF immediately closed off tribunal in an indecision with another tribunal planned in June [ 2013] . This appears to be a failed tactic judging from SKNF behavior. Interminable SKNF blathering a symptom of SKNF insanity. The insane really do believe whatever they believe in [In this case it was that their interminable bullshit will get them out of the problems their premature attack on the lords had caused. This is very much the same even now in February 2015 where the SKNF believe that their Sympathy-Sucking-Escape-Tricks are going to work and that the fact that they are showing no contrition or remorse whatsoever will be unnoticed.]. Indications are that the SKNF thinks it will lose and in response have a scorched earth policy as well as a belief that they can hide away and plan for WW4 [ This is also the current and primary SKNF plan as they know they cannot win. They are trying to get their 2nd class SKNF members to kill and commit atrocities and be destroyed so that their 1st class variety of serial killing pervert can escape in a Sympathy-Sucking-Escape-Trick that they believe will arise when the world sees how many serial killing perverts were eradicated.]. One has to wonder about the extent of Police involvement in this. NZ has not rid itself of the SKNF indicating the majority of Police involved (in NZ at least). Our actions after this world war will determine the probability of Earth’s survival and the prevention of WW4 based extinction. Thus far indicators are not good. We are slow in responding to the obvious attempt at global annihilation, both those trained to carry weapons and the civilians. What is apparent is the size of the SKNF, the vermin are in everything. Bestus-Lieutenant [I had started calling him Bestus Lieutenant because SKNF-NZ had this tendency to play the best soldiers the USA would ever come across, even better than the best SKNF-AUS, but would then proceed to try and take all its ally's technologies the moment SKNF-USA turned its back], a nutcake that is male, Caucasian, balding, NZ, approx.. 6’ 2” tall, late 40’s is representative of SKNF-NZ Police and SKNF in general. It has become even nuttier – a good sign as one is reminded of a nest of cockroaches being disturbed. Second time I have seen a 13 year old girl on her way to being turned into a SKNF prostitute. They are fed cocaine and the paraphernalia of the narcotics world, in jargon and mode of action, made to feel cooler than kids their own age, it happens in their little gangs, now the whole bunch is headed down the path of many of the shelter denizens. All effort must be made to weed out the SKNF and their collaborators, no matter what age or circumstances.
-Is Falun Dafa and Falun Gong related? Many people have been incarcerated, tortured and have suffered vivisection and organ removal in China. The news says it is for subversive activities (the incarceration), yet it may be that these are victims of the SKNF, suffering for their revelation of SKNF's plan for China and the world [I later learnt that the SKNF plays a Take-All-Sides-Trick and could even be the protestors. And that the victims of vivisection and forced organ donations are called Falun Gong or whatever as a subterfuge. They then blame the rightful authorities in a Pass-The-Buck-Trick when it is actually the SKNF contaminant within Government that is at fault.]. Is McAfee incarcerated for the same reason - I feel that he may have heard of the SKNF plan and told others [Or it may be another SKNF and SKNF contaminated media propaganda campaign posing as a message told in double-speak]. Millions have suffered atrocities. What we live in has been described as a "monkey pile" with alpha-males and alpha-females etc. The beta-males seeking to supercede the alpha-males. We cannot afford to be monkeys nor, even worst, to be insane ones. We will win this war as the nuts have made too many mistakes, primarily they did not expect to have an inferior electronic control over the laser % nuclear weapons, nor the inability to build these resources quickly [I was unaware of NUT-1 and the SKNF-Lieutenants01's counterplan.]. We can expect WW4 if we continue as a monkey-pile and the nuts will not make the same mistakes even if exterminate all the SKNF.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks.
February 2, 2015, 1230-1300
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks.
February 2, 2015, 1300-1400
SKNF experimenting with methods to fool infallibility of telepathy to detect them. SKNF-NZ calls SKNF-USA to bolster their numbers in NZ and hold country hostage - intention of SKNF-NZ is to mask NZ Police involvement in coup. SKNF-NZ holds many, if not all, senior Police positions.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Infected with HIV again. Approximately 3 days - 1 week ago. Slowed down treating self
[I was collecting flowers and seeping them in warm water and drinking the concoction. I had thought I was winning the infection battle. The SKNF contaminant in the local security services must have thought so too so they re-infected me. Fortunately for me the SKNF wanted to torture me so continued to try and infect me with biological pathogens. The lords had actually supplied the SKNF with dead HIV pathogens. I was not so lucky with the eczema virii and the cold virii that they had used on me. Indicative that they could have killed me except for this SKNF psychosis for evil and torture, one that ultimately saved me for a sufficient amount of time so that the lords could come to my rescue. I know that the SKNF find this extremely vexing as their recent behavior informs me as much.]. Now have early signs of infection.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
In space of 10 minutes: Have been harassed by greater than 30 people, on foot, in vehicles and not including telepathic suggestions. All to herd me into their criminal activities and enslave me. I now know what happened to Tony.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Obama inc G8 (Putin etc) have signed some kind of agreement for the total annihilation of the SKNF. SKNF have increased their atrocity rate on people of Perth as one would expect serial killers would do.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
Obama as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces has made an order which has been disobeyed by SKNF [contaminated security services]. Likely equivalent situation in other countries and super-powers. Treason now in the open.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
High command has changed. Local SF security services also SKNF ie not obeying orders either. Instead there is further subterfuge and lying. Their most common lie at the moment is that they [the SKNF] have command. Was pricked multiple times with HIV virii last night. They still have electronics and in position of telepathic support positions. SKNF gang collaborators also showing full buy-in into SKNF.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-The SKNF had denied that the security services had been ordered to arrest the SKNF in all 5 instances ie 1.By the Chief of Polce 2.By the regional commander 3.By the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces 4.By Highest Command 5.By Highest Command to personal security. The SKNF contaminated security services would then lie in mass by parading around in mass, dropping rumors, using the SKNF contaminated media, having the SKNF contaminated UN say it etc etc. It was actually even worse then this. It was let known that the Government had been ordered and advised, is a way that was complete, comprehensive, clear and precise, about the SKNF conspiracy, crimes and threat and what to do. The SKNF contaminant in the Government had disobeyed and instead had supported the SKNF's crimes against humanity. This explains why so many schools were allowed to be attacked and atrocities occur. This explains a great deal about the way Government has been mismanaged. I used to think it was because of mistake and error but now know that the reason is almost entirely related to the SKNF contaminant and subsequent corruption of Government..
Security infrastructure being tested for SKNF. [SKNF fraudulent insertion not included here.]. SKNF infiltration heavy and orders are being disobeyed. Also found out that BP Gulf of Mexico explosion was caused by SKNF attack using laser.
[February 2, 2015: Civilians are not allowed to support terrorist organizations like the SKNF. The security services protocols and rules are even more restrictive. They are not allowed to give terrorist anything at all. Read this article from the BP web site and ask yourself if it is indicative of SKNF contamination within BP. My experience says yes it is and that the SKNF in BP are trying to attack the lords but doing so in a Pass-The-Buck-Trick where they will blame their terrorist supporting activities on a supposed higher authority's need for secrecy. The reality is that all those NUT-1 highest command positions that they refer to do not have command over BP or its assets. BP and its assets are commanded by the non-SKNF highest command.]. SKNF expecting imminent loss of their most lethal weapon ie electronics + computers are now looking for hostages that can be used as bargaining chips against their total annihilation - typical serial killer nutcase logic. It will make no difference.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat..
What is actually happening is that the highest authority has ordered the immediate arrest of the SKNF as well as provided various other orders [In retrospect I should have said regional commands except for where NUT-1 is.]. The SKNF have disobeyed these orders and have wasted time as usual. All the time with atrocities occurring and attempting to hold more hostages. It appears that only officers know who these highest authorities are [I was again fooled by the SKNF contaminant within the security services. They all knew and know who the regional commanders are as well as highest command.]. Non-officers are then ordered accordingly. The SKNF are now attacking their commanders telepathically, this apart from trying to torture, kill and steal their assets. [SKNF fraudulent propaganda insertion not included here.].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat..
The nuts continue their lies and atrocities even though they have no ability to win. From attempting to get sympathy to trying to make riots, crashing aircraft, trains, attempting to destroy the civilian computer network etc to the pretense that they [the SKNF] are the actual rulers behind the scenes. I could write volumes about their methods. There are many foolish people. It appears that many in the populace do not understand the probable repercussions in disobeying the orders of the highest part of the hierarchy. [On top of this there is a huge number of serial killing perverts that will try to do a Sympathy-Sucking-Escape-Trick and say they were under duress. My thinking is that the lords can only accept my example ie that no one is allowed to try and kill them let alone attack them.].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat..
The SKNF managed to create their web of evil primarily by its presence in the Intelligentsia - a position held for the most privileged and trusted staff of the rulers of our planet. [Rewritten for clarity - The SKNF contaminant within a lord's Intelligence unit would blame other lords or foreign Intelligence units for crimes perpetrated in a lie of there being a overpowering malignant presence.]. They would purposely allow a crime and then call it a mistake thus providing deniability to their other criminal and traitorous activities.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat..
SKNF tactics have been to play on the left, the right and the middle ground (enemy, friend, neutral) [the Take-All-Sides-Trick], this to control a situation. The "friend" is strongly resisting the use of telepathy to detect the SKNF and collaborators. The SKNF's current tactic is to be dormant and invisible, excusing themselves to say that they were ordered to conspire. Another part of their strategy is to have their "crack" [I used to think "crack" troops to mean the best. I now know that they meant the canon-fodder and craziest ones ie the cracked] troops so as to be able to blame the dead for their crimes. Their intention is to rebuild and cause evil again in the future. We must find each and every one of the SKNF and collaborators, sweeping up every particle of this evil.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat..
Lords are filtering SKNF from military and strengthening everywhere but Perth [Due to Perth being within NUT-1's region of command.]. SKNF continues subterfuge and lies while continuing their horrors in Perth. SKNF showing absolutely no signs of pity or contrition, in fact telepathically [as well as physically] attacking their victims and seeking more victims. SKNF trying to recruit anyone into helping them create chaos. World appears to be aware of situation and not, in general, helping SKNF.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat..
Richard @ MSC tries to force me into having SKNF inject me with HIV virii or poisons by forcing me to redo TB test - [Richard is a serial killing pervert vermin SKNF agent].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat..
I now understand what was going on in all militaries and Police. SKNF infiltration resulted in murders and tortures within which were hushed up. Military Intelligence caught with heavy SKNF (if not most, all) infiltration. [This and a legacy of SKNF infestation within the security services compounding an already bad problem to one which has resulted in the majority of the security services being SKNF.]. SKNF current plan - SKNF attacks [Paramilitary ?] to occur at the same time and then SKNF dressed in blue Police and/or military combat uniforms [pretend to come to rescue] and holds place hostage [We were saved by the SKNF's military and Police serial killing perverts not wanting to take risk of being killed by laser or advanced weapons so they could enjoy the spoils later. The SKNF paramilitary had learnt that lesson in 4 instances of attacking cities. One was Washington DC and a SKNF paramilitary attack on the Congress, another was in Beijing and another 2 more in cities unknown.].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat..
[SKNF fraudulent propaganda insertion to suggest that UN not heavily contaminated with SKNF vermin.]. SKNF trying everything to hold hostages, cause total destruction and trying to gain sympathy so that are allowed to hide away. Lord now putting battle plans into action [I was again fooled by the SKNF. The lords had been working against the SKNF in a careful, methodical manner due to the fact that the SKNF had infected every part of Government and the security services and are telepathically powerful enough to fool the lords.].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat..
SKNF have bobby trapped Perth with non-electronic detonator based nuclear bombs, all set for immediate explosion. There is no way to save Perth even with advanced weapons of today. They also planned for contamination of the Australian-global food bowl. They have packed radioactive materials around each bomb to make a dirty bomb. They are planning to spread radioactive material around the area. Reason why Perth cannot be saved.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-Actually I was fooled by a SKNF lie. I was later told and shown that the implementation of SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty) had taken building old style nuclear bombs into account and that there is no way for the SKNF to detonate a nuclear bomb unless it is allowed to happen. It was shown in 2014 that the atrocities in Perth are allowed to continue because NUT-1 wanted to see the counterplan part of the SKNF conspiracy happen so that it could concentrate all wealth within itself. This even though it would suffer being held hostage and atrocity by SKNF-Lieutenants01, its own subordinates. Hence my conclusion that NUT-1 is insane.
Media (newspapers, television etc) many are SKNF controlled hence treasonous activities and support for SKNF. Newscasters and actors have been blacklisted for not wanting to help nuts.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-Michael Jackson, Robin Williams, Christopher Reeves, John Lennon, Whitney Houston have all been murdered or severely hurt by the SKNF. Cheryl Jennings newsperson for ABC7 has lost her job when she tried to do the right thing and not support SKNF terrorist activities and propaganda.
Find out what SKNF connections to schools in and destroy it !!!!
-SKNF have been systematically killing good people in security services + elsewhere, systematically been corrupting all parts of society, Government etc.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-It appears that all of Government is contaminated with SKNF serial killing perverts. This explains why schools and other education institutions worldwide were allowed to be attacked and atrocity occur even though the were ordered and advised to protect their charges.
SKNF-China attacks various targets eg schools etc, Beijing and Shanghai and are repelled by laser defense system. SKNF enslavement tactics - entrap with narcotics, loans money or gets females entrapped -> sells body for sex -> threats now possible -> given credit card and never able to pay it off + make them pregnant so they have dependents. [SKNF tactics for enslaving females and creating an army by breeding more of themselves. The children are made compliant by threats of atrocity and rewards of free electronic toys and loads of brainwashing that there are no rules and laws and only the SKNF way is the right way. I have observed this personally. The SKNF also do not tell these girls that they are at risk of atrocity if they try to leave and do something else with their lives, at least not until they are entrapped and made slaves by the criminal justice system - read it as that.]
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-It appears that all of Government is contaminated with SKNF serial killing perverts. This explains why schools and other education institutions worldwide were allowed to be attacked and atrocity occur even though the were ordered and advised to protect their charges.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks.
February 2, 2015, 1530-1600
SKNF given 24 hours to comply with surrender orders. SKNF not complying at all.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-This was a SKNF time delaying trick.
SKNF attacking poorest people - slaves especially female slaves. Using their children as human shields and torture victims. [Something I do not recall writing but appears to be irrelevant.]. They appear to force poor to support them telepathically [As well as having a bunch of serial killing perverts within this category of the socio-economic ladder.]. SKNF 2nd failure to comply with order to surrender [Another SKNF time delaying tactic].
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
[SKNF fraudulent propaganda insertion.]
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
2nd extension given by corrupt UN. SKNF using this time for evil. SKNF trying very hard to hide this fact.
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-The SKNF corrupted UN gave credibility to every lie, performed every delaying tactic, disregarded every proof, pretended to re-investigate everything in a time sucking whirlpool of bullshit all the while prolonging the atrocities and even trying to create even more atrocities. Do not fall for their Sympathy-Sucking-Escape-Trick at the end of all this. They show every sign of relying on this as their way of escaping from punishment for their crimes.
Lords likely to attack SKNF as we reach 00:00am SF time
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-Another SKNF time sucking delaying trick
[SKNF fraudulent propaganda insertion implying that I knew about the NUT-1 and SKNF-Lieutenants01 counterplan prior to mid-late 2014 not included here.]
This is a combination of notes from after the Mexican Standoff and probably during and after March 2013. The original will probably return to me in due course when Family finally gets into position to face the SKNF threat.
-Another SKNF time sucking delaying trick
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKNF Tampering Attacks on computer preventing me from writing this report. Have colored all font background yellow and italicized them. Also funny set of tags at bottom of blog page. Causing problems with speed of computer, clock problems and simply being a bunch of serial killing perverts. Other continual attacks.
February 2, 2015, 1815-1900
February 22, 2015
I have stopped writing this report for the moment due to ongoing SKNF attacks. I will likely complete this report sometime before the end of this year when the SKNF threat has been nullified in compliance with orders from the Regional Commander.
The SKNF contaminant in local psyops, US security services etc are playing Take-All-Sides-Tricks in collusion with the FoM and other SKNF elements. The number of attacks have made it impossible to continue.
These attacks have not only included fraudulent alterations to this report but also to the written documents, the ones I have now being fraudulently forged. These fraudulently forged insertions and alterations are being used by the SKNF contaminant in the security services, especially the very privileged but treacherous psyops as tools for organizing the SKNF, tools for UN based SKNF subterfuge and hence a tool for attempting to take hostages and commit atrocities.
Also the Regional Commander and the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces (USA) has ordered my safety and safe return to Malaysia. The SKNF contaminant within the security services, especially psyops have disobeyed and are now secretly trying to torture me and kill me. The current attacks being trying to starve me, to make sure I am unable to attend to my hygiene requirements, deprive me of sleep, wet me with eczema pathogen, inject me with pathogen, beat me etc etc. All this being done with collusion of not only SKNF in psyops but at the shelters, within the Police, military, UN, etc etc.
The SKNF contaminant in psyops are offering to save me only if I become a member of the SKNF and support the SKNF. I have said that I hope Family/Lords use my example the only example as to what must be done in the event that there is a malevolent evil that wishes to attack them.
1.The ongoing attacks have resulted in this report being used by the local and foreign SKNF as a means for their propaganda.
2.The local SKNF are using my compliance to the Regional Commander's orders to provide a complete, comprehensive, clear and precise report on the SKNF conspiracy as a SKNF means to attack the Regional Commander.
3.The local SKNF in collusion with the SKNF elements elsewhere especially with SKNF-NZ and the Fruit of Manukau (SKNF psyops Counties-Manukau, New Zealand Police)
-a.Use this report as a propaganda tool by modifying the report as well as forging copies of the originating document
-b.Have used it as a SKNF organization and information tool to advise their second class SKNF citizens
-c.As a support tool for the SKNF elements within the UN for whatever new SKNF lie-du-jour is being bandied about
-d.As a means of hiding their complicity in the SKNF and SKNF conspiracy and threat by saying that they are unable to prevent the attacks using this report as example
3.The SKNF in psyops are using it as a means to subtract from the Regional Commander's authority by implying that their HOD's commands to allow the failure to follow orders take precedence over that of their Regional Commander
4.The SKNF in psyops are using this report to give themselves excuse for not complying with their Regional Commanders.
5.The SKNF in psyops are using this report to give themselves credibility as to the lie that they cannot stop the SKNF.
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